An Invite to CODE

No, there’s nothing obvious about it. There aren’t that many of them, and they are there for hours on end. This is not the activity of people waiting to ambush some corp they have a wardec with. It’s mainly just a handful of people sitting there for ages in blingy ships. You never see any confrontation or combat…just them sitting there. It seems to me more a case of ‘look at me…I’ve got a Paladin’ or whatever.

The staging base is moved after all the wars have ended.


Yeah it’s a computer game. Why would I put in effort if I can have first class entertainment without it?

Is this work for you?

What makes me think you already know the answer?

The Prophet asks the obvious question, why aren’t you?

Why are you preaching religion on the Eve Online forums? Didnt you read the section that states discussions about real world politics and religion is a no no on the Eve Online forums?

Please restate your prophetic association that is based on a recognized, canon based prophet that is consistent with storylines and NPC’s from game, written by writers that are employed by Crowd Control Production.

Kerek, you said itself.

Why put any work into PvP. Safety Code are not PvPers because PvP takes work.

Dryson is scared to PvP in Highsec.

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I would have to declare war by anchoring a structure which costs to much ISK.

Saying that someone is scared to fight in High Sec is not even content, just like ganking in High Sec is not PvP because in the words of Kerek, why put work into PvPing.

I have fought Safety Code many times in High Sec, won and lost, but not once has Safety CODE engaged in long-term PvP in Low.

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Dryson is scared to PvP in Highsec.

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What is EVE Online? I live in New Eden friend, as do you.

I have been blessed enough to grow from my beginnings with the Holy Amarr Empire to follow a better path. The Prophet has shown me the way and that way is certain.

What is this “real world” you speak of? Did your last clone batch go bad after dying to these pirates you cry incessantly about?

I sadly feel in addition to being a terrible capusleer, you are delusional as well.

I feel for you brother.

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A religious zealot, a Bandit Princess and a forum griefer. Walk into a bar.
I know it sounds like a joke but really who’s going to take any notice of you 3.

( I’ll try and think of a joke today)

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I’m making a comment on it, i never take any notice of you


It is true that the regular highsec peasant indeed requires a structure and war declaration to shoot things in Highsec. Only true elite PvPers are capable of destroying other ships at will without it.


yO DRY, u wann com GANK ?

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You must be smoking some good stuff, goodie two shoes.

Ofcourse not sweetie, you just her biggest fangirl, that’s all, now go powder your nose.

I have one for you - NEPF


There, I fixed it for you.

I don’t gank. I also try to stay away from attacking non-FY or non-FR ib low. Unlike yesterday when I lost my Phatasm to a Drek due to interest baiting by locking up the Drek and waiting for him to go Red Box, I tend to stay away from neutrals.