Thank you. For all we disagree on a great many things, and seem prone to antipathy, I do respect you for the spiritedness and consistency of your world view.
Edit; and for those following along, I’ve just made a clarification on the ARC galnet comms relay that we’ll avoid all militia flying. Easier just to not touch that morass.
My comment was to Arrendis. The point there was that an organization cannot be judged independently from what it allows its members to do. An organization never does anything; what it does is what is collectively done by its members. Neither can an organization claim it did not do things its individual members did; if an organization let’s its members remain members after they have repeatedly engaged in a particular act, it is condoning the behavior.
Now, to your concerns: if “neutrality” to you means that you might be in a Mary militia fleet one day and a Minnie militia fleet the other, I give you that technically that is neutral. There are many people on the warzone who do not care which side they shoot, as long as they get to shoot someone. (We usually call them “pirates”, though obviously that is a little bit of a misnomer.)
However, technically, it means that when members of loyalist forces see you in space, they cannot know whether you are about to shoot them or not. Which means, that it would be better for me to put you on the valid targets list, just in case - just like we do any other technically neutral but potentially aggressive group. That does not mean I necessarily hate you in any particular way. You might even be a friend of mine and still be red in that sense (it has happened, and I am tempted to name names but let’s say I won’t).
To go beyond “you might shoot us, we might shoot you, but we probably won’t go out of our way to hunt each other”, like I said to you elsewhere: most loyalists don’t want to build bridges, they want to gain allies.
I wouldn’t worry too much about being on EM’s red list. From what I remember there’s damn few groups who aren’t. Being notionally, potentially, hostile and being active enemies are quite different things to EM.
For the sake of clarity: this works in both directions, obviously enough. I was looking to understand ARC’s perspective on this, because their position seemed to be basically the same as GSF’s: ‘The organization takes no position on the conflict between empires, and has not restricted pilots from making individual choices’.
And yet, ARC seems to have had an expectation of the opposite result. When we’re dealing with partisans, unless it’s someone we know personally, we expect to be shot at. More, we expect to be mistrusted on an individual level. Yes, there’s something of the general reputation in play there, but when you’re in an active combat theater, not being on a side means nobody can trust you, and everyone should consider you hostile, just for their own protection.
So I don’t know how ARC expected everyone to just presume their benevolence. Presuming anyone’s benevolence in New Eden is just asking to be stabbed in the back.
Regarding my above comment to that and some inquiries:
No, for gods’ sake, we don’t really set everyone red by default. You have to actually shoot someone, or actively support people who are shooting things they should not be shooting, to be on our valid targets list.
But the quote is true in the sense that if you want to be NRDS and still actually fly, let alone fly in combat, and in an active area, you have to take care your red list is extensive enough to identify most possible aggressors.
As much as the attempt to blame this on Mizhara amuses me, you do know that we have had SFRIM pilots working with PIE as valued allies since before ARC came into existence, right?