Abyssal Deadspace now live on Singularity for testing

2x Tier 3 Dark - successful run with shield active Vaga. Rogue Frigs, then cruisers, then 2 BS in 3rd pocket. Not successful second time. Fierce fight in 2nd pocket with 5 or 6 Lucid Sentinel neut cruisers. Constant cap booster / shield booster timing management. Actually survived this, would have called it a good fight for Tier 3 if that’s all there was, considering all the different things I had to think about. But it took a lot of time to chew through. 3rd pocket was frigs… down to the last two… ran out of time. So close!

Alrighty seems leshak remote reps went from 600 to 225 and from 1200 to 450 for renewing rr range is unchanged dmg is unchanged neuting leshak range amount falloff etc is exactly the same as before so gues what to shoot for.That’s right they’re it

Also drifter cruisers I encountered yesterday had 40ish % armor in firestorm

The leshak rr nerf should buy enough time for most people to take advantage of the split rr and cripple the spidertank group


Increase lucid deepwatcher battleship turret tracking slightly,the missile barrage is all good and fun altho doesn’t, seem to always trigger or maybe that’s the intention who knows.

Anyway the deepwatchers can barely track anything by comparison your leshak npc have 10 times the tracking or something

Also increase tier 4 drone bs damage mod to something around 35xmaybe unless it’s changed tier 3 is 30x tier 4 is 29x with only slight variations to other stats the spawn is already just 1 npc really and right now poses no threat in any tier

Also not seeing or haven’t received any more wrecking shots from drifter or drone bs in ages I asume they were removed.

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Agree that something is up with the missile activity. But please no more tracking… my poor vagabond in the Dark T3 found it could orbit these @ 500m @ 300m/s and not get hit much at all. I REALLY wanted to set follow at 500 so i’d hit a little better, because these things can take sooo long to chew thru. But then I’d try that, and get re-educated about how hard they can hit.

Making bling fits 850dps zealot cold conflag 975 heated that’ll cover tier5 I reckon cost of pod about 1.5bil cost of ship about 1.2bil this is only for electrical tho

Deimos 1040 cold void 1170heated bling sure adds a huge bump up in dps and tank overall

Just tried for first time this new dungeons, Ishtar shield booster and crystal set.
After using item I was like in warp, that never ended, then I received notification about destroyed ship and capsule. Finally restarted client using task manager wasn’t even closing with X.
What I did wrong here and how to avoid this stuck problem?

@CCP_Fozzie @CCP_Rise players have reported as many as 4 starving leshak within a spawn currently their neuting is by far strongest among any npc combinations especially after neuting cycle time increases to starving vedmak from 12sec to 15 and now 20.
I got nothing against the range in fact keep it high but these rats can now alpha the cap off a HAC especially since we don’t traverse from one room to another at max capacitor or may have mwd fitted etc

Cap can be somewhat maintained with an injector but a few too many npc shots landing will force you to cap yourself out by reping using prop mod,hardeners, any ewar etc


Sounds like you landed in the site, but your client never got the message that your ship had arrived, so it kept displaying the jump/warp animation. This will hopefully be rare… can you jump gates consistently and successfully? That also displays a warping animation.

If you can try multiple times to activate a filament with a disposable cruiser, and only this particular new warping effect is a problem, it would be worth filing a bug report (F12 menu) in-game while it’s happening.

well, they could reduce the EHP by the same small percentage they buff the tracking with? :slight_smile:

you can get a reliable 15min in a 450m fit (total) :stuck_out_tongue: (maybe even less, to the drawing board!)

Also, that Leshak wave in its original form had the task to punish incorrect piloting by certain death, i assume - idk if nerfing their offensive capability (if dps or neuts) would still make them something to adapt your piloting to.

You are just too lazy to go out and earn your own.

@Dark_Engraver after some testing with Vagabond I finally met another 6 Leshak spawn in tier 4 filament and beat them in final room.

It was completely T2 fit with miserable 450 dps without 5 light drones, their 2 support frigates did make it harder with weapon distruption and me ignoring them didn’t help much because I wanted to test how fast Leshak will melt under 500 dps.

Died due to timer runing out just 10 seconds after last Leshak died, maybe I am wrong but there is possible nerf to their dps and I did heat everything I could till the end so it was not easy managment but in the end with deadspace fits I see no problem as it is currently on Singularity.

