
Force = Mass x Accelaration.

… when I went to school. :sunglasses:

Indeed. Hitting an Orca with a Vagabond moving at almost 14 km/s is quite…entertaining. Said Orca pilot comes back to the keyboard to find his ship flying sideways a couple hundred km from where it was when he went to watch re-runs of the X Files…

lmao, gankers claim this, but never make any attempt at harming the large bot mining operations, because those operations have alert systems in place that give human players warning to log in and counter the lazy half assed so called “bot hunting”. If it was about bots, these kids wouldn’t be so focused on trying to gain a reaction from a player indicating their game has been disrupted.

As far as I can tell there are only a lot of AFK multiboxers in HighSec, but the botters are mostly in nullsec because it is way more ISK and even safer. So “bumping” and “ganking” have hardly anything to do with “botting” because those things happen at the other end of the universe.

Now if we ask do bumpers and gankers help against AFK multiboxing in HS? I dunno, but I guess it would be even worse without them.

Exactly. It would be ten times worse. I’m just supposed to sit here and let some AFK multi-boxer with a freighter, Orca, and 16 Skiffs suck up the entire ice anomaly while he’s off rubbing one out to Blanche from the Golden Girls? Nope. AFK’ers get punted…

Right? Nobody around here seems to get that. If we made Bumping into a damaging action relative to the amount of damage you take from getting shot by our typical weaponry, then the slightest collision of ship sized mass going at typical ship speeds would be like a Doomsday every time.

I’m all for that mechanic. I’d gladly sacrifice a vagabond traveling at 14 km/s against a freighter or Orca all day long…

Hey guys, just came back here to remind you people about bumping being almost balanced right now

In fact, with all these recent freighter buffs over the years, CCP should finally buff bumping a little bit.

And I’m also pleased to see Whitehound crying even more :parrot:


It’s just you who’s crying, holdmyfishsticks.

The projecting is real


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Gotta say you definitely do your name justice. Obviously you lack both intelligence and courage, typical behavior for a basement dwelling neckbeard hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

The only thing real here is your love for me. Come on, give me a kiss!

If it helps then kiss a wet sponge and imagine it was me so you can get it out of your system. I don’t need your continuous love confession spamming up every thread I post in.

And if you cannot get it done, then you’re just the most adorable and lovable snowflake around.

And what recourse do we have against mining bot fleets in nullsec?

As usual you contribute nothing to the conversation.

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That’s a good one, especially from someone who names their character ‘NotTheSmartestCookie’.

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He might “not be the smartest” person, but at least he doesn’t assume what you might or might not be irl :sweat_smile:

When their “best” argument is an attack on my character name you know they have lost the discussion badly. This is one of my favorite characters given the amount of salt generated by people who loose ships or discussions to me; they were owned by NotTheSmartestCookie and it hurts.


Yeah right, keep saying that and maybe someone will believe it.


You jumping in as ‘White Knight’ is commendable but ultimately useless. Unless of course it’s your alt character.

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Everyone is my alt, even you :sweat_smile:

But people are too busy to see that

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When it comes to space ship collisions Reality Bites :slight_smile:

So basically everything that undocks at Jita is destroyed.

Smooth move!