Aside from T1 ships (I think it’s a given these will have a tough time beyond F1 filaments) - other than Pirate T1 hulls, that is.
The dev blog is a marketing piece. Do you think people will try this out if they wrote:
You are up to the mercy of mighty BoB, you can try building mastery based on what you learned, but regardless BoB will find ways to surprise you with environments you are not prepared for from now and then.
thats why i called it all ■■■■ as a whole because BoB will wreck you eventualy.
Abyssal pocket criteria:
• 10MN afterburner (the faster the better)
• Low signature bloom (helps mitigate damage)
• High DPS (700-800+) thermal/kinetic damage
• High resistances (thermal 85%, kinetic 80%, explosive 65%)
• High passive shield recharge (200+ EHP/s vs. BB spawns)
• High shield buffer
• Cap immune shield boost (ancillary shield booster)
• Cap immune weapons (projectile, missiles, drones)
• High passive shield recharge
• High shield buffer
Passive shield recharge is actually pretty bad in these becuase their alpha is so high that they send you passed that 33% max regen sweet spot and you loose a lot of tank.
Speed + Active rep + manual piloting>
If you encounter an 8-battleship Triglavian spawn, batteries can only stem the tide.
If you get capped out - you’re dead (no armor repairers, shield boosters, armor hardeners or shield fields).
If you get capped out - you’re dead (no afterburner or MWD)
If you get capped out - you’re dead (lasers and hybrids stop working).
Based on this, to survive those godawful Triglavian spawns you need to either a) worship Bob, make an offering to Bob and hope that Bob doesn’t ultimately bone you -or- b) come up with a fit that meets the above criteria.
And we haven’t even touched on the inevitable ganks and suspect status for F4/F5 filaments.
Abyssal Demon Assessment
Triglavians - these are probably the biggest single threat due to the fact that the spawns can feature all 5 types in any filament tier. Variants have RR, scrams, neuts, tracking disruption, webs, damps and target painters - meaning there’s enough EW to ensure the cyclic weapons track and hit well. High thermal and explosive resistances are key here.
Rogue Drones - probably the next biggest threat simply because of the number of annoying spawns and the high resistances. While they don’t neut, they have RR, tracking disruption, webs, damps and target painters. Speed and thermal/kinetic resistances are best since the battleships have poor tracking.
Drifters - on par with Rogue drones in terms of threats, they have omni resistances and deal annoying omni damage. The one advantage is that they spawn missing armor, shield and hull and half the damage comes in the form of missiles with poor application if you’re travelling fast. The battleships don’t run any EW and have worse tracking than Rogue drones but more optimal.
Sleepers - last but not least, Sleepers are a mixed bag of snakes. High resists (50-70% resists), RR, neuts, webs and target painters are among the variants. Mostly EM/thermal damage with the balance missile-based.
my dude i encoutered 3 starving vedmaks in a tier 3 at once
Hey how come gilas wont copy from copyships?
I would really like to test some of my fits before i go losing a few billion isk on TQ but you wont seed deadspace/faction mods and copyships wont copy my gila so can someoen please help me.
Is the gila assembled? /copyships doesn’t seem to copy ships that are not assembled. It copied my Ashimmu just fine.
It’s fully fitted on TQ been using for a couple days now, it’s the only ship that doesnt seem to be copying.
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