Burner Mission - Ship advice to solo them including fittings

I tried the cerb on the blood base and here’s a link to my fit, I think it should still be current. That said I didn’t like it much, and prefer the gila, and I still need to play around with the new c3-x damage mod. I imagine a similar onyx fit would also work, there’s an onyx fit in the link but it’s an XL-ASB fit.

I can’t see why the cerb wouldn’t work for the talos base, has the right resists and should have plenty of damage, and probably easy to get cap stable with a battery. Just a bit slow, heated it goes as fast as the vagabond does normally. No idea if it would be better to fit RLML or HAMs. If you can kill in one clip with RLML that’s fine as you can just reload while flying to the next one. If not might want hams for a bit more sustained damage.

I got into burner a few months ago and I’m glad to say I can finally clear almost all of them thanks to your marvelous guide !

But I have a problem with this one :

I just lost 3 daredevil to it and I have mastery IV with daredevils : I just can’t break the dramiel shield tank while my own tank is not sustainable.

My first try I ran out of booster : rip all my shiny modules, second try I overheated too much my hardeners and one got destroyed still almost all modules were saved so I tried a last time and died again because of boosters.
I warp in , keep at range @1500m , activate everything and OH hardeners/rep when the nasty armour sound ring but it just doesn’t work : his tank is way to strong. My best try was simply press approach and got him to 50% shield …

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, does anyone maybe have an alternate fit with blasters or autocannon for this one ? I know there’s a succubus fit but I have zero skill in laser atm

are the frigskills @ V ? did u use a 60 % web? overheated guns? if u are using the unified version it helps to swap the em hardener for a second explosive.

because of the speed and small sig, other ships than daredevil and succubus dont work well.

maybe take some tests on singularity to feel more comfortable.

IIRC the dramiel deals explosive/em damage so it’s better to have em+explosive

You NEED the frig skill V to get the most of the webifier.
ALSO I don’t know what fit you use, but the dramiel was buffed in previous patch. you will need rep booster+ double OH hardeners to tank him ; also remember to spread your hardeners so they heat less.

i swapped it because of the 50% base em resistance. but i used it long time ago because i preffer the succubus.

I always used double explosive, I tried with exp/em once and didn’t really notice a difference.

Now I either use the succubus for permatank, or a 3 magstab shield buffer DD that just straight up wins the DPS race, but I wouldn’t recommend that unless your skills are near max.

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I also have an almost capstable fit, using a nos and cap battery. It’s capstable if I manage armor rep, but it’s anyhow good enough to activate all module, KaR 1500 and come back 40s later.

I think the shield buffer fit would do better though, cause 3 magstabs > 2 !!

actually the damage are explo>em> kin http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/item.php?type_id=34141

I overload the explosive hardener, thus the highest damage becomes em ; I put em hardener then explo rig II instead of nanobot T1, making me take same kinetic and explo damage. Total 36.5 dps taken, healed by a corpum a-type armor rep.

a fit with a nano plating
[Daredevil, anaemic angel]
Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano Plating
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Corpus X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Stasis Webifier II
Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
Stasis Webifier II

Light Neutron Blaster II
Dark Blood Small Energy Nosferatu
Light Neutron Blaster II

Small Anti-Explosive Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Anti-EM Pump II

Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S x2740

this fit requires to OL the hardener, the guns, and maybe the rep.
Hot, it depletes in more than 2 min.

I lost 2 more daredevil and 1 hawk and managed to do it in less than one minute with this fit that cost 200~250m + damage booster II (Warp to pocket, then as fast as possible click all of those : (approach,Lock,Activate everything, overload everything))

[Daredevil, Burn All The Modules And Lose Structure]
Core A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Reactive Armor Hardener

Small Capacitor Booster II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II

Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Nanobot Accelerator I

Void S x2000
Navy Cap Booster 400 x11

the reactive takes time to act. Also it gives less armor vs multi-damage like the dramiel. and consume cap. use a nano plating instead.

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an viable option is also a nos and battery fit. less stress and the cap holds 1:43 @ all V
[Daredevil, Angel nos]
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Core B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Core B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener

Stasis Webifier II
Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
Stasis Webifier II

Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
Dark Blood Small Energy Nosferatu
Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Nanobot Accelerator I

but there are a ton off losses out there

i personally like the guy who lost 5 daredevils in a row at the same burner :smile:

I lost 2 in a row when I was having some connection problems, had enough sense to BM’d the wrecks and quit the mission though.

yep an adaptive/explosive/EM hardener are all a better choice imo, they all use less cap and tank about the same.

thats what the most forget about.

that’s the fit I linked just a bit before (with nano plate)

sorry haven´t seen that.

A fit that often gets forgotten for the Base Serpentis is a 100mn Vexor Navy Issue. It’s cap stable with the AB and shield booster running and goes over 1600 m/s, so covers the distance fairly quickly. It primarily relies on speed and sig tanking, but the shield booster can handle quite a number of hits. The only downside to it is that you can’t slow down to salvage the wrecks and have to get them at the end of the mission.

I started flying this fit back when I didn’t have the skills for a HAC yet, but have come to like it so much that it hasn’t really been a priority to upgrade to a HAC. I think this is the only burner mission in which I’ve never lost a ship.

[Vexor Navy Issue, Cap Stable Burner Talos]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II

Gist X-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gist C-Type Large Shield Booster
Pith X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field
Pith X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field

150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Berserker II x5
Berserker II x3

well 500 km with 2700m/s = 185min, 1700m/s = 295 s=>+110s just for moving.

I think ishtar with 50mn has better defenses,

Hey all -

Sorry if this was discussed already -

What’s the viability of the Orthrus from Anize’s guide on the Blood Base burner with the March 2018 balance changes (-100 PG). Even off-lining the tractor beam, I can’t put 2 of the 5 launchers on-line.

For those of you using this ship + fit, what route did you choose to go?

made 2 vids today because some questions are always the same.

first is a capstable succubus vs the angel dram.

second the shieldtanked enyo vs the gurista worm. capstable with mwd off.


awesome !

Looks like the burner jaguar got made faster, now you cant semi skill it anymore as its logi does not catch up and always ends up around 25-31 km away from you. Need good range targeting + mjolin + frig 5 etc etc to kill :frowning: