Buff Mining barges

LIke they are not having any fun trying to juggle more things they can without a hell of a lot of work…WORK…when they came to play.

What I see is that the game is ON them, not them gaming. They don’t often get it so clearly I think, but I do think they get enough of an inkling.

At last, something we can ALL agree on!

Not sure if my like got through. The server is telling me I gave out too many!

For the amount of tank a Procurer has it shouldn’t even be able to fit 1 cycle.

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You can “buff” you Procurer yourself, CCP doesn’t have to do it for you. A max tanked Procurer needs 7-8 max DPS Catalysts to gank in a 0.5. That’s like what, 4x the value of that Procurer?

You can even increase that by mining in a 0.8 where around 12 max DPS Cats are needed. I hear it’s equally relaxing as in a 0.5. I don’t even have the numbers for 0.9 and 1.0 because it’s so ridiculous that probably no one cares.

And a Skiff is even more ridiculous, starting at 9 Cats in a 0.5 and at least 15 in a 0.8. Oh and I don’t think this numbers account for boosts and implants.

So you have all the options to mine in like 99.99999whatever % safety if you really care. It’s your own responsibility, there is seriously no excuse.


Not sure why you laser focused on the procurer with a skiff honorable mention. As per the OP this seems to be more about the retreiver, and I assume, the covetor. And no one seems to be complaining about the procurer so…

Yeah. You have the option to mine in a gimped mining barge or exhumer in safety. Wonderful. I wonder why so many just save up for an Orca? :thinking:

If you dare to use an MTU then just use a venture, you’ll lose next to nothing and statistically speaking your just to cheap to bother with.

Because he complains about the barge not being tanky enough. There are three lines of hulls with three different trade-offs:

  • Tank (Procurer, Skiff)
  • Ore Hold (Retriever, Makinaw)
  • Yield (Covertor, Hulk)

If he want’s more tank, a first good step is to chose the correct hull. Those variations are there for a reason. Choosing the right ship and fitting it correctly for the task at hand and your risk tolerance is one of the most important aspects of this game. It’s like one of the main game loops.

This gives the players the freedom to chose and optimize for whatever he/she wants to do.

No, that depends entirely on your risk tolerance. The max tank setup in a 0.8 is obviously complete overkill. You have to pick your ship, setup and security level according to the risk you want to take and how comfortable you feel.

This gives opportunity for the clever miner who knows other means and tricks of evading ganks to get a better yield by optimizing for it instead of tank. It makes the game more interesting, it gives the player an opportunity to get better.

If you are risk averse and rather have safety, EVE has you covered. If you want to optimize for something else, EVE gives you the option. It’s up to the player.

To demand from CCP that they cripple this options because some lazy player wants both safety and the best yield is not only completely contrary to how this is setup, it will probably never happen. Why would they make this options useless? Why would you ever need a Procurer or Skiff if the other variations would protect you in a way that makes you equally unlikely to get ganked?

And let’s be honest here. I did not just make this up, this is literally how CCP designed the whole thing. No complaining from people who completely ignore this on purpose will make them change this system, they are not that dumb.

So the option OP has here are: Embrace the advice we give him here to fix this himself by making the right choices, this is an intended part of the game. Or he can just cry for another decade in the hope CCP abandons their own barge concept, which will probably not happen.

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The task is mining. Gank attempts are rather unpredictable.

I don’t think that was the demand. A buff was demanded, not a PERFECT buff.

Who said anything about “equal”? A buff does not mean that either.

I get the bit about assessing the situation and making choices, but when even active, well equipped AG cannot save certain ships from just one cat it seems to me that something is off.

Just because they are unpredictable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect them at all.

Task is mining and surviving.

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How is that relevant at all to what we are discussing here?

And I said he can do that himself by choosing the right ship and fitting.

Yeah in that case it’s most certainly the ag that is a bit off. There is almost nothing you can gank with a single Cat without being on the very edge of required damage, very easy to disrupt.

If OP follows the instructions I just posted above he doesn’t even get into a situation where he has to whiteness the constant failing of ag while he dies to a gank.

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A single Catalyst? All you have to do is be paying attention and warp out when gankers enter system. All the barges and exhumers can escape using this amazing, super secret trick. That’s literally all you have to do. No need to change a single thing about any of the mining ships.

vs hybrid ammo: Covetor can already get like 18k EHP with a tank fit. A Retriever can fit 25k EHP tank. A tanked Procurer can achieve 92kEHP. That’s 92,000 EHP. That’s as much as most battlecruisers and some battleships. A Skiff can hit 122,000 EHP (and put out 250 DPS). The Procurer/Skiff numbers are completely ridiculous numbers for cruiser sized hulls and it is absolutely oppressive. And I say this as a miner.

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Or just dock up 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Miners are there to MINE, not pack up and run every time a ganker logs on and stays AFK till Bob knows when or is passing through.

You guys either don’t get it because you don’t want to, or you want to try and make this bleed out as long as possible.

You like the idea of easy targets. People get suckered into being easy targets in a game created by people like you.


Gank prevention is a sub task which means gimping your main task which is mining. You know how many tasks gankers fit for? One. Ganking.

That is not a buff. Its a choice to trade off.

One shotting a cat is not difficult. One shotting a cat with 0.1 sec status that you had to wait until it fired on an untanked retriever before the retriever dies is.

Despite the fringe difficulties for gankers, the core mechanics favor the ganker. Until that changes, this game is, for me, like opting to be a fish in a bowl.

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You’re not entitled to invulnerability from molestation when you’re undocked. Also, if a ganker/scout is camping system, just change systems. There’s a lot of systems you can go to.

I’m a miner who runs 6 mining accounts.

The core mechanics favor the miner: all you have to do is leave when we enter system.

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Are you a ganker or miner?

Try reading:

Oh, I am sorry I did not hold on to clearly something 60 posts and 4 hours back. I neglected to pay extra special attention to your lordship and remember exactly who said that.

Scratch that. Get lost. I asked a simple question and you hand me that turd? Screw this.

Maybe you shouldn’t forum if you can’t keep up with the discussion that took place after you entered the thread?

Miners are there to bot?

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