
You’re not on the killmail. So that’s a second excuse you’re making. I don’t see making excuses as being fun. Do you?

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Are you implying that I had no involvement with the death of that freighter?

Yes. It appears so.

Does it only count if “Siegfried Cohenberg” is on the kill? The machariel pilot is not going to be the one shooting a freighter. The machariel is there to bump. That kind of argument is similar to those who believe that just because I’m not in the code alliance, I’m not in code. You can send a mail to Duv Galani or Brian Rise and see if they still remember that event. Brian went and joined Goonswarm at my recommendation because I felt he was a good fit.

Bumping as an activity is great in that if you seek out every possible option, sometimes the freighter dies without having to “gank” it.


Yes. That’s how killmails work.

Seeing how you keep making excuses for something you had no part in, shouldn’t you be among the first to ask for a change?

Miner, stop embarrassing yourself…

You’re either trolling or simply what they call “an idiot”


EVE Online has existed for fifteen years.

The exception to the rule is still an exception.
EVE offers what no other game does.

That just makes EVE an exceptional game. But nothing you just wrote demonstrates that any of the things OP said is happening are actually happening.

That’s what you are.

The least I’d expect from someone like Siegfried Cohenberg would be to ask to be put on the killmails. Since that isn’t what he wants, and seeing how he is fine with telling stories and making excuses, can one ignore him, because whatever may change will he be fine with making excuses and telling tales.

Great idea, let me know when you fly around in your freighter and I’ll just sit between you and the gate.

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You know, in most EVE fights, the most important people are not on killmails :wink:

Please refrain from projecting onto me :wink:

Yeah, they’re all in your head, right?

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I’m talking about logi lol

You’re just trolling now :sweat_smile:

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No, you weren’t. You were talking about “the most important people” in a thread on bumping. Who knows what you really meant. Logis can get on killmails by the way.

Imagine if all logis showed on killmails of people they were repping

Ag would be on most killmails, it would be hilarious

Only many of them don’t, because they have no part in the kill and are only repping. That’s just how it is.

I get that one wishes to be recognized, but these are the rules of the game and when one doesn’t show up on the killmail then one didn’t have a role in the kill. You then don’t see manufacturers claiming how they had a part in a kill when they provided the weapons and ships. Yet, that’s exactly the position you and Siegfried are taking here.

The way I see it does this not even occur to you nor to Siegfried and you’re simply too afraid of any change, even one where you might end up on the killmail. All you do is to imagine you’d be as significant to a kill as the pilot doing the damage.

In the two hours Siegfried spend on bumping a ship could he also have ended up on several killmails. Or do you disagree?

What should I be afraid of exactly?
Something that doesn’t affect whatever it is I do in EVE?


Afraid of change, or getting laughed at for making a suggestion. I don’t really know.

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