An Invite to CODE

The movie does not condone vigilantism; you can’t defeat violence with violence.

Praise James 315 for providing we, his children, with these wonderful tears even years after he left the game.

Truly, he was the Savior of Highsec and will rise again.

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In the meantime we have Galaxy Pig.

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You’ve already met CODE in pvp many times Dryson, why ask for more? Did you enjoy getting turbo dunked over and over?

CODE has nothing left to prove, 100% win rate in every space. Even won an Alliance Tournament so hard CCP had to ban us from ever entering again.

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Actuallky that 100% win rate in every space is a limp phallacy. Is CODE able to deploy citadels in contested Low Sec, or space where piracy takes place contanstly in order to control the system?

Probably not, because CODE would have to use blingy ships, carriers and dreads and expensive ships to defend their citadels and space.

With most CODE members being -10.00, every elite pirate, chancer and revenger, would burn towards the CODE LS system for pinata fest.

So no. CODE are not A game gankers because CODE cant survive in contested Low Sec.

No AE, CODE was banned from the AT for this reason.

In CODE.'s case, 12 players (including the captain) failed to show up and the captain failed to stay in the Captain’s channel at all times. That’s 13 infractions and CCP decided that it’s good enough to ban CODE. from all future ATs.

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Why would Aaaarrgg want a citadel?

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I need somewhere to store all my thrashers.

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The Prophet laughs at your insecure ego.

Your time would be better spent self destructing at the sun.

Your incessant crying has already shamed you far more than losing a ship to pirates.

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Sure you can. If you violence all of the enemy well enough, there are none of them left to violence you back.

Shame is the lamented excuse of those herald their cause as being the savior of High Sec but can’t survive in a Low Sec environment.

Why does CODE need a citadel in Low Sec?

Because in High Sec. CODE hides their structures behind war dec mechanics that are too costly to engage in, legally, while engaging in ganking, uncontested.

In Low Sec though, there would be no war dec, no gate guns, just the skills of the CODES citadel gunner and CODES defense fleets.

But as usual, CODE is risk adverse.

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You are a source of great amusement to the Prophet.

If you were half the pilot you claim to be, you could end “CODE” in any sector of space.

The fact that you can’t, says it all.

You are worse than the Matari filth. Simply excuse after excuse.


Yeah! Even worse than us Mata… wait a second.

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Frostpacker would log in for you @ DrysonBennington

But will you be good enough?

Lol, what’s your PvP record look like?

So, basically you are saying that you have my credentials and would log in for me?

Dryson, this is why you have no friends.

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Please, I invite you to come into the Galmil faction warzone and prove your own excuses a mere, fallacy.