Auto-abbandon of wrecks

Yes alphas can use MTUs

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Yes alphas can use MTU and mobile depots too, not sure about the rest of the deployables but you can check on uniwiki I guess.

As demonstrated above, Salvage Drones make clearing yellow wrecks from sites a lot faster. Your immediate response was ‘Alphas can’t have …’

There is the issue. Slow site clearance when it comes to yellow wrecks is because you are an Alpha. It’s faster if you have Salvage Drones. When you can salvage up to 7 wrecks at the same time even though they are yellow it is of course many times faster.

You want faster. You do not want to take the existing option that provides faster. You do want the game to bend so that you can salvage faster. This whole thread is about you being able to salvage faster, no?

Nope, someone that has such an unrealistic / untrue mindset and so set in stone like you, is.

Touchè. But i still think that of you leave the trash to rot, someone else should be able to tractor/loot it
We are able to scoop drones that aren’t ours for the same punishing reason.

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Cooooooool thats…

Of no interest to anyone forget I mentioned it.

Im off to do… secret things

It’s of not intresting for you lol

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inb4 15 MTUs appear around the Jita trade hub, owned by Ramona McCandless / alt. :smile:


… and a few hours later all are destroyed by the local anti-MTU forces. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think the other guys identified all the problems here.

Yellow container loot is not yours and looting is a suspect level offence with a whole load of game mechanics that revolve around ownership and theft.

Yellow wrecks without loot are not yours either.

Essentially this stuff doesn’t belong to you. You didn’t do the work. You are a space vulture. A tramp rummaging through other peoples leftovers looking for scraps. The issue is not just that they didn’t want it. The issue is also that you did nothing to earn it or deserve it.

Arguably this should not be easy or encouraged.

I know YOU want it to be easier, but do you have a convincing argument for why it should be?

Yes, but you have to manually fly over to them and scoop them up, because they are not yours.

Glad you gave this an example because what you are asking for with wreck changes, would be like asking to be able to use the ‘Reconnect to Lost Drones’ option to take other people Drones, because you don’t want to fly over to them and do it manually. You want it easier, you want it faster, but entirely because they are not yours it is not supposed to be fast and easy.

Same with wrecks. They are not yours. It is not supposed to be fast and easy.


I wouldn’t object to a toggle, but auto blue? NO. I’d even want the toggle to have a filter that I’m only abandoning them for corp mates. If you want to take my wrecks without my permission, you can fly to them and take the risk of going suspect.


I think the core idea is fine…with player choice involved.
Think I’ll present that over in the Player’s Idea area.

This particular thread has been ‘wreaked’.

–Gadget - salvaging the idea


People who want to abandon wrecks can right-click abandon all wrecks. You asked specifically to auto-abandon ALL wrecks after a certain time so you can loot them without going suspect. I don’t want you to get my wrecks without going suspect even if I do nothing with them.


I think Ill set the author of this post red so I can destroy my wrecks when I see him on grid.


The OP has a point, and he has the right to ask the question.

I ALWAYS loot and salvage the field and never leave anything behind. But after being in Null and watching the isk/hour carrier guys leave behind the wrecks of Havens and Sanctums chasing the ticks it’s a shame they don’t let guys clean up.

So here’s my thoughts.

A) Leave the original timer as is, but add 1hr, that 1hr will turn the wrecks blue so anyone, including the guy who cleared the anom can claim them… and make them scannable.

B) If A happens. Will it take away a massive ISK sink? Bearing in mind that leaving behind all the loot from Sanctums and Havens, and even the lower anoms is a large amount of loot/salvage that’s worth 10’s of millions.

OP, ignore the obvious trolls, getting sucked in to their level won’t help.


Then you know they are there and can scan them down and take what you want.

What the OP is asking for is to reduce his risk (a little) making a change that affects more than just ratloot and missions.

In that instance cherry picking and an MWD are safer and more useful than an mtu anyway.

Every Omega account is an Alpha that has paid for gametime, regardless of payment method.

Alpha/Omega is an account status, you’re either subbed or you’re not. All accounts are Alpha by default, paying for gametime makes the account Omega, not renewing the gametime payment returns it to Alpha.

Wasnt he the bassist for Alestorm once?

Nah, I think it’s the guy who did the mixing on Gangnam Style.

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I agree with everything 100%, especially the part about ignoring the obvious trolls
* cough cough McCandless cough cough Uriel cough cough *

Apparently objecting to a clearly flawed idea is trolling.

Like Sir Issac Newton and Giotto and Galen and all the greatest learned folk of the world.

Thank you, I am truly honoured.