I’m bringing ribs
It is sad, that there was really no point of agreement in this thread but… perhaps this comes from my background in the Mandate, but I don’t feel the total and absolute freeing of every slave of Minmatar heritage is ever going to happen, the Empire simply couldn’t handle it, the Republic simply couldn’t handle it, it would be a disaster on all sides. I for one though, would be content with a policy that if a slave wants to reject the Amarrian God, and institution of slavery then let them go.
I doubt more than a quarter of the currently enslaved Minmatar would be willing to come to the Republic as refugees, into a culture they are connected to by blood but not culture. The ones I care about are the ones that are willing to reject the Amarrian culture, the ones who still have that fire of resistance burning within them, not the ones who want to come here as free people then try and spread the insidious faith of the Amarr to the Republic. We already have enough of those people to deal with in the Republic as is, and I was raised to believe in the Amarrian faith, I have seen just how strong it’s appeal can be, how it manipulates and twists those who believe and it terrifies me.
Ah, glad to see you here, Valentina. While your logic is often flawed, you do generally mean well and do not revel in the idea of full-scale conflict.
I beg to differ with you on the point of the Empire reforming or abolishing slavery as it is now. I’ve explained why in a few places in this thread, if you care to go digging. I am glad that you at least see that immediate emancipation is unrealistic.
I hope you might be able to add a reasonable voice to this dialogue, if you care to stay.
Oh good grief. The proper form of address for (and level of respect due) my rank is ‘hey dumbass’.
This whole tangent was a response to
I myself make no predictions when not snarking at an idiot.
Mostly I think we were going for 1000 posts. Now I’m curious if we can get to 2000 before Off-Topic does.
We’re heathens. Please recall earlier statements to Aria. Heretics have to be committing Heresy, which can only be done by members of the faith who stray from Orthodoxy. @Aldrith_Shutaq what kind of nonsense are you people teaching your frothing larvae these days?
The easy to remember stuff to keep them fighting hard.
Mostly hair care related things it seems.
You’re right Aldrith, I don’t revel in full scale conflict, but that doesn’t make me too popular around these parts. In fact, some have questioned my choices in the current conflict, after all I have actually in in fleet with Amarr milita alliance Ungentlemanly Warfare, to attempt to help defend their athanor, and repaired their tackle ships that were helping with the local pirate menace. I am not at all opposed to working with the Amarr Empire or those loyal to it for common purposes.
In fact, I am just saying perhaps the Amarr could get rid of the slaves that resist, and I would even be willing to exchange those who practice your faith here in the Republic for them, then both nations would be even stronger. Of course, that is all theory none of it is up to me, and many would think me a bigot for my lack of religious tolerance. I merely want what is best for everyone, and a small exchange like that is the only thing that seems practical in the mid term.
I will never EVER give up my slaves. My fellow holders and I will NEVER recognize the rebel provinces as a legitamate republic.
I don’t like your hat. Prepare for war.
Well that escalated quickly. I suppose with hats involved it was bound to come to a head at somepoint though.
Treacherous words coming from someone WHO FIGHTS FOR THE EMPIRE!..who kills minmatar…
Also, The Amarr Empire already is party to many diplomatic agreements with the Republic, so the point for not recognizing it as a legal and legitimate nation has long since passed.
… who was pretty much guaranteed to hate your hat …
For your information I took this hat from a blood raider fanatic I killed with my bare hands.
Yeah, you said that, sir.
I hopefully explained why it’ll still be trouble? (That is: Sani Sabik do that all the time, and wearing this particular trophy means flying their colors exactly as they would? Right down to the tale of daring and brutal prowess?)
Just deal with it.
Maginally better. Prepare for less war.
War-Lite, the war you can enjoy between meals without ruining your appetite.
Just like people were told to do during the coronation with the Purity nuts…
That was different. You can lay claim to color schemes and logos, but not to an entire common primary color. We Reclaimed the color white from them for the good of all.