Announcement: Shrine to a Caldari Hero Operational

Yesterday, Oh-Five, Eighteen, One Hundred Twenty — a date which will live in infamy — the Shrine to Sarth Jenneth was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval forces of the Arataka Research Consortium.

We were at peace with that alliance, and, at the solicitation of Lasairiona Raske and Lunarisse Aspenstar was still in conversation with those diplomats looking toward the maintenance of peace in Saisio.

It will be recorded that the distance from W-Space to Saisio makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the ARC diplomats has deliberately sought to deceive us by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Shrine to Sarth Jenneth has caused severe damage to our liturgical and spiritual facilities.

The facts speak for themselves. The Sani Sabik and truly loyal Amarrian people have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safely of our Faith. As Commander in Chief of the Hoi Andropodistai navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for your defense, that always will all Sani Sabik and truly loyal Amarr people remember the character of the onslaught against us.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the Sani Sabik and truly loyal Amarr people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.

I ask that Sani Sabik and truly loyal Amarrians everywhere declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by ARC on 05.18.120, a state of war has existed between them and the Arataka Research Consortium.

P. S. And join in defending the Shrine to Sarth Jenneth next round on 2018.05.19 19:18.

Someone can’t read his war dec notices. A state of war has existed since May 10th.


I will make it plain at the outset that I speak for myself as an Amarr of Khanid lineage, not for who I work for or any other group. I am often quite good at holding my tongue, but enough is enough.

I have never been ashamed of my cultural heritage. I may not have fully embraced it as much as my father would have liked, but I have never been afraid to call myself Khanid.

But you, Nauplius, make me sick. Holding true to beliefs and being a devout follower of the faith and traditions is one thing. Deliberately targeting individuals for what very clearly seems to be a personal vendetta, is quite another. YOU are what now makes me hesitant to admit I am Khanid. YOU, whose supposed ‘faith’ and devotion to God drives your twisted and vile actions, incenses me.

We are supposed to be kin, tied by a heritage. And I loathe that fact more and more with each bastion to your absurd ideals that you anchor among the stars.

If you keep building them, I will stand ready to burn them.


It has not been a Khanid for some time. I refer to itas The Butcher, or an Assimian. Either way, do not take fear from its alleged heritage.


I know the Blooders don’t place too much emphasis on intelligence, but this is just dumb.


He doesn’t know science stuff. Or, to put it another way, he prefers the kind of magic that doesn’t work to the kind that does. Seeking out the secrets of the universe, and turning those to artful advantage: doesn’t that sound like what scientists and engineers do? … but he’d rather play with knives, altars, and other people’s blood.

Of course, this matter isn’t wholly unspiritual for me, either. If there is a world beyond this one, if Father is looking back at me from it. . . .

Father, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to visit. I know this isn’t the way you’d want to be remembered. I know this intruding person’s manner of honoring you must disturb your soul as much as Mother’s.

I’ll come to visit again, soon, I promise. For the sake of your memory, and for Mother’s people, in the way of your ancestors we will honor this invader with arrows and raze his fortress around him.

Please be patient, Father. We’ll return you to your rest soon.


Noooo, there was no negotiation. You point blank refused to take it down. So, that’s what I reported back. Now, if you’d like to reconsider that, I’ll be around tonight and am open to further discussion.


Mourn not, Aria Jenneth, for your father lives on in Upper Hell, the Hell of the Righteous Non-Chosen, along with Tibus Heth and other honorable and virtuous Civire and Deteis people.

From there, he cries out to you that you might destroy your own Achuranness and take your place among the Righteous.

Go get em’ boys. Have fun storming the castle… though I don’t expect there’s going to be much of a fight for it.


Uh … I really wish people wouldn’t say things like that.

Nauplius the Butcher has been flying more or less alone for years, and it shows. He kind of lives in his own horrible parallel universe, but he’s not what you’d call a pushover. If he’s a clown, it would be a pretty scary, deadly clown.

That’s not to say I expect a bad outcome, but please don’t set it up to be a shameful thing if at some point we lose?


You’re bringing a fleet in to bash a citadel. Napkins may have skill as a pilot, but nobody has enough skill to beat an entire fleet alone. You also have the advantage of not having to pay for help if he hires mercs. 90% of this forum wants to see this guy burn and would probably fleet up with you just to see that happen.


Seen it happen. The playing field’s a lot more level in high-sec, of course, but… seen it happen.

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Well, some of the fleets coming for him have gotten their arses handed to them. Of course, this is with the sub-optimal kind of fleet. When they default to the Coward Ravens, there’s usually not too much you can do to defend a Citadel solo in highsec. Takes some fairly serious incompetence to lose that fight.


‘Coward Ravens’?

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A Craven?

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Beyond the reach of citadel tackle and pretty much rendering most EWAR pointless. It’s the perfectly safe and utterly dull as dishwater way of taking on a citadel. If it proves to do too much damage for your logis to handle, you can just warp out and tether at a freeport for a bit and come right back on grid.

Against citadels with just a gunner and no defense fleet, they’re pretty much impossible to deal with.


So a smart, effective strategy. Gotcha.


Dull, cowardly and indicative of poor capabilities. If the clown suddenly got himself even just one or two compatriots on field, it’d fall apart. One decent scram in play and it’d be torn to bits. It’s just lazy, dull and can’t actually stand up in a fight, so the “smart, effective strategy” would be far better served by putting a real fleet on field instead. One that can actually deal with, I don’t know, an enemy appearing somewhere that isn’t the gunner’s seat.

My personal preference there is a decent Rattlesnake fleet with some logistics and a battery basilisk, but there’s several fleet compositions that’d be able to stand its ground against a citadel and a defense fleet.


For Fucks sake No one REALLY hates the Achurans, YOU DO. Because Serena bailed on you because she realized you were a shite father. You fail to see the error in your mind, however, since your locus of control is nonexistent.


It’s not really indicative of capabilities at all though, is it? Just because they use a doctrine that doesn’t require complexity doesn’t mean they can’t use more complex tactics. It just means they don’t need to.

Some folks go and shoot things for reasons other than ‘fun and excitement’, you know.