Blitz and Burner Guide v1.2.3

it’s only a ~250 mil difference in hull costs and the fit is pretty much going to be the same on both ships and the mach just does more damage with more range and is faster. I’m going to buy the mach every time.


Because we tried both :slight_smile:

Ah copy. Shame though, the tempest seems to be a fine ship and very adaptive and forgiving.

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Semi-necro: Is this guide still relevant/does blitzing still work? I’ve not played in a while and the last time i done this was about 18 months ago.

If there’s a more up to date post or guide somewhere i’d appreciate a link to it!


Unless you’re trying to reenact scenes from your favorite Clear Skies episode… then you’re gonna want that Tempest instead of that Mach. But aside from that… yep.

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Don’t you worry about it. This is a good thread and should be kept open indefinitely by all means.
It also doesn’t hurt when it is put up to the top every now and then.

Too many good things get lost here, even though the forum search function actually works quite okay this time.


yep, that’s why I bumped it as well without a thought. Should be a sticky with no “are you sure you wanna reply to this 3+ month old topic?” type warning messages, imo.


Made my own guide then compared to this and he is still spot on when it comes to level 4 missions

bump for folks


Yeahhhh… about that. ■■■■’s about to get real tomorrow.

Goodbye sweet missions. Hello hard mode.

Already adapted my builds so all should be good :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if my new-and-improved lower-resist %ages Talos Base Burner Deimoses will be able to survive the 150km 100MN AB burn to the targets to use their tasty +15% damage void blaster pew pew pew on 'em.

I’m having real issue with the Burner Worm mission. I’m rocking the Dramiel fit, but it’s too slow to get within scram/web range. The Worm does a 3600m/s orbit at like 40kms and I can’t intercept it’s orbit to scram it. Any suggestions?

Edit: I had an AB fit instead of MWD lmao.

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Thanks for the guide! It really helped me understand how blitzing works.

One point I need some clarification on:

Do I need a different ship for each type of burner mission? Since there are so many fits and variations I wasn’t sure.

@Cytochrome_C Late reply.
There are three types of burners:

  1. Anomic Team (4 different missions): You will need one fit for all four of them
  2. Anomic Agent (5 different missions): You will need either one ship (Nergal) alternating fits, or 4-5 specially designed fits, kinda one for each mission.
  3. Anomic Base (4 different missions): I dont know about them, since I havent tried them yet.

My advice is to do it step by step. Go to SiSi (test server) and try the universal fit for the Anomic Teams.
After a few successful missions for each different Team mission, you can start doing it at the live server.
Next, find a few fits for each Agent mission, I would suggest Serpentis Agent and Angel Agent and try them at at SiSi, since they need alot of skills (armor and gunnery).
If you have skilled at Trig ships (Nergal), you can start doing it with a Nergal, but it needs alot of skilling, maybe 90+ days from a non triglavian skilled character.

When you are able to do most of Anomic missions, then you can decline a lot of missions and just do the ones that are truly fast blitzable and the Anomics to greatly increase your L4 isk/h.

IIRC you just need 30 days to get triglavian frig V, and weapon spec V.

I was including the skill set that is needed to be able to run Anomics with success.
Most of them are needed when running Anomics with other ships also, so its a win-win skilling up the common skills first and after that the skills for the Nergal and jump to that option (Nergal) when skills are trained.

then you need adv weap upg V and the likes and it’s more like a 6 month skill queue … at least

Has anyone a good Idea how to run burner talos if MWD sig bonus on HACs is gone? Just tried it with my Deimos on singularity and I got so much damage during flight that I couldn’t even reach the first burner in the room. The only thing that comes to my mind is fitting a 100MN Afterburner somehow.

had to swap 2 propmods for a multi and adc. again a bad move from ccp.

The Fit below actually works like a charm.
If you want it cheaper, simply change the Core A-Type 100MN Afterburner for a 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner. You’ll be a little slower though.

To me, this is even easier than using a microwarpdrive, because once you get past 1000 m/s the talos’ actually don’t hit you at all. At around 50km distance, I simply burn directly towards the talos, because I suck at piloting manually with a 100MN afterburner. At around 15-10km, turn of AB, orbit at 3.3km, activate second repper and start shooting.

This is actualy Hateless Burner Talos Deimos fit ajusted to use a 100MN AB. For a gerneral guide on the mission use Hateless’ Video

[Deimos, DT Expensive Post HAC nerf]
Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Centus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
Reactor Control Unit II

Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Core A-Type 100MN Afterburner

Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Heavy Neutron Blaster II

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Medium Ancillary Current Router II

Hornet I x2
Hobgoblin I x7

Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x500
Void M x1505
Null M x970
Agency 'Hardshell' TB3 Dose I x1