A typical night of playing Eve Online

YES!!! :rofl:

You sir are more than welcome to your own opinion. I do not mean to disparage you. I’m just saying you better get used to it. I watched the numbers drop from an avg of 50k players drop to 20k. You do the math…

Best of luck in your endeavors on that one for now anyway at least.

I wasn’t sure if you knew on that part. I bring it up because CCP has shown that they willing to take a big numbers hit. And I NEVER said ganking was to hard back then. It was more of an afterthought back then. Poor guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only ganking I’ve done since then is in our WH…

Boy, I hope they can change that, otherwise were going to be stuck with each other on the forums for a long time.

I started playing in April 2019. I don’t seem to be having much trouble.


I knew it! :crazy_face:

Hes just madder than the rest of us this time around.

If it was as bad as you’re acting like it is, you wouldn’t care enough to troll the forums.

Well, it’s when players like you who leave (if thats what you have in mind) that diminish the game most.

What is a “decent change”?

CCP has been driving players out of the game since 2012. Now you can go with no loss to the game. I don’t even want your stuff…

I will agree 1000% with this statement, no matter where. But I also agree with the rest of your thoughts.


On this, I agree.

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this is a gank

you don’t see me complaining
bilions of isk , a 60 km red point, to kill my humble t1 ship
my only assets are an orca a skiff a providence and like 20 coercers
im in a npc corp
im not the man , im the small guy
new eden is a free place
i endure the punishment of a hard and unfair life because i can do what i want
why do you hate freedom so much?

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I would, and will always ask, what was the point of this? What was the gain? Precious “content”?

in reality i used my micro jump drive , but since they had a 60 km red point it was of little use

Some guy in a militia that’s been fighting DHSJ recently (and the Amarrians have been backed by NCPL) gets killed by DHSJ? Even under NRDS, that’s a pretty good reason to shoot him.

besides someone has to shot me, because if no one shots me , i will shot everyone
and thats not fair

It would seem he voluntary entered low sec?

yea i do
i remember to have clicked the pop u saying it is a veeeeery dangerous place

I"m not sure what you’re on about. You probably need to be banned as well.
I definitely need to be banned.
We all need banned.

But they are right. Soon, there will be no miners. And only certain factions will have the materials to build certain things. They will specialize in those things, You’ll have to buy from those corporations only, because there are no PvE players left.

That’ll be an interesting game to visit.

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