A worrying sign , insignia and statues

They can put her right next to that Harrison Ford statue in Amarr Space.

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I can confirm that Githany Red hasn’t been following me around.

Or, I guess, maybe Githany has… and I just haven’t noticed.

LOL. I mean she’s already been proven a liar so

A Thot is a he? That’s new

But why ? Of course there’s going to be disparagers who find your adventures trivial or boring or who think their own style is ‘proper PvP’. But in my view people’s adventures in Eve are precisely what these forums are all about. It makes a welcome relief from all the endless whining or ‘Eve is dead’ posts. Everyone gets something different out of Eve. I never let others be the judge of how much fun I am having.

Gith/Drac take this as more than a game :smiley:

It’s not the players in the forum, I know the place I have taken within eve when I play this game and the consequences , it’s more to do with the balance of something else that’s just a bit off .

Still playing , still understand it’s a game and love exploring it’s depths , with the new stuff coming out .

Would also like to thank @Ashterothi on YouTube and his videos for explaining so much of eve and how things are changing , take a look at his channel .

Long live the resistance

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Aiko and her band of merry women are the resistance.

That balance being: bot miners and afk freighter pilots need a buff?

What new stuff? You mean the completely underwhelming content update in Q4 that CCP told us to wait for, then announced at fanfest, and we should be so hyped about it that a 33% price hike would seem trivial because of how awesome it was going to be. That new non-stuff?

<3 Glad I could help :smiley:

Well, CCP has indicated new stuff is coming out through the story arcs, and the first one has already begun.

Near as I can figure it the current arc started around Guardian Gala, but is built off of a plot that has been developing since 2016. The main question is how long will arcs last? Does this arc bring us all the way to the Allegiance/FW expansion, or does this arc finish and a second one complete with the expantion?

As of the current story my current predictions are
a) the Agency UI rebranded to Aura - The new Smuggler group (it isn’t that new) actually controls the Agency. That is how the Deathless was able to interject himself and change the Agency mission to allow us to attack SARO. I somehow doubt that CONCORD is going to be OK with the Agency remaining in the hands of the merc corps controlled by the Deathless, and AIR because a new 3rd party brokering service, utilizing Aura as our ongoing guide to new eden.

b) New Minmatar-Caldari Faction shipline - This new faction has been coalessing since then (more-or-less) end of the Jin Mei civil war in 2016 (if not before, as they were all sent to the planet via the Deathless). This new pirate faction consists of mostly Caldari crime families/gangs and Rogue Thukkers who have been having an ongoing turf war with the Angel Cartel. Caldari/Minmatar is the missing and most requested pirate ship line.

We will likely have to wait until the event is near over before we get anything more to work with, but they have already progressed the story once in the middle of this event, so all bets are off there.


The whole bot miners and AFK pilots stuff is very much over-played. Of course it suited James315 perfectly to portray every single miner as a bot or AFK. That stance gave him his ‘cause’. But in reality I’ve not seen hordes and hordes of bots or AFKs. The times I’ve been mining ( which is less often these days but used to be a lot ) it has been quite apparent that most of the other miners I saw were actively at their PC. Sure…I’ve come across some that were being attacked by NPCs and had no drones out, but that is the exception.

I am not so certain. Scripts are bad at adjusting to battlefield & wardec conditions.

45% of the people will say yes, it absolutely matters
45% of the people will say no, it absolutely does not matter
15% of the people will ask for pepperoni

I found this in something completely unrelated to spaceships, or spreadsheets
But, i think it sums up opinions in EVE perfectly?

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Other than the times I’ve come across a miner ( actually the same one every time ) being attacked by rats and showing no response…I don’t see how you can possibly know if a miner is AFK. Gankers tend to assume that if they zapped a miner then the miner must have been AFK…but in fact it is very easy to be fully there yet slip into not using dscan often enough. I almost got ganked last week…the guy warped in with a thrasher all the way from the gate to just 3000m from me. But he committed the folly of not having a warp scrambler…and I just warped away when he locked on me. I was maybe not fully paying attention, but was not AFK.

