An Invite to CODE

No kidding?

It’s kind of difficult tbh, you should stick to lowsec where CONCORD won’t stop you.


DrysonBennington it is too late. I have plexed all my gankers for 24 months. All the isk came from looting miners like you.

We are now space rich, CCP can not stop it. The taloses and nagas will keep roaming highsec while performing the most elite form of PVP.

Feel free to uninstall.

Bye :money_mouth_face:



Bye :money_mouth_face:

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Come to Covyrn :smiley:

what’s a covyrn

CODE is in lowsec mining miners, highsec is more fun though

Dude, I haven’t mined rocks for a few years now, so your emotional phisphing script is not even laughable.

The Galmil / Calmil faction warfare zone is safe for Safety to come into atn, Sedition is off running Capsuleer event and have left us to farm the plexes all by lonesomes.

Who can possible protect us?

No, High Sec is easier for you to gank miners in because Low and Null have networks that make certain miners are alerted to known gankers and Reds.

Try again.

If that were an accurate statement, the killboard wouldn’t be painted red with the massive loss of mining ships in lowsec. Intel channels are ineffective. Being on comms is ineffective. Neither prevent the loss of mining ships, haulers, and the like in lowsec or 0.0.

The only certainty is that the losses will continue. The lesson has yet to be learned.



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So, you just admitted that you don’t even pvp even in low sec.

You just farm plexes.


What was it you lost to CODE. Anyway?

That is why the carebear blobbing F1 monkeys go to null.

This comment right there confuses me greatly.

I use to be a Miner and was thinking that the next step up the ladder is to be a hardened fleet pilot spamming F1 when required.


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upload: worn out mouse little finger removed for safety reasons

Your F1 on your keyboard might be warn out but how is your little finger from using your mouse?

Calm down, miner.

“What was it you lost to CODE. Anyway?”

His dignity.

That and….


He has been crying ever since


I use a cat

Cat Playing GIF

much better than a mouse

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