An Invite to CODE

Because you inadvertently shined a light on his horrific behavior, and he and his army of alts will flag it to hide it in hopes that no one will read it and slink back into the darkness like cockroaches.

But we all know what he did. And we all know just what kind of a person he is.


He’s asleep during these hours, so it’s probably one of the other salty boomers like Lucas/Epeen/Kezrai who follow me around the forums all day, desperately trying to get enough dirt on me to get me banned.

Anyway, I don’t really care even if he does. He’s a one-note cluckster who doesn’t even play the game. I’m way too busy killing 100-billion-ISK PH freighters to care about his yelping.

In related news, I now hold the all-time record for the biggest kill made in Sarum Prime.


The Prophet spoke of a time where people would use shadow puppets to try and escape the consequences of their words.

The joke is on them sadly.

The very act of using said puppets, is the worse form of cowardice. One they must live with for all time.

What ever people say about you just want to say, well done

Great kill

And the loot fairy approved

That is another Destiny lie, because I was telling a Russian not to use homophobic insults as it was deflecting from his point on ganking, i merely suggested that making jokes about SJW was a more acceptable way. From that I am supposed to be homophobic in the eyes of Destiny, which is rather risible…, no idea where he pulled the racism thing from, his rear end I suspect. By the way the ISD did not delete my post nor did they sanction me for it, just to be clear on that.

I was supposed to be sexist because I doubted whether someone wondering if a player was really female was sexist, this is the level of Destiny and many of the other posters here. Forum warfare at its finest, not…

Maybe if I am lucky I will get accused of cultural appropriation next? :roll_eyes:

Still I find the inability of a war deccer to war dec and these false accusations most amusing.

IN any case this is all to deflect from the point made by the OP that CODE and their ilk are not up to doing PvP in the war zones in faction warfare, neither would Destiny who lurks around a trade hub to get easy kills. So of course they want to divert attention.

Especially when the person in question repeatedly said they were female, people can Wonder, especially what we proved to be true. Which i don’t want to bring up again.

About 76B dropped, another 10B destroyed/stolen by neutrals, and 3B hull value, so right around 90B total value. Squizz helped me look it up, and it’s the 4th most valuable freighter kill ever recorded in high-sec, and 15th or so most valuable freighter kill ever. It’s the biggest kill on record in Amarr/Sarum Prime (I decided to kill it in Sarum because it’s easier to loot there, but could’ve killed it in Amarr to hold the record in that hub). Though I suppose I should’ve let it go in the hopes that it would jump into low-sec at some point and kill it there, because then I could claim to be a REAL PvPer instead of the high-sec hub-camping baby-griefing no-skill scumbag I am right now.



Then you doing something wrong

You just did

Verily, I shall impart upon thee the wisdom of my sisterhood. for I remind thee not, but rather elucidate upon the matter at hand.

At the conclusion of their accusations, it became clear that a labyrinthine web of deceit and subterfuge had been woven to undermine the credibility of an individual. The subtleties of this treacherous scheme were such that it took great discernment and scrutiny to uncover the truth.

Truly, the machinations of those who would seek to besmirch the reputation of another are a grave affront to the principles of honor and integrity. May we, as the wise sisters of new eden, always remain vigilant against such insidious plots and steadfast in our pursuit of truth and justice.

Too many adjectives. Take it back and cook a new one.

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That was one sentence sent to chat gpt and rewritten in the style of the sisterhood from Dune, but its as clear as a want to be so fitting i think

I plugged the entire script of Blazing Saddles into AikoGPT, and the results were not good.

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Lol oh dear

I did a recruitment ad for eve in the style of Gary Goodspeed it was quite good

I then ask the chat bot how would moonpie answer this and it got it right, silly I know but fun

Speak english girl and stop trying to sound like an educated smartass.


Near as I can tell anybody can mark a post as offensive and it will be hidden by default so having a hidden post in itself doesn’t mean you did anything wrong in the eyes of ISD.

In this case, I’d imagine it wasn’t what you said that prompted someone to hide your post, but the quoted text in the post.

Also, while I disagree with Dracvlad pretty strongly on a number of topics, I agree with his take on the issue. Someone on the AG side was making inappropriate remarks, and Dracvlad told him in the nicest possible way not to be like that is how I remember it and I can’t recall him making a string of remarks himself that indicate much other than that he has low a low opinion of certain eve related activities.

He could be a lot meaner to me for my having taken up positions against him in the past, but he has never been discourteous to me. I just have to think that if he were as bad as people want to claim, he wouldn’t be as polite to me as he has been since there’s absolutely no benefit for him in that.


I always found lowsec to be extremely boring.

Dunking miners in highsec on the other hand is just relaxing and first class content.


Naive you are. The old vamp likes a pretty face

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tut tut

The fact of the matter is that no one cares anymore. It’s a person of no influence and no consequence on anything or anyone in this game and its community. You know how when adults are having a dinner party, and a child will come up and say “mommy I drew this” and display a terrible crayon drawing, and the parent will just say “oh, that’s very nice, dear” and then turn right back to making conversation with the guests? It’s like that. It’s the one-track routine of showing up, posting something about “griefer won’t put down a war HQ,” collecting the requisite like from the Lucas alt or Epeen or one of the other carebear boomer doomers who haven’t undocked since 2011, and then disappearing for another 3 months.

It’s just background noise at this point.

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