Abyssal Deadspace now live on Singularity for testing

it’s just that 1 spawn rest are alright through some good piloting and a solid fit once you hit leshaks it’s like hiting your head into a wall repeatedly. and i’m not talking here the easy leshak spawns everytime i try to put an issue upfront it’s the worse spawn that i highlight because thats the one causing imbalance as far as i can see .


but yea @Arthur_Aihaken i’ll prob stick to tier3s too i got a ton of tier4s in today all firestorm because i wanted a tougher environment and just did amazingly well for most of it but again it was 5% all hardwirings and mid grade asklepians which i’m bit reluctant to welp needlesly.


Mutaplasmids to the rescue! :anger:
A fool and his Deadspace gear are soon to be parted…


Hmm, yea even with triple battery I’m having trouble with those damn leshak’s, T3 for me as well, unless I can get a 200mil faction cruiser to run the T4’s gila/phantasm have the best chance with t2 fit. But then again I was able to do 3x t4’s in a row with the phantasm before getting a bad spawn and then blap.

best bit is i randomly came up with a really kickass build today and it’s a ship people wont expect

cynabal :smiley: speed seems to be king in these sites.

zealot because ■■■■ drones anyway

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interesting, that thing is a snail thou xD

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Not saying more :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree :] I had decent luck with a muninn so far and phantasm my 2 favorite ships for this, but I’ll give the zealot another chance :smiley: , used to be the vagabond before the npc’s speed went from 999 to 1499 :confused: then the vaga became bad, it can’t keep pace and it has no tracking buff xD.

yea i found if you do vaga in gamma ray and get 2 drifter groups with bs back to back may aswel self destruct.

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Yea I avoid any + ehp bonus’s as the time run’s out way to often I’m liking electric atm helps vs neuts as well.

Btw have you tried over tanking only em and exp to counter triglave’s and leave kin/therm low? especially on let’s say a elec, not sure if the npc’s even adapt their damage or if its chosen randomly.

So what’s the best filament type to run now? The one with the kinetic resistance penalty? And aren’t Trigs thermal and explosive?

Kinetic and em best to do and trig yes are thermal exp

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I’m running a shield Gila fit at present and wondering if the two T2 invulns would be better served by a passive thermal and explosive amplifier. How do you guys get your Deadspace (etc.) fits from Tranquility. Does the /copyships command work?

1 QOL change that i’d love to see implemented eventualy:

Move all loot from the current 3 separate biocaches to just 1 at the end ,right now we have to throw out ammo or cap charges in first room to pick up the loot which is detrimental to our survival in next 2 rooms.

If the loot is in 3rd room we don’t have to jettison anything besides what good does it do me to loot stuff in first 2 rooms if i don’t make it past 3rd key to success is completing all the rooms anyway.Also it would save players anythign between 1-2 minutes running after cans or deciding what to take in first 2 rooms etc.

Speed is the key and looting has to be as speedy as possible so we can dedicate every second we have to beat the rats.


Passive is currently better due to heavy neuts. Could go with one T2 invul though

@Captain_Panther I was alpha-neuted. Even the 50% capacitor recharge bonus from the filament didn’t help. Damage control just bought me enough time to kill one more Trig battleship. Losing both invulnerabilities pretty much sealed my fate on that run, so it’s passive tank for me henceforth.

@Dark_Engraver That’s actually a reasonable proposal. If I could go one step further, I would still have the Trig structures but have them provide a capacitor regen on destruction. That way you could just pop them when needed for a one-time refill (either during combat or prior to going through the next gate).

cap regen i think would be good else any rr would help the rats too.

Well, I finished my testing and settled on my fit (v1.1). 915 DPS with DB7 (967 DPS overheated). 500m fit total as I had the cruiser in storage and a spare clone with all the implants I needed.

Runs every F1-F3 filament in about 10-12 minutes (all 3 rooms) and has a reasonable chance of success on F4s (v1.0 was 50-50, so I’m cautiously optimistic with v1.1). Your damage is a considerable portion of your tank, so only dealing 400-500 DPS requires a lot more tank than you normally would.

One loot can at the end: Since the entire concept is win or lose, that idea seems spot-on. But I don’t see it happening. Our maniacal dungeon master might WANT us to feel bad, when we had loot in cargo from room 1, only to lose it all in room 3. That can inspire “The fish that got away” stories, and (depending on the person) resolve to try again - because you at least got a brief look at some loot before exploding, later. (I wonder if an earlier concept saw the loot cans appearing in random locations in the pocket. Just imagine all of THAT extra running around :wink: )

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