I’ve yet to see anyone state any features that would have actually mattered to anyone but the dress-up brigade, there is really no actual benefit to bloating the client for something a tiny fraction of the playerbase would actually use, if you want to pay for it, develop it, maintain it and properly bug test it then get in touch with CCP, but the costs far outweigh any tiny benefits the feature would provide, just simple fact
Then make it something a whole lot of people would use? Or better yet make it something which attracts to the game a whole lot of new people who would play this game if it has this specific thing?
I mean why think in terms what was it you can imagine things that could be?
…but of course CCP nowadays barely manages to make it look like the game is being maintained, not to mention actively develop something completely new and fresh, so it is a moot point anyway
Lots of people do things in EVE that don’t make a profit or have no obvious and “real” direct use, purely because it sounds cool or is entertaining to them.
Like you shooting idiot targets (mostly ones that don’t shoot back, notably) like abandoned MTU, gankers who are about to be exploded by concord anyway or pods. It brings you nothing, you’re not getting any profit or gains from it yet you do it anyway.
And so there are tons of people doing things within EVE that don’t bring them direct profit just because it’s cool to them. Others make guides, YT videos, help others or new players, go explore the universe fully expecting to be blown up etc etc etc.
Tons and tons of things that aren’t a direct gain to your wealth or spaceships, yet people keep finding new and different ways to create content, interact or enjoy what’s available.
The “dress-up brigade” likely spends more on the game than the Avatar gameplay haters do. Else PA/CCP would have stopped selling clothing long ago. But they didn’t. And they keep updating the models.
I think we’ll be seeing WIS back much sooner than later.
The issue is, there isn’t really anything that would make most people want to use it, the feature would need too much instancing to maintain playable framerates, not really sure lots of people would really want anything it could add
There isn’t much overlap between the people who like avatar gameplay and people who would want to play a spaceship game when there wouldn’t be any real substance to the avatar gameplay
I have considered it, thats the thing, i don’t really see anything that would appeal to everyone and as i said above there wouldn’t be enough substance to keep the avatar people happy, given most stuff to do would still likely require ISK like buying clothes etc so you need to have people who would want to grind spaceships and play dress-up, which is a small group
See benefit isn’t about profit, i never said it was about the ISK, nothing you could do in the avatar environment would have any real benefit to anything other than yourself and only for a short while until you realise the gameplay is shallow and lacks anything worthwhile
Actually i shot the MTU’s in hopes of getting loot from it, so there was a benefit involved in that one, otherwise i wouldn’t have wasted the ammo
Indeed, i host a guide site myself, i’m not really seeing how the avatar system would actually benefit any of those, hard to make a video guide about an element of spaceship gameplay when your footage is of someone walking around, and the rest of those things you listed require you to be undocked, hence avatar gameplay doesn’t even help with that
There is a difference between the people who like reskinning their ships and avatar to those who actually want to walk around while playing barbie, i’ve bought ship skins with ISK before but i have no interest in buying avatar clothing and my avatar hasn’t changed since it was created back in 2004
We won’t, i mean you’re free to hope for it but we won’t be seeing that coming back in EVE
And i would bet you ISK on that, but, i would only get paid when the server closes down so it would be kind of a pointless win
Sure, but the basics are the same, people will buy skins for things, clothes are just skins for people
But i don’t think they are the ones who would make the largest dent in the money CCP makes, those are the people running SP farms and buying extractors, omega will consume the next amount of PLEX along with MCT’s, ship skins will make them more than clothes could
All i did was explain why they aren’t going to bring it back, the market just wouldn’t be there, no market with a tiny fractional playerbase means you’re not going to get them to support something
People generally dont spend much on cosmetics in games. Major part of microtransactions goes to power increasing items, but game have to be not skills based, means reflex, knowledge etc, but level based with wealth dictating your options. Means you need more alts and more T3C, titans or catalysts instead of fancy dress.
Imagine avatar gameplay games have the same “problem”.
Funny thing is all the Avatar / CQ haters conveniently forget that CCP’s goal is to make Eve Online a Science Fiction Virtual Reality, not a Spreadsheets Spaceship Simulation.
Also the haters are always quick to point out how the Captains Quarters was rarely used yet they never mention the fact that CCP didn’t include any Avatar gameplay content with it. Nor will they mention anything about CCP’s incompetent code programing that constantly needs to be reworked.
So yeah, don’t bother wasting your time with that forum munchkin, he’s obviously suffering from Barbie-phobia.
CCP only implemented 3% of what Cap’n Quarters could’ve been so of course only 3% of players used it and that’s according to their numbers, no official or reliable source, just according to them, and why should I believe one word that comes out of CCP when they’ve chosen to be unreliable at best and backstabbing at worst?
For all we know, all the numbers they’re “sharing” with us are totally bogus.
So go on, what gameplay do you “think” would actually engage people enough for them to want to actually spend more than 5 minutes using it before realising that it actually makes all other elements of gameplay take longer?
Can’t do any gambling games so things like poker would be out
Can’t do anything that would actually affect other characters so that would rule out any kind of avatar combat system
So essentially you’re stuck with a social space that would be unusable in most popular locations due to needing to be instanced (jita 4-4 and any other major trade hub) and not even be able to be used on lower spec machines due to the lag involved at the quality CCP previewed, everything else would just be a slower way of interacting with the games content and when given the option of clicking an agents face in a menu and navigating from the hangar to their office in a large 3D environment, which option do you honestly think people are going to choose long term?
Sure it might be pretty to explore once or twice but once you’ve done that you’ll end up disabling it unless you’re hardcore in to playing dress-up, this is EVE, we are literally wired to streamline things so we can complete them as fast as possible and slow avatar gameplay that doesn’t really add anything meaningful will be a waste and be cut
Case in point, EVE Voice, Dust514 and the inevitable demise of the shooters that came and will come after it, they sold off their VR division and they never ended up making use of White Wolf purchase and never bothered even attempting to make their World of Darkness MMO
So yeah, not exactly a great track record for anything that isn’t specifically spaceship related
That isn’t gambling by the legal definition, its a raffle, you buy tickets and have a fixed rate chance of winning which you know ahead of time, you’ll note i specified things like poker
Wait, does this mean that under law, you cannot set a bet that involves isk with another plyer if you live somewhere that doesnt allow real world gambling?
First off, I really don’t care about your viewpoint on Captains Quarters or on Avatar gameplay. But in answer to your question, during the time after the 2011 Summer of Rage, there were lot’s of threads posted with various ideas for gameplay content, you can easily do a google search for that.
When CCP first implemented the Captains Quarters, they could have had custom decorating options to add all the non usable Trade items found in loot. Also could have implemented some sort of Vid-Phone / Conference Calling option accessed with the large screen in the CQ allowing characters to view and interact with other characters in their own Captains Quarters.
In fact right from the start they could have incorporated solo Avatar content by having ‘The Door’ open up to an elevator taking characters to a basement maze of darkened hallways and dimly lit smoke filled rooms containing boobie-trapped lockers and crates to be hacked for random loot.
Also that area could have special ‘Black Ops’ Agents who give ‘Contraband Collection’ missions for special rewards.
There’s all kinds of content that could have been incorporated into it, definitely a missed opportunity.
Instead of making DUST a separate game on PS3, CCP could have added DUST to EvE and have players access it with ‘The Door’ in the Captains Quarters. That would have definitely added Avatar content to the game and made the CQ useful as an integral part of Eve.
As for Eve Voice, Evelopedia, Eve Gate, In-Game Browser, etc. All removed because CCP is cheap and greedy. Why should they invest resources, time and money for something when 3rd party sites can provide it for free.