An Invite to CODE

I merely preach the old ways of the universe.

And yet I am a Prophet.

I am not sure of these random phrases you spout. Maybe you need to cut back on the illegal pharmaceuticals?

Whoever said I wanted to save high security space?

It should burn, like all the others.

The only culling that is going to happen is your evil witch handler?


This is all part of my plan to sweet talk my way back into Safety.

I merely preach the old ways of the universe.

You aren’t preaching anything but scrim.

And yet I am a Prophet.

No, you are not a prophet and never have been.

I am not sure of these random phrases you spout. Maybe you need to cut back on the illegal pharmaceuticals?

Typical and standard phisphing mechanic used by the inadequate.

Whoever said I wanted to save high security space?

It should burn, like all the others.

In order to burn something, you have to PvP.

Calling someone a ‘Dork’ shows, lacking.

Ok another piece to the puzzle.

There is one item in which I only seek then my time in New Eden will be complete. I will chase after this item all over New Eden.

Ol Frosty was so close to his goal…


Maybe I am not ready to receive

Forgot all that. The time is now!

Why do you doubt the Holy Word?

If you but placed your faith in the old ways, you would see the foolishness of your crying.

And yet I am. I call for a return to the old ways of our forefathers who came through the gate. Before this incessant weakness infected our society in New Eden.

That is a lot of words to cover your own insecurity no?

True words. Is that why you cannot burn down safety? Because you do not actually engage other capsuleers? A interesting confession.

The prophet is indeed a wise man, the whinebaby heedeth not thy words.

Yea, and the whinebaby did doth gnasheth teeths.

Ok…so ex miner maybe current miner wants Aikos corpse but not the one @Githany_Red was just gonna give him for free. Is it one he has to collect himself? Once he has it, what’s the play? Is there a new goal? Does he ask it questions in his hanger instead of asking you on the forums? Is it a substitute for your direct attention, or just another weird item on his totem pole of weirdness. Can I somehow leverage this into also getting a Nestor?


Probably will turn the corpse into something like this:

Not surprised, @Githany_Red has some wierd fetish about collecting corpses, who knows what she does with them.

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The following had been quoted long ago; Eve online is about realism and a gritty, dark universe filled with death and despair. But it is also a place where hope and trust blossom into things wonderful and yet unexperienced in other games."

This Pilot’s story will continue on the next path in New Eden.

fyi that bitter-sweet frozen corpse collection path started long ago and really don’t wish for it to end that way. I had many opportunities though the last thing I would do is backstab Aiko. Longbuck’s could have grabbed it many times. I respect a good fight and feel my pilot here is not worthy of such a fight.


This was something completely different to an Orca, and reason for returning it back to Vinnie is I really had no use for it outside of spinning it in station.

So to comment on your other questions, no I would not be holding onto that frozen corpse and most likely hand it back.

And yet I am. I call for a return to the old ways of our forefathers who came through the gate. Before this incessant weakness infected our society in New Eden.

Lol, your toon wasn’t even around to get your name on the stone monument.

Your toon probably was in the two commemorative photos, probably.

But I can guarantee your name isn’t solidified on the stone moment with Titan honors.

You’re so far down in the valley, prophet or not, you will never break the stone monument and Titan honor.

Two months in the game and you already fancy yourself a prophet. So, you might not have been scribed on any monuments of Eve Online, thus, no rank.

What is a prophet?

A prophet is someone who keeps people from being educated.
A prophet is someone who educates people only on what the prophet believes.
A prophet is someone who always puts a person down for choosing an education over the temple.
A prophet is ridicule.
A prophet only cares about the lies the prophet can tell, while the prophet slips all of the money from your pocket and tells you the reason why you are not wealthy, which the reason is, to keep the people confused and full of shame in order to make a profit from.

You’re not that insightful, little prophet.

You are not even laughable, because all that you are in the Hand of a Titan is… dust.

Who is the one crying for the money, the curse of the life of the tree, that blows through your mind? Thus, the curse of the tree, the life you took, is your true prophet.

Your failure is inscribed on the monument…

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