A lie? where is the lie? what’s false when i say that if you don’t take active security measures your arse deserve to be kicked? There are ways to avoid being ganked. If you don’t actively handle your security, your losses are your own fault. Grow the F* up and take responsability for your sh*t.
That’s exactly my point. People like them need to justify the lack of fun they are bringing in the game(to the ganked) by a higher morale, which actually does not exist. So that when people complain about how sad they are when ganked, those guys can say “it’s YOUR fault”. Nope, it’s not.
Indeed, so anyone can lose his ship in Eve as long as he undocks.
Yet, he did not say “can” but “deserve” . this is a very different meaning.
The lie is when you use a personal taste as a standard of morale.
You like when they got ganked, does not mean they deserve it.
You are an immature child who screams “if I like it then it’s good”, and they go back to complaining how things are difficult when people say they should invest as much resource as the people they laugh at to have a balanced game (cf “ganking should make suspect”).
And then you tell me to grow the ■■■■ up. IT’s as cute as watching a bully get hit back in the face.
cry more.
BTW, this
is also a lie. There is no way to avoid 100% being ganked - unles you are docked in a NPC station.
This is so interesting, you are spitting out lies and now you are calling me a retard.
Dude, you don’t need to prove me you are one. I’m not interested in your retardness competition, I will let you get the first price anytime.
“opinions are like asses : everybody has one, does not mean you should show yours everywhere”
I got ganked, i lost 90% of my stuff, was my fault. You can avoid being ganked in hisec while hauling. 100%. I’ve learned. You don’t know how? too bad for you.
yes, and mine was: idiots deserve to die.
There is a difference between “I was never ganked in HS” (which is my case with my NPC corp freighter hauler alt) and “you can 100% avoid ganking” (which is a lie)
As already stated, a very small % of all the freighters get ganked.
yes, and mine was : that is a lie. and makes you a liar.
Plus, that is insults, as you say that people who lose a freighter are idiots.
i’ve said one can avoid being ganked 100% of time, not all haulers can avoid being ganked 100% of times. Do you understand the nuance? There’s the knowledge shield, and the other idiot shield. And your opinion has no more value than mine.
yes, i insult them, as i insult myself when i’m baited like a dumbass, which happens quite often.
Then if not “all haulers can avoid gank 100%” then you are contradicting yourself.
no, i speak only for myself.
no, you don’t do it the same way. Because you don’t know how other people will appreciate your insults, you don’t know what lead them to where they are.
So unless they are people you love and are beloved by, insulting other people is definitely not the same thing as insulting yourself.
And it is forbidden by the forum rules.
Yes think of the children!!!111oneOneEleven …oh and welcome to Political Correctness Online!
…gladly we are not at this stage… yet? Hope never will.
And? i’m entitled to my opinions, same as you. Mine is that you can avoid bad things, as an individual, if you take the necessary measures. Those who don’t can die and that’s their fault. You have a different opinon and that’s good for you: i don’t care, but you resorted to namecalling, you called me a childish liar for voicing my opinion on a forum thread about… voicing opinions. So, take your forums rules and sit on them, with your screen, your keyboard and the rest.
I don’t care.
If you assume it is 100% possible for ANY ONE hauler to avoid being ganked,
THEN it means it is 100% possible for ALL haulers to avoid being ganked at the same time,
ie, that you can avoid gank even when there is not the “other idiot”.
Because the day there is not the “other idiot shield”, then you become the “other idiot shield”. But you had the same behavior as before. So what ? You were clever before and now you are a retard ?
sorry but, you are calling yourself an idiot here.
Yes, this can happen, if i screw, got dunked and the other guy get a free pass. MY F*CKING FAULT. That’s the point, there must be a victim, don’t be the victim.
no you are not. There is a limit to you expressing your opinions, and it’s in the forum rules that you obviously did not read.
And that is the reason why I call you a liar.
They did not make specific actions to make themselves ganked, thus they are not at fault. On the other hand, gankers took specific actions to gank him, so THEY are at fault. So unless the gankee had alts in the gankers fleet, he is not at fault.
And sure, you can avoid getting ganked. By staying in NPC station. or even, not logging anymore. So you are saying that playing the game you are at fault of losing a ship.
Sorry, this opinion IS childish.
Actually, you do. A lot.
Which was a fair answer to you “grow the ■■■■ up”. You are calling people names and expect me to not give my opinion about your childish post ?
And then you are calling me a retard ?
Then where is the banhammer? And don’t care that your opinion is different than mine, i care you call me a liar for an opinion. Taking responsability for your stuff and actions IS adulthood.
then take responsibility for lying .
Sorry mate, JF, with cyno alts or fleetmates, have 100% possibility to avoid being ganked. 100%. If you don’t understand that, you have a comprehension problem.
No they don’t. Just because it never happened to you, does not mean it won’t happen.
If you get pointed (eg by a procurer) on the gate you can’t jump. That’s just ONE example but there are others. People can find you cyno alt and wait for you there. or even, your alt may just have been bumped out of tethering. By the time you put it back to correct BM your JF is already done.
And the day it will happen, you will become the retard ?
So you are calling people idiots because something that did not happen to you yet happened to other.
Again, and then you are calling me a retard and that I need to grow up.