Hmm, “Ghostbusters” or “The Light Brigade” would be nice, but I imagine all the good corp names were taken years ago by some dusty 1-man corp that never gets played.
The Last Starfighters? The Thin Blue Line? 1-800-Got-Decced? Or maybe Oh Bee One (because you’re their only hope).
However, given the solid backing and advice they’ve provided here, I think the most appropriate name would be…
I don’t do PVP, but for PVE I think the best two sniper BCs for Alphas are the Ferox with T2 rails (with the right fit you can use Antimatter out past 30kms, and Iridium out very long range) and the Harbinger with T2 Heavy Lasers. Even better if you get the Navy versions, as you then get an extra mid slot where I mount a Tracking Computer.
As I say, a PVE perspective, so ignore if my ignorance of PVP misses something.
The Tornado is the one that works well, it is all about alpha, you have to have enough to blast through the reps. The issue with railguns and the Ferox is that when you use them with long range ammo, their alpha is low and their DPS is low, so you need a bigger fleet, which is not possible. Another issue is application. When you are fighting over a structure the structures power is negated by logi, so to start killing things you need to remove logi, so the Guardian or the T2 Trig logi cruiser with an afterburner and real issues, the application of the damage is much reduced due to a low signature and the speed it is moving at.
The Ferox is just a bad choice due to the limited numbers that Githany is liable to get, but the Tornado does get kills in this situation. Does that help?
NB A Tornado with T1 guns and Domination fusion ammo can do 10k of alpha from memory. If Githany used some suicide tackle and webbers on the targeted Guardian then she will get kills. I should also point out that the Tornado’s warp in land alpha and warp out, rinse and repeat…
Fair enough. I realise Tornadoes are the gankers’ favoured ship. Just that the Ferox and Harbinger are more flexible, which is why they are superb for alpha PVE. Just depends on how narrow a target set you allow yourself.
Another aspect which is very important when doing this is looking for the resist hole, Githany should get a ship there outside the war and assess the enemy fleet and then use the right ammo, arty is damn good as you can cover all the resistances, while railgun ammo is more limited.
I hoped I explained the approach, because without enemy logi even an Athanor or Raitaru have an effect on the battle. It is a narrow focus, but my alliance often uses Tornado’s for this reason. I should point out that most of these engagements were in US TZ so I was unable to participate, which is a shame.
This can deal 300 DPS ( 240 from turrets ) at 166km with Spike M…or 405 DPS from turrets with Cald Navy Antimatter M at 68km…it has two optimal range scripts…
Getting blobbed doesn’t necessarily mean that you “suck at scouting and have been outmaneuvered.” You can know that the bigger force is coming the entire time, but are unable to do anything about it. In these situations, fights never happen because the smaller side knows that if they engage, they’ll just feed the bigger side. And my argument was that this is basically what you want to do; you want to find a tiny group that’s attacking a structure, and blob them into not fighting. This is boring, unsatisfying gameplay.
All of this is aside from the consideration that most of the structures that are being destroyed belong to inactive corporations, which means it’s actually a public service, as the taxes that random players pay to use their services aren’t going into a void somewhere.
Okay, let me know when you find a target. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.
Missiles and drones really don’t have much effect as the attacking fleet will just apply logi. Plus the drones just end up being added to the attacking fleet killboard…thanks. Your best bet is to neut the logi so your ships can attack them. Then again, that is why logi will operate further from the station.
But I think your main problem is you’d have to have scouts going round looking for structures to help. You’d either have to change corp to the wardec corp for that station, or have your own warde-able corp in order to be an ally…as otherwise you will just get Concorded.
Bear in mind also the politics. A group you defend one day may actually be enemies of a group you decide to defend the next day. Bear in mind also that you may simply be ‘defending’ a structure merely so that WM or Blackflag attack it later
Yes i see your point but the way this would be an attractive idea is to find away of beating an attacker and saving a structure, structure owners would think great this is useful plan and more would join. Then you start to see its true potential and thats when it can start taking on large targets, also because of timers we have a window for combat when you are allowed to fight in high sec with alphas
Now i know some are not going to like this bit but we have the standing and ideas from NEPF who joins this plan, so for example the one man corps, gankers use in places like Uedama can’t join and could be targets for us.
And obviously the pirate princess and her mob has a life time ban. Obviously mercs are a special case and have no allegiance other than isk. (most of the time)
That is a separate case and i agree they need to be removed, as do all the pos around, just a shame they don’t drop anything
Well if he/she and his/her friends still needs to train the required skills to max that alpha allows, then we will wait a few months before they even get to try it…
I do understand what you are saying, yes the tornado is probably the better option but the aim is to go for numbers and my 1st goal i think should be 10 in the EU time zone.
Really this is the point, numbers, the Ferox Moa and cormorant would all have uses and are use by some large groups for such roles and in that line of ships you have the blackbird too, so as training and sp are key i thought the Ferox would give us flexibility its cheap and can have two fits available sniper and blaster all on medium guns.
Adding this the next day : think i might make a minmatar alt and see how that works, aiming for, hurricane and tornado
Yes i understand about the logi but at 1st i envisage we will be a fleet to add to a force, not taking on groups on our own, the Ferox or Tornado will be the aim for everyone to create a uniformed Fleet.
Was looking at fits and dps and 10 Tornados would indeed be a force to aim for. To tell you truth the real aim is to get people to take part and use an alpha for this purpose, be it in Griffins, cormorants, blackbirds, or moa.
Anything is worth a try, alternatively people can continue to cry to ccp that you cant have structures in high because of mean people not being nice.
Minmatar line ending in tornado with the hurricane and other ship of what their line brings.
Caldari line with Ferox and their ships.
I know this would not be a concern normally but as its an alpha and for the most part limited to slow training we cant have the luxury of swapping around, trying to make every training point count to be as efficient as possible