Bumping Is nothing more than a protection racket

Are you leading the other carebears by example, now? Showing them all how to just ignore us and let us rot? :kissing_heart:


Jonah, no, once again, we are not an extortion racket. We are merely enforcing the constitution of New Halaima. We do not threaten that maybe something might happen to your Orca, we explicitly state that there is a law, and you must have a mining permit or you will be found in violation of that law. If you break the law, your ship will be confiscated. If you fail to pay your taxes, you will incur a penalty. We are quite clear about this.



Every shareholder in high sec has agreed that mining permits are mandatory. All citizens must register, and they incur a trivial processing fee in return for the right to reside in high sec. It is absurd to compare this with the ‘mafia’. The mafia doesn’t ask you to pay a ten cent processing fee. Come on now, stop exaggerating.


Now I’m serious no joke, is ratting and salvaging against the code? Not botting afk off course

Yes, all forms of mining are illegal, UNLESS you have a mining permit.


Yes, and using James 315’s stargates is illegal without a mining permit.

Also, under NO circumstance should anyone use a venture. Ever.

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Trespassing is a crime in most societies.

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Which forums do you discuss them on? SomethingAwful.com?


I made a simple statement describing my own behavior. There was literally no room for you to question it. You could have said you wished I thought or acted differently. But instead you asked an open question regarding my motives.

Of course I asked some questions trying to figure out if you actually wanted information.

Because if you didn’t want information, you’d just wasted a post on a notably pointless insult.

What you did was to try a pure “argumentum ad hominem” by encapsulating a “stinger” in an open question. I suppose you often communicate with people who’ve never seen the technique.

I entertained myself (because you aren’t providing any fun) by reversing your technique: doing the same thing, but using a list of uncomfortable motives for your post. Your response demonstrates distinctly inferior technique /lol.

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I simply asked that you state the context of your question and nothing more.

Or are you talking about the political question? Because as mentioned I will not comment on that as discussing politics are against the forum rules. If you bring it up again I will simply flag your post and then ignore you.

So are you willing to rephrase your question and ask them in the context of the game?

I don’t even know what that should be.


I think that’s the difference between video games and real life, no?

I can play a video game like Overlord or Evil genius, or even Tropico. Does that make me a bad person? Does it make me morally bankrupt to watch Dexter and enjoy it?

Normally, I do not go around shooting people. Does it make me a serial killer to play call of duty?

Do you cry and weep everytime you play starcraft 2, because of all the dead pixels that you sacrificed in order to win?

Isnt there a difference between a video game, and real life? Or are you in the camp that any pvp in any game is a reflection of your real life persona, and if you enjoy getting a kill streak in call of duty, must mean you are a serial killer and psychopath in real life?



If I cared, I might cry and weep of the incessant use of obvious and ridiculous fallacies in this forum.

Griefing (as defined in wikipedia, not in silly EVE crypto-speech) exists. And not just in EVE.

Nobody sane would equate in-game griefing with real-life murder. A little hyperbole is acceptable of course, especially in a PvP context, but your closing paragraph is well past that /lol.

If/When you leave whatever truthiness-friendly sheltered environment you’re in and enter the real world, you’ll find that kind of tirade is a business and socially limiting factor. The approach is neither unusual nor unacceptable of course, but you have a lot of work to do on your packaging and delivery.

Sadly there’s a potentially interesting discussing behind your words. Not the “pixels are/aren’t people” part, nor the “griefing (wikiperia definition) doesn’t exist in EVE”.

But it would be interesting to have a measured discussion of the effect of griefing in EVE on new-player retention.

You obviously care quite a bit on the subject.

Well, it’s because of griefing and how mining was described to this new player as “shitako” that I suggested they try out ganking/help bring order to highsec with CODE, and I think its safe to say their retention has been kept.


You’ve made a comment that’s irrelevant because you didn’t check the context (which, on my screen, was about 5 cm upwards into the post prior to mine).

I’m assuming the rest of your post is no better.

But you are.

I dont want to insult both of our intelligence by assuming that you dont understand or agree that what we consider as bad behavior in real life, doesnt transfer over to video games, because, you know, they are video games. And yet, what youve typed, makes me believe this may be true.

no one is saying greifing doesnt exist in eve online. I never said that. Ever.

We consider it a bad behavior in real life but its perfectly acceptable and sometimes even lauded and praised in this video game. Because, its a video game, designed around backstabbing and greifing and intrigue and espionage.

If new players dont like it, they wont like this game. And thats fine. No game appeals to every single person on the planet.

Maybe you should enter the real world and realize that this is a video game were talking about.

And yes, you are absolutely the one who needs to enter the real world, because youre the one who made the connection between real life and a video game.



Bad start. You have made such comparisons. I have not.
Or if that entire first post was based around the inverse of what you wanted to say, I’m still not interested. I used the term “bad behavior” specifically to avoid this.

Why should I read on?

I think you needed to hear it again, Elena.


I guess there was a #metoo in eve online? I must’ve missed that lore section.

If you somehow didn’t mean to conflate real life with eve online, you didnt do a very good job, because everyone else here thinks you did.


Bumping and CODE are doing the game a service.

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