Build new star gates around Niarja

someone call a WAAAAHmbulance, OP weebling about can’t move his crap to any of the other 7500 systems in New Eden… hey guess what, buddy, there’s no safe space in Nullsec but you know what? I just get on with it.

It happened.

Yeah I was there fighting on the Edencom side. It was a losing battle but we stuck it out to liminal. Because you never know, the horse might learn to sing.

Did you guys watch the trailers recently? Just wondering if you noticed that bit where gates when dark. I am not saying that I know anything from being on the CSM, I signed papers about that but I can point out scary things that CCP implies.

That is why I have been fighting the Trigs. Oh it may inconvenience Operation Magic School Bus but I have a long history of being stubborn and something like Niarja is just another thing to figure out, to work around or bull through.

Some people have done excellent work making proposals for me to take forward as a CSM member and I do that sort of thing. Now I appreciate that some of you folks are frustrated, comes with almost EVERY damn game change, to tell the truth. And if you want to yell at me as a CSM member? Fill yer boots, I have been yelled at by professionals . . . you got nothin. If, instead of yelling, you have questions/requests for me to take forward? Well, I am here for that, too.

Only thing that even stung a little is calling me a null sec rep.

I would like to represent the whole damn game but where I play is hisec, where I help is hisec. Now, how can I help you?

or would you just like to yell?



My biggest concern with this sort of content isn’t the changes that it brings because I can live with those, but the fact that it has an abusive design and seems tailor made to exert mental pressure on players to keep them at the computer in a total disrespect for a game/life balance.

Faction warfare systems flip slower and aren’t permanent changes. With this content a system can permanently change in a period of 6 to 12 hours if one side is uncontested, or a system is left to (unbalanced) npcs. If a system is contested it can take 24-40 hours and sometimes people feel compelled to remain at their computers the whole time.


We know you have to keep quiet here, whatever monstrosity CCP may be going to do to the game.

The fact you fought in defence of those players who did not even were born yet to the World of EVE means something crucial, serious.

I dont even imagine how can anyone support trigs, when you fight them.

If anyone supports trigs, shame on you for what you did to high sec, to the game, to the future.


Great! Glad to hear it. So why screw with High Security if Null is all that and bag of chips? Out bringing Null Security instability to High Security space.

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You might be taking the “role play” part of the MMORPG a liiiiittle too seriously if you’re this triggered.

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Ok, when I‘m back, will position my smartbomb BS on the right gate … :wink:

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You suck at writing speeches, you loser.

Null is the only part of space with any real stability, actually. If anything, big Nullblocs getting involved stabilizes things. Big blocs tend to focus their efforts on making sure that stable PVE activity keeps happening bbecause that is their backbone.

They play this game too. What’s wrong with them getting involved?

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Look. You asked where the CSM is. Your elected representative responded to you in your thread. Instead of arguing with normal players, some of whom might have vastly different ideas about what is good or bad for the game, why not just communicate with Mike privately, and voice your grievances in a collected manner?

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There are other systems you could run your crap to :wink:
See, you have already adapted and brought your crap onto the forums

If the system was that important to you, then maybe you should have brought some cheap ships and tried to help defend it back when it mattered


Maybe CCP shouldnt give inherently disruptive playerbase the possibility to destroy their own game.


Do you have any idea what a sandbox is?

And the change is nowhere near important enough to actually destroy the game.

It took months of decay for CCP to backpedal from hurting nullbears’ feelings with The Blackout. Now they’ve just taken a safer bet by fukking highseccers, specially since Echoes will fill up the lost revenue from EVE Online and nothing short of a catastrophic loss of revenue would force Pearl Abyss to intervene in EVE Online.


I know. I also know now whats the role of high sec in game and role of CCP in it, with their ideas.


The only purpose that it has is The Forge’s market.

I just love internet tough guys. I bet you bonk neighborhood cats in the bum and brag to your friends about all neighborhood pussy you get! See I can be childish too!

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Another post made by salty edencome player because TEST didn’t save them

Let me post how much of mental state is edencome right now after the fall of Niarja

And no, flag me for no reason is not going to stop me.

Hey, its CCP fault they dont test their own things, players have to deal with it constantly, so show some compassion!
CCP having an idea can be a very bad thing as can be seen.

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You sir are the symbol of why Edencom will be remember as the “New Eden Carthage”

Stop complaing, ccp is not hear to save you this me :slight_smile: