EVE works best during conflict, not external game mechanic changes, but war! CCP has all but neuetered EVE from waging large scale war. It might be OK for skirmishes, but not trillion isk losses from a single battle! This can only occur when you have the freedom to maneuver. Jump fatigue, cyno changes, system timers all these things have reduced conflict. You want to see EVE get better, unshackle the dogs of war. Some will say “but goons will conquer EVE,” yea until a long time ago entity like BOB rises up and kicks them in the tutu.
EVE was built on conflict, so let there be conflict!
I don’t think so. On average for August 2019 the daily amount of ISK from Bounty Prizes was ~589 billion ISK. Your graph shows a much smaller daily number for August.
Also, from the Dev Blog,
So I still think that is a success story: fewer botters and less ISK from botters.
the problem is blackout not only shoot bot, but all farmer legit
now with blackout people pay 15€to play the game but can not earn isk to get their ship
I agree with that. And it maybe too much of a cure if you will…I don’t know.
I think they did it to gather data and the data is not good in aggregate. So they are rolling it back.
Same stupid argument that cloaky camper prevents pve in the system. Yep Jenna is right, BO opened eyes for me but quite the opposite what he wrote.
I don’t think anyone believes BO is going down because of bots.
Especially the same people that said the BO was implemented because, and / or against bots.
The only clear thing is, the same action favors both arguments, which makes them dubious to say the least.
It was people, not bots who the BO acted against.
It is people, not bots why the BO will be no more.
Get that and let’s game!
if system is camped you move to an other system.
with blackout you dont know if someone log off in your system and come back when you farming.
it is easy for any cloaky stratios to kill you or sb to drop on you
if all nullsec is at 2.0 adm it is for a good reason, i m not alone t othink that
Austrian School of Economics
Resources are Scarce !
blackout is like CCP droped an atomic bomb on nullsec, shoot bot and legit farmer
it s very bad for legit farmer
Somebody please, tell me again how bots all over null sec, rampant RMT, immediate intel, risk-averse krabs, inflation, and null stagnation is good for the game. All of this will come back without blackout.
The only argument that the blackout-haters have is “CCP was losing subs.” Oh really. Then tell me how krabs who play omega only by farming ISK and don’t send any real money to CCP for their subscription is better for CCPs wallet than PvPers who pay for their subs with real money. A krab would never pay for a subscription fee with real money if they know they can easily farm ISK for 3 account subs in a weekend. So somebody, please tell me again how nobody paying for subs with real money is better for CCP.
Bringing back local is going to kill EVE at an accelerated rate. It may not appear to be that way at first as all the bots come back. Bots give an illusion of player activity that CCP somehow was stupid enough to buy into. They won’t realize this of course until it’s to late. This time, they’ve really screwed themselves over in the long run. Well done, RIP EVE.
I’m disappointed.
For me it means I’m forced to go back to small fast ships for roaming to have decent chances at catching something again. Small and fast that often simply lacks the DPS to actually perform the kill.
Cloaked cruisers where able to catch stuff during Blackout. With local back, it will probably just be the “pull drones and warp asap”-behaviour again.
You are right…unless the return to BO comes with some equally draconian measures that maintain high degrees of risk and discourage semi-afk farming–Null should never be that sort of place ever again unless rewards are dramatically cut.
this game is not counter strike game.
in the advert CCP say build your empire.
people farming, mining, building and earn isk. many pay 15€ per month for the main pilot and buy plex for omega alt.
hunter wan some fun after irl work can connect, buy plex with credit card and let s go get some kill on farmers (some are mostly afk so yo uhave time to tackle them in anomaly before react)
but with blackout, farmer, miners, industrialist is docked or not even online (-60% online)
so hunter have many less target and get bored
To all the fair weather players that resubbed when the blackout started, Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. =p
Of course not.
It’s just better than BO for non-cheating entities.
Did they say…do if for free? Even quickly upgrade all your characters to high skill levels and never pay CCP a thing? Do it, but remain completely dependent on NPC empire in safe space with all the easy tools to ship inport and export your every desire?
blackout only really benefited circle jerking wormholers ganking ratting ships and trying to call it pvp
Elwha please read well what i say if oyu re not a troll again
i say many people pay 15€ per month for the main and buy some plex for omega alt
And please do the same…and don’t assume I’m arguing with you.
i think it s legit when you pay 15€ per month you can farming or mining and earn isk
with blackout we can do nothing or ganked by cloaky stratios play log off log on in system and you never know he s here