Alpha and its uses

A quick review of zkill structure losses in hi sec shows many examples over the past few weeks where the attacker has been a < 50 member corp or alliance.

I think there is a role for Githany Red’s project.


This would be the hisec F1 monkeys :crazy_face:

sry, simply couldn’t resist. It tickled my F1 finger.

Pray continue, looks like a good initiative if you can pull it off. Numbers will be needed, so advertize, advertize and advertize, get organized with voice chat, research some doctrines (logi and ewar included of course) and set up an easy to implement skill plan (stick to one race). You could perhaps set it up as a purple public fleet initiative.

It’s not easy to motivate hisec’ers into doing anything meaningful as a group. But maybe you can change that. Good luck.


I was once thinking about mass caracals with rapid lights, and the fleet can warp out and in at distance, reloading when in warp.


Agreed. One issue would be that with the infrequency and potential long travel, it would be hard to keep a group “ready to go” as they’d simply get out of the habit of banding together.

What other activities can anyone think of for a smallish group of say 5-12 players tackle in high-sec that would keep them on their toes, maybe even use similar ship types? Like, FOBs, or Trig systems, or a quick wormhole dive or something? Shoot some Lancers and wait for the fleet?

Might not need to be profitable or even ‘meaningful’ but should present at least a bit of a challenge.


They work well, they also remove tackle nicely as well, the best are Tornado’s with a good prober as FC, the alpha strike is key.

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With anti trig fleets in systems around caldari space alphas would need like 15 people in something bigger than cruisers for tanking the dps. So there is potential for battlecruiser fleets with afterburner logis. Like ospreys with drakes. Or Feroxes, feroxes work good too. 5 logis and the rest, 10 or more would be battlecruisers. Salvager can be trig neutral, working in alpha salvaging destroyer. Trig salvage is good ISK and there is unlimited amount of trigs to destroy.


One of the main issues tackling any attacking fleet is their logi can support each other. A dozen Ravens each doing 6000 DPS alpha would take out any logi ship before it could be repaired. Those Ravens also have pretty high EHP…I have one with 150K…so they are not going to be quickly blasted out of the sky by any smaller ships. A combination of high alpha and ECM neuting could devastate any attacking fleet…but then again one always has the N + 1 problem. The attacking fleet could simply bring more people along.

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Will this be salt or fresh water fishing?

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All of those “< 50 member” groups are able to put 20 faction-fit battleships on the field, and also to escalate with their bat-phones as necessary. When you see some station kill and it only has like 8 people on it, that’s because they brought the minimum, as they knew that they wouldn’t need more.

Meanwhile, what Githany is looking for is tiny little groups with 3-4 members in them total that they could win against by blobbing with a herd of noobs in Alpha battlecruisers. Such groups don’t really exist anymore, and haven’t for a while now. The high-sec war environment has changed drastically, and such groups can’t survive anymore. And even if some rare outlier pokes its head out from under a rock every 6 months, instantly blobbing them to death before they can even get their operations off the ground is shameful because it’s what’s contributing to a lack of diversity in this gameplay sphere to begin with.

This thread is full of bad advice from bad players who aren’t in any way involved in this sort of gameplay, but want to get some words in to make it seem like they’re sage gurus contributing valuable information in order to earn some hollow kudos from their little circle-jerk.

Maybe if the logi ship is staying absolutely still. A moving logistics cruiser has such high missile damage mitigation that a dozen Ravens would hardly scratch it, unless they’re using rapid launchers.

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Look even though you personally attack me, time and time again i do acknowledge you are correct on many aspects of what you say but things that seem impossible can be achieved, after all even though eve is just a game its still a game about warfare.

As in real life surprise happen, did you know how surprised Carl von Clausewitz was when a peasant army of French slaughtered his what at the time was thought to be a perfect army of its time, there are many cases of this happening some major events but many very miner and some changed warfare forever.

Knowing what your like I’ll preempt an attack by saying no I’m not trying to be the French or Clausewitz, I’m just saying it happens.

So back to eve a game that’s about warfare, of course there are ways to defeat 20 faction bs and bat- phone tactics, i acknowledge not easy or straightforward and many might fail but it can be done, and as you appear to be an intelligent person I’m sure you could work out some for yourself but please don’t list them here.

I’m proposeing we try to find that way, that’s all and really all i can see in doing this is a bit of fun even if we die a lot.
I’ve been in battles in the past, totally against the odds and lost but what fun it was trying, the ones we win are even more memorable and change people outlook about the game for a long time.

The chat about Ravens went off on a tangent a bit but that dps is a fact and has been used on more suitable targets but saying that BF logi often sit still repping their battleships, so a surprise attack may work once.

People moaning about blobbing really means they suck at scouting and start to cry about the game not being fair.

And really your personal attacks and negativity are the only bad things here. Bad advice can be changed to good advice as can players be shown the right path.

