An Invite to CODE

Except that this toddler is teaching his fellow toddlers how to sneak homophobic and xenophobic slurs pass their parents, who are actively ignoring him. And no one is enforcing any sort of stiff consequences because they are ignoring him.

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The whole thing was ill-advised and a storm in a tea cup, personally I would not have bothered saying anything, more important however was the possibility of multiple players running one account?

@Qia_Kare thanks for that, I find it a sad thing that I am accused of being what I asked someone not to do, but some people are just full of hate sadly.

As for Destiny’s comments, yes I am currently background noise as I am not active in game, but it is Destiny himself who keeps on talking about me and elevating me above background noise. Anyway it is quite clear if you want to war dec someone you have to put down a war HQ, begging the other person to do it in some half basked challenge is just weak, sorry mate but weakness just oozes from everything you say and do.

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Hope you’re enjoying whatever you’re doing, my take on war dec group is coming on, still a few weeks away from recruiting people. Plan to practice dropping structures and setting them up so we know what we are doing. So we know what to do if we need them We have 2 structures and a handfull of pos to use, not sure if we should set up the structure properly with core. POS we have all the fittings.

So all looking good I’ll keep you posted

The amount of effort they put into trying to turn me against you was laughable and to tell you truth it went on so long i feel because i would not side with them. So sorry for that.

New eden will always have scumbags to fight. Which i hope will never change

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You have been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion

Githany the rebel



Dunking miners in High Sec with three Cats costs around 40 million maybe? Salvaged loot might equate to 10 million, depending on drop.

Why not up your game and use Catalyst Navy Issue?

More smile for the style. Besides I can get CNI prints from the FDU loyalty store rather cheap and with 4 million + LP, what other reason would CODE not have to sign up and come into the war zone?

Lots a Navy Issue frigs and destroyers + cruisers running around the plexes. More bang for the gang, more nuts for your squirrel pockets.

Because they don’t give a toss about faction warfare.
Now go away and practice your safe complex running like a good little boy.

What moron would do this

instead of

Oh wait, isn’t that you?


An unpowered structure will be quicker to destroy.

Because the 12.5% increase in DPS isn’t worth the 2,000% increase in cost?

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Our friend Dryson does like his navy issues, money not an issue for elite PvP’ers like Sniper Dryson.

As we see here, Navy Issues make all the difference

And how many times have you been engaged in PvP recently Zart? Zero.

The CNI does cost more, yes, but the increase in DPS means that freighters can be taken down a lot faster, reducing the total rate of loss for CODE pilots, allows for double CODE fleets to operate at once instead of only one fleet which equates to more loot dropped by the ganked target. Fewer ships on the field does add a bonus to anti-gankings ability to stop a gank though.

But Im certain the overall factor of getting that second freighter kill on the same gate, the one that got away, does override the quaint and insignificant variable of cost.

On top of that, the boosters that you get for helping build the transmuter lasts up to four hours and provide upto 4% increase in damage.

Boosters that you can only get for being part of the faction war.

So a CNI with the increased DPS and faction booster would allow CODE to pwn more barges and freighters in a four hour period compared to the standard issue Catalyst.

Its also remarkable how you only draw your facts to fit a conditioned response that benefits what you want to believe.

I also use many other ships as well. How many do you use Zirt?

You’re simply bad at math. It would be both more effective damage-wise and more cost-efficient to use cruisers at that point.

Indeed, I had a look at the Navy Catalyst and for 28m ISK or so all one really gets is a few extra percent of DPS, a slightly better range, and obviously with only 6 blasters one is saving the cost of 2 blasters every time. So make it 26m…to compare with my 755 DPS standard Catalyst that costs just 13m ISK. As always in Eve, for double the cost one is not getting double the ooomph.

How many freighter kills do you get doing faction war? ZERO

No, that’s not how the maths works. A 12.5% increase in DPS actually means that 8 Navy Issue Catalysts have the same DPS as 9 Standard Catalysts. Not a huge difference.

And…8 Navy Issue Catalysts cost 224m ISK…whereas 9 of the T2 Catalysts we us in AO10 cost 117m ISK. A difference of over 100m ISK for the same DPS. That makes a big difference when 100m ISK may be all that drops and is left of a 250m ISK ganked ship.

