Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

Nothing of value was lost.

Then use another reason why you gank miners, many ships that die are not done for profit, many miners are killed because other miners want the ore, without a war mechanic they have to gank no other way.

You can’t get a ban for fighting over resources can you.
If you could we would lose 90% of our ice miners.

Many CCP mean grief ganking :blush:

I would love to see a fix of the wd sys. But not even the player base can come up with a good idea. (Where’s my soapbox emoji?) “I” think fixing the wd sys would relieve a lot of grieffing problems.

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With you on that one, unfortunately the old way was open to mass abuse by war decers.

I know I look at things from my side but would the old sys for WD still work but limiting the number of wars a group can have

Is this like the only word you people know?

The war system is fine. It won’t get any better, and sure as hell will be nerfed further in the future.

Maybe you should stop being so afraid all the time?


And this is what killed our corp. We couldn’t afford anything more than 2 wd’s a wk. All against the null blks and 1 merc war a mo. Even with rmt’ing rl $ into the game. We didn’t abuse the mechanics, but a lot small corps paid the price for those who did.

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I’ll give you that one…

I was thinking about that today and I have to whole heartedly agree. CCP seems to be on the slow path to no hs pvp.

I wish they’d stop dicking around and just actually do it already.

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Notice from CCP: “in order to alleviate lag in large nullsec battles, we are temporarily removing the highsec war declaration system until a software fix can be developed.”

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My prediction is that in the near future, war requirements will be raised to owning a large structure for both war eligibility and the ability to declare wars. Additionally, probably something like a permanent suspect status for war HQs (meaning anyone can join in on shooting them).

It is to ponder. And again, I have to agree

Get it over with.

It’s CCP’s vacillating that pisses me off as well. I expected blackout to be reversed, but small things like the resistance nerf, only to undo it a short time later are just aggravating.

CCP wouldn’t want the structure spam that would cause.

It already exists. They’ll probably add some kind of half-assed decay mechanic and call it a day.


But… you know… this is why I think the whole “more legitimate targets” goal in the blogpost was not actually achieved.

You need not worry about these people learning the game. They literally take pride in losing and being victims. They consider it a virtue.


And use that pride to ask CCP to protect them so they can mouth off without getting an old fashioned wardec to show the universe has consequences.

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True but let the crybears think that we are lying when we say there is a method ensuring 100% safety of doing abyssal runs.

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I’m sorry but it’s the only word that fits and really it’ CCP fault for allowing 100s of wd on players corps and players not defending them selves, well they did by moving back into npc corps.

We can criticize the helpless victim mentality, yes. But, in fact, they are winning. CCP would love to do a Pokémon crossover.


Whose fault is that?