A return to the captains lounge or what ever it was called

So a fluff idea most people wouldn’t care about, remember, these ideas need to appeal to the masses in order to make them worthwhile so that people actually USE the feature

Not really sure why you would even want that, who wants to stare at a screen watching another players avatar just walk around a single room, again, not going to appeal to the masses

Would end up needing to be fairly meaningless loot, the gameplay loop wouldn’t exactly be complicated so you’re likely talking about room decorations again which aren’t going to appeal to that many people

Would need to also be accessible to people not wanting to bother running the CQ portion or those on machines literally unable to run it, which also applies to the above, its why the content for CQ would have to have mostly no impact on the rest of the game, which by default would mean most people would have little to no interest in it

Now, you can claim to not care about my opinions, and thats fine, but when you’re looking at the bigger picture you’ll see the same issues, and being able to look at the bigger picture would be a mandatory skill for someone who wanted to be oin the CSM :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah the kind of people who they wanted to attract to play shooters aren’t going to want to download an entire other game just to be able to access the FPS game, hence why they are and would remain entirely separate applications outside of the social ties to corps

Not really, but i can understand how you might struggle to look at the bigger picture

Nobody i knew used EVE-Voice for anything because superior options existed, there was literally no reason to pick EV over teamspeak/vent at the time

EVElopedia was already eclipsed by many other guides and wasn’t updated frequently enough, EVE-Uni already surpassed everything CCP wanted to create, so they axed a product that was already redundant the day it launched

The IGB was dropped mostly due to it not being used and webkit basically being a security liability, you’re already logged in to a PC at this point so if you desperately need browser access just press alt-tab, so again, a mostly redundant product

Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Yes, when 3rd party sources update their content faster and provide more detail and create video guides to go alongside it, yes, CCP could have hired an army of people to write guides for every single part of EVE and create videos for every type of activity and tactic in the game, but it really isn’t worth it when dedicated players are already going to do it themselves in a format that better suits them

See where you see greed i see CCP realising that the players making content for the game is the best way to keep them engaged with said content and keep them playing, it helps build the community and encourages players to seek out likeminded players to help build and maintain this content

Do you think EVE Scout would be as popular as they are if CCP just told everyone where the thera WH’s were all the time and hosted and wrote all the guides themselves?

Do you think EVE-Uni would be as popular if CCP wrote all the new player guides for everything?

So yeah

Have you seen the monitization of the free to play game called Path of Exile?

Some people spend immense amounts on cosmetics for their avatars, and avatar cosmetics are the main income for that game. There are absolutely no microtransactions for power increasing items, only some for convenience items such as more storage space. It could be done in EVE too.


ED also only does cosmetics as purchasables and seems to suit Frontier fine.

I think Captain’s Quarter was something that could’ve been hugely popular among EVE players if implemented correctly and fully and in a timely manner.
I think CCP realised that CQ wasn’t going to fattent their purse proportionate to the amount of work they would’ve had to put into it.
I think their excuse that “it wasn’t popular enough” is just that, an excuse, and a lame one at that.
“Not popular enough” didn’t prevent them from doing other things like screwing half their player base to appeal to a wider audience. It’s a cheap excuse and not genuine coming from a company who ignores their players’ genuine complaints.

Yes! And they didn’t do that because:

That’s all there is to it. All the rest is cheap and lame excuses.


There were less than 1% of players actually using it, its not an excuse its just a statement of fact, and a feature used by 1% of players isn’t worth supporting if its going to cost you more than other features

Everything that is to be known about CCP’s horrible failure of CQ implementation is now well known and documented. No one needs you to shill for them and no one needs your so-called “facts”. We know the facts beyond yours and CCP’s lame excuses and they aren’t pretty nor do they compliment the company.
Your efforts at ignoring the facts are herculean but they are not welcome.
CCP didn’t want to put man-hours into something that wasn’t going to make them money. If you cannot accept that obvious truth it’s your problem.


Sounds like you’re just looking for a reason to be angry, sadly the facts don’t lie, despite how much you might want them to support your claims, they are a for-profit business, you calling them greedy makes literally no sense considering thats literally how they support themselves, they aren’t a charity my boy :stuck_out_tongue:

What facts am i ignoring?

CCP released graphs specifically outlining the use and its decline, you’re free to whine about the feature being removed but you’ve as of yet provided no evidence to counter what was released by CCP, do you have some insider knowledge or quote to prove your claims?

Sure, but where did i say otherwise? it was a feature used by next to nobody and there is no point supporting a feature that wastes money, if the playerbase had actually wanted it and used it they would have kept it, simple statement of fact

Anger? Over a video game?!? Peuh-lease.

Look, I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to accept the fact that you are wrong on this one, you’re way off-base and don’t worry about it, it’s okay. No one can be right all the time.
I’ve read your other posts and although you’re very condescending in a lot of them you also make some very good points sometimes but on this one? Nope, not by a long shot.
If you take the time to check how many hearts others have gotten on the subject and then check yours, it should tell you everything you need to know.
CQ is a very popular concept for EVE. I’d say 80% of EVE players would welcome the opportunities that CQ would afford them if only CCP would stop looking at their wallet ( as Aura so famously says in the introduction ) and start looking at the game as a game and not a cash-cow.


It was used by 1% because it had no use and there was nothing to do.

Stating that a new and working version with actual gameplay would still only be used by a similar 1% is disengenuous at best and downright stupid at worst.


Actually, it was 3% of players, everything is in the numbers. CCP sees walking in stations as a meme these days.


A complete iteration of Captain’s Quarter would make me come back to EVE. That’s a fact. Until then ( or never ) it’s Elite and X4 for me.

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Im angry. Im fed up. I want to have sex in EVE. Ill log in two characters at once and force them to mate. I will buy dead corpses and mate with them. I will mate with my ship. Anything.

Its so stupid. Ive been asking this for years. Sex in eve. It will attract a new group of people.

EVE will never be the same again.

EVE is not that kind of game. There are other games for that sort of thing. Not only that but a real person is better. There are sex workers just waiting to sell you that and if you’re in a country where SW are forbidden then maybe a golddi- sorry - girlfriend could do… just watch your wallet closely.

Buy a Destiny Corrupted outfit and hire a professional to wear it for your “encounter”.

Better than spanking your carrot while looking at avatars.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


That is pretty natural that with big base and no power increasing items, the thing that will be bought will be those available only.

CCP already sells SP and having alt accounts was being promoted heavily.

This is a revolution. Now EVE will BECOME this kind of game.

I wouldnt know.

I tried that once. She laughed at me when i took off my pants, and gave me a refund.

Women like that dont exist in my country.

They would be sued by many american players in first day of functioning, because of CCP kind of attitude towards players, their QA and features not being tested or thought-out correctly enough…

So long as there is a “I am 18 and understand the rules” popup, i think it will be fine.

Just relax, and accept the new eve. I hope to see you… soon… In my captains quarters, i mean.

Who says i havent already made a character named “Fate Corrupted” that looks just like Destiny Corrupted?

I seriously doubt it unless CCP decides to pimp out NPCs :sweat_smile:

Time you found out.

Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Then move out. It’s not your country, it’s just some land held by certain influential people who hold it with the help of bankers and soldiers.