Asset safety is broken

How about not applying the same asset safety system to 0.0 and empire?

How about you defend your stuff?

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Apply wormhole asset safety to all space. It is the best version


How about you get the ■■■■ out the thread troll?

You mean no structures in high-sec for one-man corps like you? I’m down with that. Why should you get to have all the bonuses of the structures and no risk running them, right?


Whitehound please stop replying. You are in way over your head. In other words you are stupid. Stop talking. Ignoring you from now on.

How about you accept that people have a different opinion on the topic and you might be wrong?


Mate he can’t even follow a self help guide that involves writing a coherent and calm sentence or 2 on his end to potentially get his stuff. You think he is going to accept he could be wrong? :smiley:


I am willing to accept i am wrong, now go ahead and convince me im wrong. Im listening.

It seems you badly need a loan so can unlock your assets. There is a marketplace subforum just for such proposals. You should have the collateral in the form of your assets, though proving what you have might be tricky because as I recall you can not look inside an asset safety package until you open it. Still might worth it to figure out a way to get the loan.

Do you have any other structures in space at the moment?

Your assets are in asset safety. So, you are wrong.

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Ad hominems aren’t merely when you insult someone. That’s when you’re saying the person is wrong due to an irrelevant aspect of that person.

That’s the difference between “You’re wrong, and you’re immature” and “You’re wrong because you’re immature”


Ok challenege accepted. The New Upwell structures are extreamly powerful and provide Nullsec or BETTER level bonus’s (and that’s just the highsec versions). They are destructable but that risk is solely on the owner. The problem was anybody using them would have 0 risk for all the benefits with a completely free asset safety so we have a fee that goes with it to make this risk/reward balanced.

Another ad hominem… Stick to the topic or get the ■■■■ out. By the way if you cant handle the tone i think you are the immature one.

I … what? Seriously. Read up on the terms you’re using. But thank you for demonstrating that you don’t know what the term means.


I was going to let the first one go cause it almost fit…

So please explain why asset safety only cost 0.5% if there is a NPC station in the system, but it cost 15% if there is not? It seems to defeat the purpose of Upwell structures since there is a big disincentive to build and use Upwell structures in systems that do not have NPC stations.

edit The fix seems pretty clear. Upwell structures in empire space should only have asset safety fee of 0.5%. But upwell structures in low-sec and 0.0 should perhaps have a higher fee.

When moving barely any distance it is quicker and cheaper as opposed to moving potentially many LY. And obviously people are building them out of NPC station systems or this thread wouldn’t exist

To expand on this it hurts groups in SOV null in theory stopping them from having instant access to their assets should an attacker manage to jump through enough hoops to kill an important set of stations

It’s working as intended. Log off your computer, cool down, and remember it’s just pixels on a screen.