An Invite to CODE

The Prophet confirms with this series of words right here, how unskilled a capsuleer you actually are.

Re-read it until you come to the needed revelation.

The Prophet realizes you seem to have unresolved trauma which causes you to complain electronically quite often and makes you an ineffective capsuleer.

You do have the Prophet’s pity however.

One wonders why you seem to think a Titan class ship is the end all be all?

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  1. Step one
  2. Step two
  3. ???
  4. PROFHET!!!

The Prophet has profited quite nicely from their time in New Eden.

The ISK is plentiful.

The Prophet realizes you seem to have unresolved trauma which causes you to complain electronically quite often and makes you an ineffective capsuleer.

You do have the Prophet’s pity however.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

You are not a prophet. You’re someonw who spams game forums telling people how bad they are, expecting people to give you money to heal some bullsh*t trauma that isnt there or to direct the gamer to a further fraud, another misplaced bonus room.

You are not eternal, you have been in this game for around 3 months. You don’t have any experience as a Capsuleer to even justify a comment of saying someone else is ineffective.

Im certain the next part of your spin and cancel fraud entails you believing that you have a path of knowledge that only you can see and if only people would give you money, you would show them the secret path, which is yet another corridor to another bonus room of fraud.

Prophet = lies to keep people confused and scared of finding the true answer, but instead finding the answer this guy, three month old fruit salad, believes is the path. Eldostokkr, your only path is that of the lie, loathing, ridicule and deceipt from which the curse of paper money has been beset upon you by the very trees that give life to humans.

Your only seplucher is death of humans, because the more greedy you are, the more trees, the only true life giving prophet on Earth that does not lie, must be felled to make you feel other wordly, while humans die because of the lack of oxygen.

Your prophet is nothing but death and disease.

What you call ‘complaints’ is your inability to render any coherent idea other than your need for someone else’s money.

No, prophet, it is you who is the complaint, because your complaint ends the same way, every time.

Give the prophet money so he’ll up and be able to feed, gluttonously, while others starve.

Go out and build a real home, laid from your own knowledge, build that home with your two hands instead of holding your hand out, crying about being inneffective.

Lol, eight players from a five year old killmail has nothing to do with modern times, other than an excuse to not to.

Dryson, your shame is forever.




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The Pipe Bombing thread was closed. Why are you linking to it?

Ah, the nefarious attenmpt at ridicule. Still works to draw them out and scissor them. Don’t you realize what tactics are? By now, you should know such threads are long and drawn. Probably not, because tactics really arent used in Blob Warfare.

Now, come to Low Sec and feed the Z board with Calmil and pirate kills.

Surely, catching a Snuffed out Dread on a Rogue Analysis Beacon is a fitting kill for such esteemed and glorified high sec gankers such as yourselves.

Ventures, barges and freighters, oh my.

But no Ratting Permits for bot-aspirants in dreads running analysis beacons, shameful indeed. How shameful.

Now that is called a good thrasing

No chance, you are just too scary

Wait, what are we talking about now?

Frostpacker doesn’t need access to that silly chat channel anyhow!

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Well, you vowed to pipebomb us out of existence.

When you make further claims, it is only natural that someone eview your previous history and conclude that you are a silly clown.

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We reckon DrysonBennington is not a silly clown as he would still have access to that in game channel.

Come to Low Sec and let’s see if you can back that up. After all you are -10, so your security status must not be that important.

The offer extends until whenever…channel closed.


So you can hide in a station. Or in a plex and then bounce to a safe spot and play “bounce bounce run?”

Sounds exciting…

Besides, you and I both know that Aiko needs to hide behind the big ol’ brawny shoulders of CONCORD, where it’s safe. And the absence of CONCORD’s meaty meatshieldness in lowsec would leave the fair princess vulnerable.


I had pvp’ed along side Aiko aswell as having the one time chance to pvp vs Judge Sarn and if your pvp skills are an even faction of his @Aiko_Danuja wouldn’t ever stand a chance 1v1 vs you.

And yet I am. If I was not, my words would not impact you so.

When have I ever asked for money? Like many in New Eden, I make my ISK by hook or by crook. I have no need for begging.

This sounds like personal experience. Perhaps you have some, from losing to SAFETY so many times?

And yet I am eternal. As are you. I am a bit concerned how you keep referring to our life in New Eden as a “game” though. The delusion may be very harmful to you.

I have never hidden the path that I believe people should walk. Why would I? The more people that walk the path, the more New Eden thrives.

What lie the truth? Point out to me where I have lied or asked for money.

As for my own lifespan, I have been here since we crossed the gate. I, like you, am an immortal capsuleer. Do you believe you are not?

Why would my tomb be the death of humans? We are immortal friend.

This sounds very much like your own unresolved personal trauma.

But I have? All of New Eden is my home.

The only one crying is you.

Why not use your purported military skill to end SAFETY, no matter where they fly?

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@DrysonBennington Has difficulty with numbers

@DrysonBennington All mouth, no balls.

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What does the @DrysonBennington say?

yapyapyapyapyap yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap

The scariest aspect is the kid throwing that thing around right in front of their 98 inch TV.

Don’t Forget guys 24th June is Code, Day! @Aaaarrgg