Blackout Concludes

Point is eve Needs both sides ingame… boters craps and Elitist pvps if you exclude one from the game it will fail. all pay bills even thoose crabing and paying with isk for plex(cause thoose plex got buyed by nother guy). never good for a firm to ■■■■ of customers to satisfy another customer.

game was good before blackout.

people can buy plex get 2.1 billion isk for 20€. it s good amount for some good ships fun
and the man found easy many target in nullsec, farmer or pvper.

now with blackout plex is go down so less ships for 20€ and less targets and it s just begining if blackout perma


if people wan play like wh space they go wh.

why so many people in nullsec and not in wh, it s prooff people dislike blackout in wh. because wh is more rich.


No Eve doesn’t need any of those.

Zero players don’t really sustain a MMO, though.

To be honest however, if I could finally defeat my EVE-addiction by the devs running the game into the ground at high speed, I’d save a lot of time and money!


so you think Eve needs bots and people with elitist bad attitudes?

Damn, I can only take so much good news in one day.


try civil conversation… I know it’s hard

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People with bad attitudes are 101% of the game’s population, so yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not that simple as “change stat x” anymore. Problem is deeper. All started with SP trading without restrictions. So players started to inject into supers. ISK start to flow from NS while risk level was lowered significally. CCP started to promote NS even more because selling SP make them RL money and it may lead to great battles. EvE great battles make media buzz, players may flow, what could go wrong, right?

Then stagnation hited along with disaster in economy coming. What CCP did? They wanted to reintroduce risk in a cheap way possible. So we had BO. What went wrong?

For so many years CCP cater to NS players so they become fed, some of them should never even been there in the first place. CCP started BO experiment and they failed. Players instead adapt or HTFU left. It’s hostage situation now, either they revert the change or they will lose customers. Customers that slowly killing the game. So much for “we were not enough bold in the past”…


The chaos era is about to begin.

I’m looking forward to see the numbers in a few weeks.
Everybody will want a piece of Null’s a$$.

We are ready for the PVP rush, guys.

Just don’t forget: It was CCP who started this war by dividing the player base in classes.
The day someone is singled out as “experienced players” vs “new players”, and that such action is favoring one over the other, we have a problem.

That division was unnecessary.
Now,… meh… we’ll see but I suspect a PVP explosion at all Null borders.
Far better of reason to defend than against a bunch of cyno gankers taking advantage of a temporary experiment.

Just for a while, try not to use the regional gate radius as “tank”. It will just show the character of cowardly and an-other flaw in mechanics favoring one side. Come in.

We’ll see.

Where are my testicles Summer ?
They were removed !
Were have they gone ?

If CCP wants bots gone, all they have to do is on the EVE map show systems with " out of norm" activity and show it Flashy Red.

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As a person in NS I didn’t mind blackout…

But, in looking at the MERs…

This too…

That is ISK from Bots though. That is actually a good thing.

However, the money supply has shrunk considerably…so that is a serious cause for concern if it translates over into deflation.

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look better the graph, in aougust it s not bot drop and in september even highsec mission drop

The blackout was useful to me in an unexpected way, in that it helped me have a more mature outlook about people. How people suck and how humanity is doomed because humans are stupid.

Before the blackout I spent years arguing with “delete local” types who were sure that no local in null would be a good thing. I and others pointed out how null wasn’t built for it, how cynos and cloaks would ruin “no local” null for all but the biggest most powerful groups, how people would react by just moving to high sec like they did in 2011 after the anomaly nerfs.

All of that happened. After the initial rush of small gang pvp hunters to null in the beginning , null sec petered out swiftly, taking activity around new eden down with it. Less stuff being blown up, fewer groups in null, most of the groups that were left in null consolodating under the umbrellas of the big groups that caused the stagnation in the 1st place, bots shifting to high sec and FW instead of leaving, real people leaving rather than staying.

To repeat, the blackout didn’t hurt bots of big null blocs, but screwed over those of us who were neither…

And it was all plain to see. My belief was that the “delete local” people would see the evidence and finally understand that deleting local was the wrong idea. But no, jsut like people in real life, actual evidence, actual bad consequences , actually SEEING your beleifs backfire and help the wrong people while hurting the people who were supposed to be helped… none of it matters.

The TRUTH doesn’t matter. Evidence doesn’t matter. Only ideology matters.

Humans can’t even be honest about the goings on in a video game that matters not one bit to the real world. Which is why humans are screwed, if we can’t see the truth in a video game, how are we supposed to deal with real life existential threats to our survival?


Null-Sec Sov has won. CCP Lost.

No change may come to Null-Sec Eden without Nullsecer’s authorization.

May extreme Security and easy ISK reign until the Universe crumble under its own weight.

I wouldn’t go that far…

Let’s just say a key was turned.
And all demons were revealed.
Now, the key is about to be un-turned.


Told ya… let’s game!