A Small CSM Updoot, to let you know we are still here (Aug 12, 2020)

The weird thing I see is the Dev’s “seem” to be posting more even for summer! Maybe they figured out feedback is golden? :thinking:

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I’m not sure what you are referring to, but maybe they decided to do one last post before they left for the summer - to make it less obvious that they are gone. When they get back, expect one more round of posts - then nothing until 2021. Just a theory.

Fozzie has been on more than I expected. That in of itself is a good sign to me. I’ll take whatever feedback they can give us. It’s better then yelling at each other over something we can only guess about otherwise.

Just out of curiousity . . . would you lot prefer written or vid updates? Assuming that I can get the volume issues solved (with the help provided)


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Frankly, ANY info from the Dev’s passed onto the forums by you would be GREAT! (And yes, fix the volume lol)

We don’t hate the Dev’s. We reach out to them to clarify things. I personally miss when the Dev’s flew with us. We were all in it together. If the Dev’s made a mistake, we would all be pissed, but in the end, it brought us all together as community. As someone else stated, (Damm, I wish I bookmarked it) interaction was a key point in the early days where we would forgive a human like ourselves, but started to shun the Dev’s when mistakes were made with no feedback anymore. I think the player base is FAR more willing to bite the bullet if we know why we have to in the 1st place. I could go on but meh. I think you get my point.

Thanks for reading my rants Mike!

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I thought the Video update was cool, course not much info in it but it was still cool… Just a thought, maybe alternate the updates between Video and written.

Can you please inform CCP that adding new Apparel items to the NES was great, even though it was long overdue. Maybe they could cycle through the older Apparel items every 3 months or so, there’s definitely plenty of items available to do that.

Also where’s the EDENCOM Apparel? Got plenty of Triglavian Apparel but no EDENCOM Apparel…


Thank you for the courtesy of commenting. All I will remark is that the comparisons you make are to other fora about Eve. Firstly, that rather makes my point about this not being a good image for the game in general. Secondly, unlike the other fora you reference, this one is directly owned and controlled by CCP, and if I were managing their reputation, it is something about which I would be really worried.

I do not think that the ISDs do a good job - there is so much more to moderating such stuff than obscenity and racism. Ever since I started playing Eve, for example, there has been one individual in particular whom I have seen paste nothing but spiteful bile - never once a constructive comment - and most often his posts are flagged. This has been going on for years and anywhere else he would have been banned by now from the fora.

Furthermore, I would simply observe that even my very polite attempts to post a constructive comment here have attracted very childish comments about salt and popcorn. Honestly? I do not expect everyone to agree with me - but why this Pavlovian need to get out the crayons?

I think too many people who post here have lost a sense of perspective; what passes for the norm, and is deemed acceptable here, really does not look good to those outside staring in, wondering whether to give it a go. Hopefully they will decide to play the game, despite the tiny percentage of players who inhabit these fora. The good news is that these fora are in reality an irrelevance to playing the game itself.

I will leave it there. As I said before, a very sincere thank you again to you and Mike for your consistent and persistent efforts at communications.

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The funny thing is, CSM already tried doing it your way. They went through a period of very severe forum moderation. People left en masse and the forums have never really recovered their previous levels of activity.

Kinda like the game. The numbers have still not recovered either.

Every CSM member handles their role differently. Mike and I put a value on communicating on these forums, so we do it. Others don’t, but they all contribute in their various ways. We have had a very active CSM this year.

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Yeah, each CSM member is allowed to determine how much or how little that they interact with the players. I SAID that I would continue in talking to the community and (in spite of me being a spaceship politician) I like to keep my word on things.

You do have others who stream (ie Torvald) and others who go on podcasts and such (Saw Vily out there a week or two ago) so it is not like Brisc and I are IT, just we are more willing to engage here in the forums.

To each their own.

Oh and for those of you who could not hear what i said in the vid?

Weather is coming to New Eden. Null with some spillover to other space
Weather in Iceland is nice so a lot of CCP is out enjoying it. I don’t blame them
Whether or not the war will keep going strong is up to can the attackers keep up the structure grinds.
And Whether you picked the trig side or the Edencom side the question of whether you can remain neutral has arisen. Now the Edencom posts are shooting those who through grabbing a rookie ship and shooting two Edencom fopr safe passage was a good idea.

after that? I encouraged you to comment in the forums or send me a note in game.


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I don’t play for Trigs or EDENCOM, but if they were gonna disallow you to be neutral from either party, they should have done so in the beginning, and not the way it was done… Everybody should have realized it was eventually going to happen, but it should have been when the whole shenanigans was released.

Either way, folks. Whether you like trigs or Edencom, are you going to let Niarja fall? Think about freighters taking the ‘long way around’ if that system drops into low or null.


It’s probably rigged.

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Eh, by now I’m almost completely numb and apathetic due to CCP’s poor programming, unresponsive customer support, and chaotic swerving game development. Perhaps after over 12 years playing this game it is time for me to finally win. Too bad, cause I’ve been fortunate to meet some really nice people in this universe. Unfortunately, many of them have been leaving over the last 2-3 years.

…and what company releases a new product/version and then takes 3-4 months off and let’s the product’s faults lie unaddressed to their customers? Hell, I (and numerous others) have yet to receive our prizes from a contest from 6 months ago. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.


I’m late to the party, but on the subject of the EDENCOM / Triglavian standings, I find it noteworthy that they bypass the social skills entirely.

Not that this isn’t intentional to force players to “have to pick a side”, but -on top of the recent change to make it impossible to be neutral with both- it feels cheap and poor game design to ignore the applicable game mechanics for no other reason than to coerce a certain narrative.

As for the Triglavian conquests themselves, and aside from my personal feelings about them, the bias is clear. Not to mention the goal of disrupting and reshaping high-sec under the guise that the outcome is in the hands of the players and exonerating CCP of any responsibility, if we are to understand the changes are permanent.

When the Triglavians win, high-sec systems can become low- or null; but not the other way around, and there is no way to change it after the fact. The NPC Navies are unbalanced, and they are still being tweaked in recent patches while the invasions and their lasting consequences continue. A key system like Niarja -without delving into the details- was invaded on a working Monday, turning at a breakneck speed with barely hours for other players to react. And so on, and so forth - all of it by design.

And this without factoring in the grief due to the shortcomings of the information available in-game, which forced us to e.g. rely on third-party websites for the last couple of months to find out in advance whether any system along our routes was a minor victory, etc.


Almost all of the new(ish) content ignores all of the social skills. It is kind-of funny that CCP doesn’t want the social skills to do anything outside of mission running.

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Yep, even the broker/relist fees rely on base standings and not effective, covered by skills.

Yes, although I had the aggression (or friendliness) of other NPCs in mind, which is exactly what the standings are being used for in this context.

In fact, since the respective faction and corp standings have that primary use -along with the access to the mission agents, among other things- the broker fees specify that the unmodified standings are used in the calculations; but the information in the Character Sheet accounts for the skills in any case. Not so with the EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective entries, which represent an anomaly.

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Nothing in the character sheet implies that effective standings or base standings gives any change to the broker relist fees… But we have a chart with the USIA, breaking down how the broker/relist can be maximized by having 10 standing with faction and 10 standing with corp.