[ARC][SFRIM] Call To Aid Victims of Illegal Human Trafficking, Project to Assist Former Slaves

Then maybe you should put pressure on the Empire to actually crack down on the illegal slave raids being conducted by the Imperial Navy.


“Let me be clear, destroy the criminals (including the Republic transports), free the slaves and turn them over to the Ministry of Internal Order or the Ammatar Consulate to be properly processed and returned home within our own legal systems.”

Sounds like something an Amarrian would say. Remember that fate was the only thing that bore you to this side of the whip. If the tables had turned and you were on the receiving side your tune would be different. Hell, you talk about this as though you are reading a god newspaper. These are real lives your people snatched away, then you use prose when the judge and jury show up on your doorstep. I hope you know what hunger feels like when the vast majority are freed. Maybe it will knock you back down to the real Eden.

Your right though…the Amarr Empire should watch out for all of us. Some of us came from the ones who escaped the grasp of your people, and not all of us feel like “taking the high road”.

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God’s will led to me being Amarrian and that means I bear the burden of saving your kind from themselves. If the tables were turned, I would in the end be thankful of the Chosen People of God who selflessly put so much effort into saving me, even if I was initially in a state of ignorance and petulance as the Matari are now. These are real lives indeed, and that’s why I cannot trust any but Amarr to act in a quick and humane way.

The Matari have never “taken the high road.” It was the Matari, not us, who built a secret peacetime death fleet and broke a century of peace. And may I remind you, were it not for CONCORD’s meddling, the Republic would have fallen on that day. The deck is stacked against us Amarr, for the wicked fear the Light, but they can only delay the inevitable.

You and yours may hate me, but I love you. All of you. I will thus continue to dedicate my life to saving each and every one of you from yourselves. I hope you see the Light some day, friend.


Pilot Elkin…

Does it concern you that people are often driven to taking their own lives rather than accept this ‘help’ you offer? Does it ever concern you that all too often this ‘help’ requires shackles or mind altering narcotics? Does it ever concern you that people fight with outright viciousness and abandon to resist your ‘help’

Have you ever, in all your years considered that you and yours may be wrong? Entirely, totally tragically wrong?

If you have, you must be incredibly arrogant or incredibly moronic. I don’t think you could say those things and be a morally or intellectually serious person if you had a shred of doubt.

Of course, if you haven’t, your arrogance or idiocy is astounding.

SFRIM, I commend your initiative, despite the points others have made about the… False distinction between legal and ‘illegal’ slavery.


Conversely, it was the Amarr who shamefully attacked a peaceful people by surprise, ending multiple centuries of enduring peace across multiple worlds and star systems. Was that ‘the high road’?

You say you love us? You taught us to hate. You only trust the Amarr to act in a humane way? You’ve never acted in a humane way. You are savages and bullies, bent on eradicating every other culture and way of life from the cluster.

Your ‘love’ is a lie. Your god is a lie. Stay the hell away from our people.


The last Amarrian priest I met sure did “love” all those slaves around him. Loved them pumped full of Vitoc.

You must not have been present the day the Mitari elders rolled into your system and pumped countless atmo with the cure for the Vitoc you inject them with. I was there, and it wasn’t your praises they were singing. I will keep saving them, and keep sending your inbred clones back to the filthy lab they sprang out of.

I have seen Caldari greed face to face, and watched as the Gallentee run in circles trying to appease a flawed frame of mind others only grasp because its grown with ISK. I have also met Amarrians with minds filthier than a slave’s quarters, but I tell you…Thukkers are where we really learn to live. You speak of “love”? I knew love, all 180 lbs of her. Her eye’s have shown me more love than I thought could exist…but your eyes only reflect decay…Like sugar eating enamel…tastes so sweet, yet rots to the core. Make sure to send the clones for defense, don’t wanna scratch that pretty face.

It’s actually not as bad as you’d think, unless being expected to perform your job to be paid is greedy. So far they’ve been rather pleasant to deal with and have at least some parallels to our Republic.


Hey - you’ve grown your hair, Mizzy. Really rocking the Ava Starfire look.


Yes, yes. I am familiar with this “all other cultures are bad, my culture is good” mindset.


If a culture is largely based on the enslavement and subjugation of everyone that isn’t a very specific genetic subset… yeah, it’s kind of bad, I’m afraid. And I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Kylsa, not Ava.

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Both, actually.

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So … I’ve been working on getting facilities set up for the Society. It looks like even if we take full advantage of the Republic’s transports, we’re still going to have a lot of people left behind. We’re starting a little modest, but should be able to expand in the days ahead.

This is one time I kind of hope Miz doesn’t come around, since I don’t trust her to trust us enough not to open fire even if we have a whole lot of freed slaves on board. A fight during a slave rescue operation might be awkward, in a lot of different ways.

I guess it’s mostly up to her, though. … Well, her, and our ability to respond or else evade.

Anyway, even if it’s not a thing that makes those of you in the Republic think of us as good people or anything, it still seems worth doing. The Society’s beliefs basically just don’t really match with yours-- after all, they do believe in lawful slavery. There’s nothing inconsistent about being okay with something if it’s considered legal by your government, and opposing that same thing if it isn’t-- especially if that governmental authority is more or less synonymous with religious authority in your faith.

If anyone’s a hypocrite here, it’s probably me. But, given the chance to help someone instead of harming them … I don’t mind so much.


Really? Huh, I must have missed Ava coloring her hair. Last I saw her, she was a brunette. Well, unsurprisingly I am not the most social of butterflies. Must have missed that.

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Welcome to YC116 I guess?

Considering Mizhara’s usual position on such things I imagine you could remove the 5th, 6th, and 7th words of this sentence.


Hm. Probably, yeah. If we do something that doesn’t match her worldview she tends to assume it’s a trick and defaults to shooting us. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up using this event to hunt our rescue teams instead of saving as many as she can herself.


What makes you think it wouldn’t be both? Pretty sure I’ve spent more time in those sites than you have, so far, and yes. It’s kind of strange that you expect me to trust someone who has a stated loyalty to the worst slavers of New Eden to act honorably with my people. Especially after having betrayed that in the past.

SFRIM has done nothing to even begin undoing that damage so far, so why exactly should I trust you now?

Edit: Not that it should worry anyone much. Eyes and ears have been steadily confirming that SFRIM and ARC largely stays docked or runs away from civilization. It’s pretty standard by now.


What a time to be retired.


So keep purging these Heretics like always, just with the other nations blessing?


some historical background -

(2005-12-08) Over 230,000 Perish in Slave Transport Betrayal

(2005-12-05) Protest held above Matar – Ushra’Khan challenges Republic over Insorum controversy

(2004-11-22) Matari Strikes free thousands of slaves, Imperialists outraged


My culture is the best, though.

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