It is a really good ship for certain PvP situations, though, which justifies the value. As with everything, there’s a significant faction price premium, but in one-on-one situations, the special abilities faction ships have usually result in much higher efficiency compared to regular ships.

The one navy destroyer I think is pretty bad is the Caldari one, because it desperately needs another middle slot.

As far as ganking goes, it would make much more sense to turn to bombers instead of faction destroyers (for large targets), like Hawk does.

Actually…I just did a test setup…and all I could get out of the Navy Issue Catalyst was 736 DPS with overheating. Compared with 755 DPS for my standard Catalyst with overheating. So where’s this alleged ‘extra 12.5%’ coming from. I get less DPS with the Navy Issue…which doesn’t surprise me as it only has 6 turret slots compared to 8 for the standard model.

I get 113 DPS per turret on the Navy Issue and 94 DPS per turret on the standard one. It would have to have 33% extra DPS per turret just to have the same total DPS as the standard model.

Always calculate damage as “effective turrets.” The regular Catalyst has 8 turrets with no bonus, so effectively 8 turrets. The Navy Catalyst has 6 turrets with a 50% damage bonus, so effectively 6*1.5=9 turrets. Then divide to get the difference, so 9/8=1.125, i.e. 12.5%.

Sounds like your Gallente Destroyer is level 3? You’d have 6*1.3=7.8 turrets effectively, which is 2.5641% less than the regular Catalyst. Your quoted numbers support that: 755/736=2.5815% (some rounding error).

No Idea what you are on about. My Gallente Destroyer is level V. I’m pretty much maxed out on that and Hybrid Turret, etc, etc…all the skills required for ganking with a Catalyst. Or rather, my ganker alt does.

I don’t see ‘50% damage bonus’ anywhere in the blurb. It says ‘10% damage bonus’. That is not multiplied across 6 turrets. I mean…6 turrets on a Navy Issue will still collectively have 10% more damage than 6 turrets on a standard Catalyst. If 6 turrets on a standard Cat do 600 DPS then 6 turrets in a Navy Cat will do 660 DPS.

So…6 turrets with 10% more damage cannot hope to match 2 extra standard turrets giving 33% more damage.

The whole argument was DrysonBennington arguing that the Navy Catalyst has ‘more DPS’ than the standard Catalyst. I see zero evidence that is actually true. My fittings show the Navy Catalyst has less DPS.

The skill is 10% damage per level. So at level 5, you would get a 50% damage bonus, ergo 6 turrets multiplied by 1.5 for a total of 9 turrets’ worth of damage. This is for the Navy version.

The regular one does 8 turrets’ worth of damage regardless of skill level (there’s no damage bonus per level). So at an apples-to-apples comparison, with the skill at level 5, the Navy version does 12.5% more DPS (9 effective turrets versus 8).

For your Navy version to do 2.5% less than the regular version, something else has to be going on. If your skill was at level 3, it would explain it perfectly (as per the math in the previous post). Otherwise I’d look for other differentiating factors (fit, implants, boosters, etc.).

Another possibility is that you are comparing normal versus overheated numbers between the two ship variants. An overheated regular Catalyst does 9.2 turrets’ worth of damage, versus a non-overheated Navy version’s 9, which is also about a 2.5% damage differential (with rounding error).

To help visualize:

Exactly 12.5% difference.

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No I’m comparing overheated in both cases…with Small Hybrid Turret at level V. And obviously, turrets are always overheated for ganking so its the only comparison worth making. I have gunslinger SS-902 implant, but that should apply 2% regardless.

All I have fitted in both cases is…

Light Neutron Blaster…6 for Navy and 8 for standard…Void S ammo
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator II
Magnetic Field Stabiliser II ( 3 of )

I get 736 DPS for the Navy Issue and 755 DPS for the standard Catalyst.

If there was some other skill that affected the Navy Issue DPS, it would surely also affect the standard one. Otherwise, I have fitted the two ships identically apart from the 2 extra turrets for the standard one. And they are both being run under the exact same skills.