An Invite to CODE

Seems that his bark was worse than his bite, a vampiric chihuahua

So just a lot of tired fake white noise generated after I asked for details on when I received a spanking, Eve forums at its finest.

The Prophet knows well of your cowardice.

Even more of your filthy beliefs.

You would only benefit from clone failure.

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[quote=“Your Awesum Brutha, post:212, topic:401494, username:Your_Awesum_Brutha”]

Ive seen the pipe bombing in effect, stopped a gank dead

Thought you was a miner

They did that in Gheth this morning, bring your name up and many others trying to have a laugh, eventhere alts laughed and apparently something has happened to me something terrible, but yes same jerk circle but in game.

Gheth is there new ganking system , out the way so people cant easily get there. Some may say hiding in the back waters of the trade routes

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The ape beating its chest reminds me of all those people who sit at highsec gates in their blingy ships trying to look scary. I recall last time Wrecking Machine moved its staging base, and I flew a dozen or so quite gankable ships all the way…frequently passing groups of less expensive ships that could have taken me on. Nobody want to gank a 1.4bn ISK Nightmare ? It seems not.

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Why would you fly a 1.4bn ISK Nightmare during a war?

Sounds scary.

I’m kind of confused by this. Are you asking why players in blingy ships on gates aren’t (randomly) ganking you? I mean, the answer is kind of obvious, I’d think; they aren’t gankers, and you’re not a target to them. They can’t legally engage you, so why even bring up them not doing so? Unless you mean something else by this (e.g. they’re war targets), in which case please elaborate.

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So what’s happened to me Aiko, you seem to be telling people something Terrible’s happened.

If she isn’t a war target would be pointless ganking her nigthmare anyhow as they cost about 1.3 billion isk, leaving a max of 100 million in loot. Only morons would sacrifice blingy ships to the concord menace.

Ah, the keyword, relaxing. Not much effort, guaranteed kills, most of the time.

We have talked about this, let’s see where the cyber sickness flows from tomorrow.

Here is a Low Sec Calmil Bot aspirant, Nina Fyrerdrache. Lives in Mercomesier and blobs round at least 20 ships. Same eccentrics as Safety/CODE, but never engages in PvP, except when all 20 alts are taking on an Ibis.

I am certain that a Galmil fleet of same numbered ships as a ganker fleet can stop any Safety/CODE gank in High Sec. After all, the practice we get on Calmil is nearly the same as taking on a Safety/CODE gank. The only difference is, Calmil fights back.

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Oi, Dryson. I’d happily duel you so you can prove a point.
I’ll use a Magnate. You may use any solo T1 frigate, no navy or pirate, just you and your flying skills versus mine. Amamake. Late May because I am busy rn. We start at zero.

So what sayeth you, Gallentean muffin nugget?

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You really are as daft as a brush. Lets try this one more time:




  1. PVP is an abbreviation used in online gaming with the meaning “Player Versus Player.” This term refers to games (or parts of games) which see one or more human players compete against other live players.

Maybe you should have a word with @Githany_Red and her band of misfits becasue they are

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LS is even more relaxing. You can easily get 10+ KMs in an hour without any effort.

What am I to explain to you? You will just scream “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” again and run in circles while not understanding what is going on around you as you always do.