  1. Fly a porpoise.
  2. Go system to system belt to belt offering free mining boosts.
  3. Name the specific people you are with in the belt, who are in boost range, but aren’t receiving boosts because they aren’t responding (in local chat), warping off (due to gank fear), nor responding to 1:1 convo request.
  4. Move to next system, repeat.

I claim that the number of people that sit at their computer attentively playing at Eve, staring at a rock while solo mining, but not responding to local, and not warping away when a loudmouth Porpoise lands in their belt, and not responding to 1:1 chats is zero.

I have done this in high sec. The number that sat idle was depressingly high.

I will give you a Porpoise for free to reproduce this experiment. You can claim some low X% are not AFK, and I’ll await you delivering the Porpoise back to me when your numbers hit that %.

TBH I wouldn’t care about the outcome, I think it would get you to exert your agency proactively in the game, which seems more compelling in influencing the fate of the universe than “mine in a solo corp in Uedama”.

Half the people you are offering to probably don’t even know what a mining boost is. And people are also distrustful. Heck…I was even a bit wary when a corp member asked if he could shoot fireworks at my ship today. And that was only 15 minutes after another corp member had targetted my other alt ( who should have appeared pale blue to him ) and I very nearly fired on him before realising it was fireworks.

So no…‘beware Greeks bearing gifts’ has been a good saying for centuries.

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Which is why I would explain it in local when I arrived.

Which is why they warp away when you land in belt with them and slowboat over to them. Or simply said “no thanks go away”.

…which is why for centuries people addressed that by objectively appearing to be AFK but secretly not? I don’t think so, people elicit avoidance, evade, and other responses which clearly show they are not AFK. “No soliciting” signs, yelling at people to go away, moving away from the Greeks, etc.

That’s some contorted logic to try to weasel out of doing this experiment and without proposing a better one.

Your default analysis is to assume the other person has clearly gotten it wrong somehow, even if it backs you up to a wall. Look, ignore my experiment. Go out and try an experiment that satisfies not just your criteria for detecting AFK-ness, but also in a way you’d be certain you could argue here on the forums that it detects AFK-ness. That’s what I’m here telling you.

My analysis is to go by what I have actually seen…in months of mining. I simply don’t believe anyone has a script that undocks them, warps them to an asteroid belt, selects the juiciest asteroid, targets it, fires the lasers, waits till the hold is full, warps back to the station, unloads the ore, repeat and rinse. When I see the same ship arriving and leaving the belt multiple times…it is clear someone must be at the keyboard to make it do so.

Otherwise one has to have an almost X-Files level of conspiratorial.

Sure…I’ve seen one or two AFK, or rather, being attacked by NPCs and doing nothing. But I’ve also seen more than enough of the sort of activity that clearly shows someone is there.

Fair enough.

My confidence in the methodology I followed remains unaffected.

“I belive what I see” plus this just shows the peanut gallery that all you’re proving is you’re not looking hard enough and not exploring the universe enough.

It’s pretty clear you didn’t look at the bot killmails I linked above. Hulk mining fleets don’t just sit and die one by one to one ship: A worrying sign , insignia and statues - #95 by Io_Koval

Also, I suppose the hordes of 4-man Jackdaws I see in FW space daily, who happen to warp and jump gates and take simultaneous action 100% of the time, must be 4 people who are consistently extremely coordinated within the same server tick. (Talk to anyone in a FW militia and they will confirm this – or heck listen to the Fanfest FW roundtable where anti-botting incentives are discussed briefly).

I won’t even go into Ishtar bots.

I’m gonna let this part of the thread die. I should know better by now.

Sure, but people may have all manner of reasons for ‘not responding’ in your experiment. Bear in mind that gankers can and do use mining ships as scouts or to ‘mark’ a position for the main fleet to move to. Also, I’m pretty sure Safety use an Orca as one of their loot ships.

You have to be within a certain range to give a mining boost. So here’s some total stranger offering a boost and wanting to get closer…I don’t blame people for not trusting this ! To me it says more about the dog eat dog environment of Eve than it does about whether people are AFK.