As for tier 5 spawns I am sure CCP will leave them for max bling and great piloting as they should.

good to hear btw if u were doing a gamma ray shouldve shot them with exp they are so weak to it in there.

tier 5 firestorm in deimos all 3 rooms sleepers and seekers finished site with 1min 30 sec left didn’t deploy hammerheads almost at all

2nd tier 5 same ship met a high neuting disintegrator vedmak rush in room 2 of the site 3 starving vedmak 2 starving demavik 1 harrowing vedmak and few extra demaviks i went for 1 starving vedmak making good initial progress then something happened which i didnt count on:believing all the vedmaks had used their neuts i pulsed my cap injector so i can rep in an instant the cap from the injector pulse was gone and i was left dead in the water unable to even finish my target which survived in very low armor.
Worse bit is that deimos fit simulated a both in dps and fitting style a bling fit to be used in firestorm and compensate for the rats armor increases,had this happened on tq 1.5bil in ship and another 1.5 in pod would’ve died to an unsynched number of npc neuts which is bit heartbreaking.


Think I found a fit that can handle that neuting pressure :smiley: wooo

625dps, 758.5m/s speed, 343 dps tank, 4287 cap with 54.37% neuting resistance :smiley: t2 fit might just make tier 5’s :smiley:

Ok it’s too much cap resistance not enough tank xD Tier 5 Elec

They where hardly doing any neut at all but that bs was hitting like a monster :confused:

Last second finish in Dark Tier2, Stratios with drone-only dps. (Tried Nos, not really practical :wink: ) RR for drones proved very helpful. I had so many buttons I could push, that I found out NPC’s also like RR.

(combat) 74 remote armor repaired to Sparkneedle Tessella - Medium Remote Armor Repairer II

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Something for anyone doing tier 4 and 5 now i am unsure if this spawn composition was changed yesterday but a large cap battery WILL NOT work anymore against the updated vedmak rush i have encountered as many as 3 starving vedmaks and 3 starving demaviks in tier 4 and 5 this morning was battery fit with very good dmg and application you get to kill maybe 2 vedmaks in sites outside firestorm and then you cap out(both my encounters were firestorms only got 1 ship down before caped out and 1 to very low armor each time).

1 large and a medium does thou as medium/small have the same % reduction.

I’ve tried using injector fits before but have run into the problem of cargo space for all the charges - I end up running out of charges before the end of the site if you get Neut-heavy spawns. Using 800 Cap Booster charges. How do you deal with this?

i try to conserve them as much as possible sometimes i end a site with just 1-2 charges left.

On another subject i’ve been testing sites almost entire day the vedmak rush group now allows mwd kiting yet the leshak group just wrecks ships no matter what.

So we got this big dilema go mwd+injector and maybe survive a vedmak group heavy on neuting especialy in a firestorm where they are tankiest then get trashed by leshaks because they are so good at tracking and shooting through half the arena plus potentialy alpha your capacitor too which means no mwd transversal 20 or 30km from them OR
Go ab plus battery fit do ok on leshaks but keep in mind you can get a 4 heavy neut spawn and kiss your ship goodbye and on the other hand you can get trashed by vedmaks if you rely on battery and are slow enough for them to keep you in range.

@CCP_Fozzie @CCP_Rise what do we choose here because any way we go we have a good chance of dying here to spawn rng

each demavik neuts now 100/8sec thats 12.5 seen as many as 3 in a spawn

each vedmak neuts 360/20sec thats 18 cap/sec seen as many as 3 in a spawn

each leshak neuts 600 cap/24 sec thats 25 cap/sec seen as many as 4 in a spawn

a 3 demavik+3 vedmak all neuting is just about same in cap/sec total drain but the vedmaks and demaviks are easier to get to especially now with latest changes than leshaks vedmaks can’t hit up to 63km .

further if i am to count alpha from each group as far as initial damage landed we have 3 or so vedmaks per tier 4 now they each do initialy 990 dmg per ships thats initial alpha of 2970 5 sec rof

leshaks can have 7-8 ships in spawn each ships does 616 initial dmg that’s 4312 or 4928 initial alpha also same rate of fire as vedmaks 5 sec but with 63 km optimal vedmak is 22km not even counting the huge differences in neuting ranges.


Yeah, I’m thinking F3 filaments max. The prospect of losing 5-billion+ ISK in 5-10 minutes flat doesn’t hold much of an appeal for me. I think I’d rather venture into low-sec…