Abyssal Deadspace now live on Singularity for testing

I was running a small tractor beam to grab the loot but found that in addition to the cap usage it was constantly trailing behind me, so I opted instead for a medium EMP smartbomb (deals with those pesky drone swarms). Half the time one or more of the Trig containers is empty, anyway.


I had a spawn of 5x starving leshaks, it was a pain in the ass and I couldn’t make the timer because of it. The only thing I can do to kill them faster is pull them to a cloud or instance edge, but it still takes too long because they move slow.

For my Deimos I used a large acid battery, that helped a ton, also used a T2 AB with snakes + quafe zero. It gives enough speed to speed tank and get around without issues. For rep I used anciliary with ADC, timed ADC for anciliary reload if needed.

What ended up killing me on Deimos is a very mixed spawn, had 3 cruisers with EW + some frigs + some drones and crap for support structures or clouds. FKN spawn RNG. “use your environment …” yea well, how about give me some environment to use in the 1st place.

On phantasm, it can do L3 electrical filaments almost reliably as a T2 fit, until you run into RNG spawn again without support structures or clouds in right spots. I got a freagin all BS spawn while flying in a Phantasm and the game gave me automata supressors to help, yea …

i once spawned inside a tower and got bumped out into a shield booster penalty cloud where rats pinned me down and obviously died cuz it was vedmak rush with lots of neuts and i was shield fit. ^^

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I just ran about 6 F3 filaments in a row, and got the Leshak group in 4 of them, most of the time including the Starving Leshaks. Wasn’t able to survive any of them. Was I just unlucky, or are you seeing the Leshaks this frequently? None of the other spawns cause me much trouble.

i’ve found them only 2 times in tier 4s in 20 sites i wish id find them more to test on them some more but cant

Mind sharing? Still Gila? …as you talked about Asklepian above (which are for armor tank).

[Zealot, Kaan’s Zealot]
Armor Thermal Hardener II
Medium Armor Repairer II
EFFA Compact Assault Damage Control
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Thermal Plating II

Stasis Webifier II
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I

Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II

Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II
Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II

Navy Cap Booster 800 x12
Imperial Navy Multifrequency M x10
Scorch M x10
Conflagration M x10
Imperial Navy Standard M x10
Nanite Repair Paste x424

this is my current zealot fit it fits my playstyle

Obviously alot of junk can be replaced for faction or deadspace can kill reliably all sleepers/drifters,all triglavians except trig bs spawn all drone spawns.

Can do all tier 4s except dark matter which i didnt try confortably it requires quite a bit of finese driving and good cap booster,capacitor,armor rep discipline.Also all sites get done with about 5 mins left altho i didnt try it should do tier5s too except dark matter and again the big issue trig bss

And yes i did hp increase sites too like lots of firestorm and some gamma rays

Tomorrow is patch day so i’m not geting my hopes up for any more npcs changes today so here’s my final take on the sites tier3 4 5.

The sites are ■■■■ the developers did a really bad job at understanding the limitations of the ships they were forcing onto the players.

Some npc spawns are fun and engaging others are downright unfair,the weather bonused choices are ■■■■ too some act as double penalties others can be double beneficial bonuses some are just useless(Scan res HAH)

I am used to active tanking micromanaging and kiting it was something i had to do very well flying logistics in alliance tournament for a really good team the variations in npc spawns can be so wild in the capabilities that even with best modules you could buy off the market top tier ammo implants and so on if you get that one or 2 badly schewed variations against you,you’re dead and so is several bilion worth of ship and pod.

Upon destruction there’s no way to recover your loot absolutely none most other pve activities you can find a way back to your wreck here it’s all down the drain.

Now about the loot because we have to talk about the loot:who’s idea was it to have empty biocache drops especialy in tier 4 or 5-you end up fighting some spawn in an environment that is hugely tiped against you only to pop the biocache and it’s empty,who feels rewarded by this?definately not me.

Now for the non empty biocaches-drops are literaly crap and very much so worthless,i stated quite a while back that ship bpcs would look to be the most rewarding drops yet they are a very rare sight as far as drops go.

As a footnote some praise is in order to the art department for making a very beautiful eve scenery altho not as hugely varied as i had hoped but still it’s something many of us never expected could be done with how old the game is.So props to you guys for doing your job!


No, the sites are fine. You can run T5s in a T2 fit. If something does not work and your fit gets broken by a specific wave, change it. If at a point there is no change possible that would not make you get blown up by a different wave, abandon your current approach, think outside the box and start a different setup.

Abyssal deadspace is like a puzzle, where you have to min-max under the requirements the different waves provide you to come up with a fit that can solve it and then optimise for further variables like total cost afterwards. If you cannot beat a wave, it is not the wave that has to go (at this point), but your fit.


i fear that too, but i guess CCP will observe the price development on tranquility before changing something there.

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Interesting, you approach this like it was something designed as a puzzle by developers. What I understand so far, it is not but the result of a random number generator. Maybe it’s because humans always try to find patterns in something.

But good to hear there will be people running the T4 and T5 sites and survive. :slight_smile:

@My_Cat_Meows I’d love to hear what you run and how you defeat the 8x Trig battleship/neut spawn, seeing as how everyone else here has indicated they’ve gone down in flames every time despite dozens of attempts with umpteen different fits.

CCP is likely to disable Abyssal pockets on SiSi starting tomorrow so I don’t think we’ll have a way of theory-crafting these anymore.

I agree, I am all for one to get a fit that works for t5’s that is blingy for the patch. But I can tell you now if you blind your fit to 1-2bill and there is still a chance you are going to die to a ■■■■ spawn we are going to see no body even doing them

Excellent article by Suitonia. Required reading before you undock! All credit for this goes to Suitonia.


With respect to the Abyssal Drone Overlord Battleships, can anyone confirm that each type is limited to the filament tier -or- can any of these types spawn in any level of filament?

Photic (F1?), Twilit (F2?), Bathyic (F3?), Hadal (F4?), Benthic (F5?) The DPS ranges from 108.19 to 695.20, so I’m assuming you don’t get the Benthic spawns in F1 filaments.

each is bound to it’s tier same for the 5 different drifter battleships however all leshaks vedmaks demaviks all sleepers and drifter support are same across all tiers

for example a starving vedmak or leshak in tier 3 is exactly same as a starving leshak or vedmak in tier 5 in every aspect

What about the Triglavians? Can the Damaviks, Vedmaks and Leshaks spawn in any tier as well?

As far as I’ve seen yes, but the number varies by Tier.

So what’s the consensus on the worst ship to utilize for Abyssal space? My vote is the Ishtar because heavy drones can’t hit sh*t and even with the 50% buff to strength they still get torn apart by drone defense towers.

Dev blog hints at patterns and components (like assembling a puzzle):

You build up mastery between sessions by learning the patterns in the abyss.

… a series of components that players can learn and master, and then the challenge comes from when we combine the individual entities to create the encounter.

Its possible to build a ship fit that can easily defeat any one spawn component, and also to maximize a particular environment effect. But the fact the spawns can be randomly chosen, means we have to prepare for any and all of them.

If we could choose the “mostly drifter” filament, we could just about guarantee a win, so the NPC’s have to be random, or the entire feature becomes another farming simulator. So I guess I am agreeing with you and others about RNG, though the dev blog says something about “patterns.”

Out of all the legal ships? Almost certainly one of the T1 logistics cruisers I should think.

My money is on the osprey, since:

  • Base T1 shield resists are lower than armor
  • Only realistic damage source is light/medium drones and it has less capacity than the Scythe.
  • Its slower than the Scythe
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