why not just use an arty mach? better in pretty much every single way, and you should probably already have one if you are doing blitzing/burners.
have arty mach with shield tank fit?
I do burners and recon/cargo delivery/scrarlet when i have bad standings
oh wait. yep my mistake ! i have problem with CPU =)
if you need more CPU can drop a nano for a co-proc. I think a compact MWD would save some fitting room. Also the shield booster is mostly just there to rep up a little damage, might be worth it to swap to a large.
[Machariel, Mission Blitz Arty Shields]
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Tracking Enhancer II
Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster, Scan Resolution Script
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP L
Small Tractor Beam II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Get the loot listing by fleeting yourself and then get what you looted from the fleetlog.
need even more work…
wait, I think you’re right. Just need to find out how to get the log files.
I like that selection. FWIW, with a MJD, Pirate Invasion is easily worth the few minutes it takes to run for the standings boost you get (+ LP / ISK). I highly recommend adding it to your list of missions to accept when standings are low.
is anyone even doing any other missions except agent and team with the introduction of glamourex???
The base angel are as worth as team and the base serpentis still nice to play.
I’d say I do base angel 100% and base serp 50%, 100% when in same system.
Has anyone tested Gila fit on Blood Raider base (Burner Ashimmu) after nerf ?
I did some test on live server by myself. I’ve runned like 10-15 Blood base burners.
I’ve losing just a bit more drones. Before nerf I used to losing 1-15 drones, now I’m losing 5-20 drones.
My fit:
[Gila, Blood Base]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Pithum B-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum B-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Medium Energy Nosferatu II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Vespa I x10
Scourge Fury Light Missile x1506
Agency ‘Pyrolancea’ DB3 Dose I x1
Shield Power Relay II x3
Vespa I x25
Mobile Depot
Mobile Tractor Unit
I took Agency ‘Pyrolancea’ DB3 Dose I x1 only for emergency.
With glamourex on field, whats the best isk / hour, i guess the agent ones?
The Social Boosters don’t increase ISK or LP rewards, they only increase the amount of standing gained for completing missions.
and they decrease the standing loss , meaning you can cherry pick the missions.
However the cherry picking has a huge time cost. If you decide to only do half the missions you were doing previously, you have average twice the time to select next.
Let’s say you have a total of 100 missions available
Let’s say you take 8s to cancel next mission and ask another.
let’s say you accept only p*100 missions (eg only 10 missions means p=0.1)
then the average delay between missions accepts is 8/p (in that example 80s)
if you accept 20 missions, then your average “next mission” delay is 8/0.2 = 40s
That’s just the average time to get next mission. Sometimes you’ll be faster to click next, no, next, no, but it’s actually stressing especially if you have several accounts, often you will actually take longer, looking at destination.
You also have a minimum “refil” delay that’s 10s for me. (remove loot, if missing add ammo, repair if needed)
There also is a 10s delay to undock. So if you accept 20 missions average delay between missions end-start will be one minute ; if you accept 10 missions that will be +40s.
I consider total time (including accept, next mission) for burner is 6 min average. a +40s loss is a reduction in isk/h of -10%. So I need a +11% increase in isk/h from mission to compensate.
The question is : do the agents really give more than +11% increase in ISK/h compared to other missions ?
Most of the time it needs to be evaluated per case, that is, list all the possible missions and possible destinations, give them a weight of probability, and evaluate the mission’s own gain and time. ; then sort those missions by isk/h decreasing and evaluate the gain with mission picking time.
That depends on your fits, your system, your corporation.
Example of why cherry picking can suck
Disclaimers :
- The number used as random values. They feel kinda correct but they are not real. so some are off, does not change the global idea.
- ■■■■ off with opportunity cost, this has nothing to do. It’s just an issue of complex rentability evaluation.
Let’s take the “team enyo” mission
Let’s assume that your average time to kill (that is, after landing on gate, the time to take gate, kill the burner and loot it) is 120s. You are in lanngisi, let’s assume lanngisi has an average 20 AU mission jump. So to do the mission once undocked, you need to align, make a 10AU warp to the gate ; after exiting wap, you need 120s to kill and loot the enyo, then you need to align back to the station, another 10AU warp.
random number used, you need 16s to warp, 4 s align, so that’s total 4+16+120+4+16 = 160s to do the mission.
this mission rewards you with 5M isk bounty, 6Misk reward, 14k LP so 16.5M LPIsk => total 17.5M isk worth.
let’s say you have 1% chance to have this mission, and then 3% chance to have it in lanngisi. that’s 3/10000 chance.
So now the “mission interval” is 10sdock/undock, 10s refill, and 8 * 1000/3=26 667s to get the next mission. Your total isk per hour becomes then 2.4M/h, while if you were not cherry picking at all this mission in itself would be worth 3600 * 17.5/(160+20) = 350M/h
So in theory, you cherry pick ; in practice, you are wasting your time.
Your income is in that extreme case divided by 100 because you cherry pick.
If you add a few more missions that are actually individually less worth isk/h, let’s say you take all the 9 agents+team missions in system, you will divide that “inter mission” delay by 9, so even if those missions are worth less individually, (let’s say average income reduced by 75%) you end up getting a multiplication of your isk/h by 0.75*9 = 6.75. It’s still bad, but it shows that too much cherry picking is actually bad.
I mean I was cherry picking the top ~15 missions before the boosters, with the booster changing that to the top ~10 missions is a decent isk/hour bump, for 7/30mil for the two different boosters that last 48 hours they should pay for themselves in an hour or two. I’m lazy enough I’m not sure it’s worth the extra clicking but if you really want to min max it I suppose it would be viable.
where the boosters really seem to make sense are in null/lowsec mission running
They work great for Epic Arc’s.
This is the top agent LP offers in terms of total direct ISK/h, considering a minimum of 20
0 kLP to exchange. The mission pool size is 100, mission delay is 8 (so if I accept any of the 100 missions I have 8s delay from docked to next mission accepted), 40s to dock/refill/change ship/undock. Geographical and mission completion time data are the ones I use.
sobo is direct value, avg is two days average value (bounded by market exchange volume in LP/days), isk/h is raw ISK production per hour (from bounties+rewards+constant loot from anire and zor only).
with ALL the agent/team/base/scarlet missions
The same with only team + agents (no base, no scarlett, no zazz)
all in all, doing only agents+team is a loss in total isk/h.
Note however that the values are a bit off, I don’t do consistently 130 raw M per hour per toon. eg last I noted it was several days of farming doing in total 164min(average / toon) and I did 330M(average difference per toon), so that was more like 120M/h/toon . However
- I’m not 100% active when I farm,
- this value does not include loot at all (while my evaluations include loot from zazzz and scarlet, eg in the last hour I did 2.5 scarlet/toon),
- and maybe my burners spread data are a bit too old.
Weird, i mean i skip missions very often anyway, due to no base team agent scarlet avilable, i guess you didnt take that into account? or ?
what ?
I guess you misread my post somehow.
I made some mistakes in the previous post, fixed them.
Now that I can play around with matar gear, I wanted to ask why the go-to ship for blitzing is the machariel and not the tempest?
The tempest can be fit with artilleries and high warp speed and align time. It also has the benefit of costing 1 billion less than the machriel.