I helped in a battle that stopped one of the top gank fleets 3 times in a row, if i had listened to the likes of you we would never have gotten to that point.


Alright, list one.

One as it relates to you, and not in general, because obviously N+1 is the perfect solution to everything as we all know, hopefully.

Well no, that’s not really true. You weren’t proposing to find ways to defeat large, powerful groups that take down stations. In fact you said you have no problem with them, and even that you “worked together” with them.

What you said is that you wanted to take down small mom-and-pop groups with like “3-4 players” (that don’t actually exist anymore) that attack stations. So you’re either moving the goal posts, or you forgot the intent expressed in your original posts.

If you were looking for ways to interfere with large groups, I wouldn’t have criticized your proposal at all.

They’ll only sit still when there’s no resistance. Otherwise, there’s no reason at all to not keep logistics on orbit.

One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. If someone’s bringing 30 ships to your 10 during a citadel siege, if you fight, you’ll die. No amount of “scouting” is going to mitigate the outcome. It’s purely a matter of mathematics.

No, you’re being patronized by these people, and are either not understanding that that’s the case, or much worse, are choosing to ignore it.

Stopping a gank isn’t a “battle.” The gankers aren’t there to fight you, and you have a nearly-instant, invincible, infinitely-spawning police force on your side. Calling interfering with gankers a “battle” is wholly disingenuous, and sets the bar even lower.


Destiny Corrupted:
“Carebears need to learn how to defend themselves”
“Learn how to defend yourself or not to be a target”

Also Destiny Corrupted:
“But if any of them even talk about trying, I’m going to throw a sh1t conniption.”

Seriously DC, you’d think Githany was talking about banning high-sec PvP from the way you’re reacting here. Perhaps a small scale defense will work, perhaps it won’t. I honestly don’t see how some small-scale defense is “shamefully” stopping someone else from operating or developing.

Well, unless you think lazy gankers have a god-given right to easy targets… oh wait. You do.

I guess the thought of someone actually having to work for a kill is anathema to the high-sec “PvPer” mindset.


So one of the gank was aimed at AG, everything in eve is a battle

Ok some things don’t need to be said and at an early point could be detrimental to its long term aim but if this idea worked of course the targets are the large groups they always have been, they are mercs as well as war dec groups its inevitable but that also means we could end up on the same side, this group will not be the only force on the field so it in edition to the station defence and other friends, thats how we ended up on the same side as WM once.

And no and take what you like from that, they are my ideas for now

And i disagree if you know your enemy has that capability you should be looking out for it, if you get jumped by 30 ships to your 10 you suck at scouting and have been outmanoeuvred

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And once again, you keep moving the goal posts. No one said anything about getting “jumped” by anyone.


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It is really odd, the poster-child of the Eve forums is getting upset because Githany wants to organise a group to fight back against small war deccers, and goes off on a rant about it destroying small war deccers, when in fact having fun opposition is what they are looking for.

The best way to approach this is target selection, look for a group doing structure taken downs in your main TZ, gather intel then set up for it. All you need is a POS, ally in with a corp with one man in it, then pile everyone in on the timer and go to town. One approach is to have several corps with a POS tower which are allying in on different war decs so you can switch to as needed . Therefore they will have no idea what is coming for them. As it is Alpha accounts they will have limited knowledge, especially if the corp is held by someone with no intel on them. Go for it Githany, make the weakling Destiny cower on the forums even more, because that is what he was doing.

The biggest issue is getting the defender to accept you ally request, many just stop logging in and give up.


Jees, calm down, it’s only a discussion, who cares if it works or doesn’t work, it will still be fun to try it.

You is angry like Gix, maybe you ARE Gix


Yes its a problem we have run into, think thats why i might contact people 1st oh own structures then its ready if they then get attacked. Then as words spreads so we get more on the uptake of the idea


Everything is PvP. :grinning:


Had some great feed back thxs to every one.

Over this weekend I’ll put together a skill plan for a battle cruiser sniper and blaster fit.

Someone did mention a Hurricane, that looks very useful but need to stick to one ship type really.

So the 1st part will be to assist somebody in a war to get things rolling and at the same time make other structure owners aware of our plan as the new alphas will be coming from these groups.

The other thing please do remember the corp will only be active when needed, there will only be one type of content,other than any training we do.

Its for one task only, helping in the defense of structures, or help attacking enemy structures which brings me to my next point, I think to qualify for assistance a structure needs to be setup for the best defence possible in war time. So if anyone has fits please let me know what fits people use.

Remember at first we can be a supplementary Force for defense, jumping into wars as needed.

So i may make a corp this weekend, any suggestions for names

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Sorry i missed this reply, what do you mean by blob and your understanding of the word jumped. Just so we are on the same page.

Btw once this is up and running fancy joining us, your experience would be useful. As your not playing right now or so i believe, logging in with an alpha cost nothing and could be fun.

Time zone permitting