If you think adding 10% DPS to already 2100+ is demolishing, yeah. absolutely. But I cant imagine anyone but an PYFA warrior think that would translate directly to 10% reduction in mission completion times.
Speaking of mission completion times, list some. You can’t just come on here and say “thats ■■■■” if you cant do better.
Every little bit of DPS and application helps. If you go from 2-shotting a frigate at range to 1-shotting, that’s an improvement. If you lock faster, that’s an improvement. If you apply damage better, that’s an improvement. An active, optimized vargur doesn’t have so many wasted slots.
You aren’t the first person to think to buffer a L4 Marauder. But you are the first I’ve seen to defend one with such fervor.
If mission completion times are not bad then the fit is not bad in any other metric than your opinion. You troll every marauder thread to death, so I am glad that your opinion directly contradicts my findings.
Well yeah, I thought it would Be OKAYISH and fun. I ran it a couple times, optimzed it, and ran it. Once you learn who to target with what ammo you can get the mission done in nearly the exact same amount of volleys. Yeah, sometimes spider drones take 2 shots instead of 3.
Yeah you can fit 2 more things in the lows. But the DPS from 2 more gyros is crazy diminishing. The fourth especially. You can fit one TE but at no point to I need more tracking since I’m running scripts in my mids for the times I do need it. The other issue is I want to cover what t2 active tanks are beating AE level 4 room 6? No fit that can’t do that is better.
The only fit that got posted besides mine is decent and nearly identical at finishing misisions.
lol. The other active guy has a cap booster and webber.
Ok I’m done feeding the trolls. Thank you very much for participating, and special thanks to everyone who watched the stream.
[Vargur, L4]
Domination Gyrostabilizer
Domination Gyrostabilizer
Domination Gyrostabilizer
Gyrostabilizer II
Signal Amplifier II
Dread Guristas Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Domination 500MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Bastion Module I
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Although with no tractor its loosing milliosn of isk per hour in DPS, Right hand of Zazz, Silence the informant, and Damsel. I make billions from hacker cards, drone AI, and Social Adaptation chips. You gonna fit all the projection on there and then slowboat to the loot? If you overheat you might be able to clear AE without changing the tank. We swapped the Thukker for RF; the price difference is 300m.
Just makes me wonder if people really think I’m trolling, or are just trolling themselves, or just don’t run missions?
You don’t need a marauder to do zazz, silence, or scarlet. actually in zazz and scarlet you are wasting time since the time to travel to the radar is enough to kill the targets. I agree that for the first pocket of silence a vargur is very good but then it’s not very good for the second pocket.
You just spent a whole thread bitching about DPS and projection and you cant clear that room quickly? Wow. You are CLEARLY trolling at this point. That mission pulls over 100M an hour solo in a Vargur.
Oh come on. Now you’re just being difficult. There are open high slots on his fit and plenty of CPU/grid for tractor beams and a salvager. It is assumed that if you want to salvage as you go you will throw the required modules on there. It’s like when people leave drones or ammo out of a fit. It is assumed that you’re capable of figuring that part out.
This is why I’m reluctant to post fits on the forums. My fits change in small ways constantly for whatever mission or activity I’m doing. There’s always some guy that’s like “hEy, yOu DIdnT pUt a sAlvAGeR oN thEre!”
Don’t be that guy. At least show us the respect of assuming we know when and when not to bring a salvager, this is simple stuff. Level 4s are the most popular PVE activity in the game, so don’t act like you’re some big shot “pro-missioner” when everyone and their mother has done lvl 4s, and half the people you’re talking to in this thread have played for over a decade.
It’s just disrespectful to come in here and assume everyone’s a scrub when they’re merely suggesting an active tank on a ship with a bonus to active tanking. it’s not that crazy or controversial of a suggestion. You don’t have to agree but don’t make constant bad faith arguments and get bogged down on pedantic details.
Tractor beam for while your ship is still in bastion mode. I explained that well . If my fit is inefficient because of lack of DPS but can complete the mission quicker, its certainly NOT a shitfit. It can complete several big missions faster than the last fit posted. Either he just whipped up the fit and never ran it like that to “be difficult”, or he actually ran it like that and waited for his bastion to cooldown and then MWD to get the mission critical loot that even blitzers grab. L4 101.
It’s super easy to time the bastion so you aren’t sitting around waiting for it to end when you finish the mission. It was easy enough before and easier now that it’s only 30 seconds.
You can even tractor while moving. Then the stuff comes at you practically twice as fast.
If you’re going to be pedantic, two can play that game.
Why do you have Hobgoblin I’s in your Vargur?
Why do you not have any Titanium Sabot?
Why do you not have any scripts in your cargo?
The fact remains that you’re nitpicking on stupid stuff that any L4 player who’s supposedly been doing it as long as you have would have the intelligence to understand why there’s empty hislots in my fit, just like we understand why there’s no scripts on yours.
If you cannot extrapolate the fact that the empty hislot is for tractors on a marauder, you should not be discussing fits about them.