Billion isk

You can easily make a billion from Jita local just for being there on the right day.

Last week, some guy was giving away millions to anyone that said he was the best in Local.

I ended up with 650 million :rofl:


it’s what the game is all about, having fun. If it stops being fun, go do something else. For me I might have the urge to YOLO every ship I have in the most ridiculous PVP situations ever (like throwing a trolltanked nereus at a blaster fit Moros(!) just to see how many shots it takes to kill the indy (the answer is 4))


Haha I won’t lie going 1 ship vs 20 in a gate camp and somehow killing something and burning off warping out is deeply satisfying :slight_smile:


moonwalking out of gatecamps intact in an INDUSTRIAL is the most amazing feeling, I did it a few months ago going through the Forge with two and a half bill worth of modules in a trollfit… couldn’t stop laughing all night, my missus thought I’d finally lost it.


Moon walking! lol that phrase is perfect hahahaha yea I love the laugh’s it gives, the best laughs!

Join a WH corp. Hard to stay poor in one once of those.

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Agreed, but he said he didn’t want to do that.

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Ah okay, missed that part.

In three days playing relaxed for an hour or two I got 50mil from WH I scanned in HiSec, 30mil from a 3/10 DED and a 50mil from a lvl1 Drone anomaly and 30mil from contracts placed by a scammer in Jita ( well that was sheer luck). All that with Alpha account. Just play and enjoy it.

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Did the same 3/10 DED in HiSec yesterday - 90 mil loot.

Small ships = small return.

Small ships + Low% RNG Exploration = smaller return.

Carrier ratting = $$
Carebear renting = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
GSF RMT = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Just need to Gianturco your way into RMTing and you are set.

I started with Level 4 mission grinding. Income depends a bit of the faction you work for. If you are not afraid of NPC Nullsec or Lowsec adventures, some Pirat factions have pretty good LP stores.

Then went into trading but it was not really my thing. For the last years, PI is my main source of income.

fit some combat scanner probes and scan hi sec systems for decommissioned structures, they come in at an average of 1 bil per time


do a bit of ice mining, not enough to bore you to death but most hi sec belts have free boosts from orca’s if you ask nicely, you can even do that semi-afk in a procurer/skiff

I usually make 60 mil in 2 hours doing exploration…
Nullsec and WH space, for lowsec probably like half that, so im wondering what you’re doing wrong to get exploration returns that are that low.
Any clarification of your methods will help.

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O really? :stuck_out_tongue: small ships = 300mil / hour :]


I hack cans
Not always a success
I some time lose a fat can :frowning:

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Credit card -> PLEX. All the ISK you want…

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Its all about the skills. Higher skills help you do something faster or enable you to do something in the first place. So improving skills on things you enjoy doing will also most likely increase your income. I have to say iam suprised that you only made 60 in a month with exploration and discovery. Even in high sec you should have made alot more.


step 1 : be scary
step 2 : be scary to someone specific
step 3 : ask for isk to be scary to someone else
step 4 : use isk to buy even scarier ship
step 5 : see step 1

edit : repeat till you get your ass kicked , make friends with these people.


I said one month but not really one month tho
I play only 1-2hours a day
And 2-4 day a week
And I’m a newb

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