Bye Eve Online

It would be great to reprocess/salvage corpses but this would go into a crazy direction I guess.

An extended dumbproof redoable tutorial(s) would fix leaving players I think. The hardest and most boring part of the game is when you read tons of stuff and did the tutorials, career agents etc. Luckily I overcame that part but I fear hard times will come as soon as I get immersed in combat PvP.

Yeah, they like to throw words around, they don’t know what they mean.

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Try to sell a Civilian Afterburner.

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It’s the anonymity. Get rid of anonymity in-game & suddenly all the ‘sociopaths’ won’t be such a bunch of misogynist, racist, homophobic gobshites.

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Being a ganker isn’t toxic on its own.

Maybe Eve is heading into its twilight years who knows? More importantly who really cares?

maybe the “Toxic Crew” are a corp of wannabe gankers ? thats how i read that. i bet its spelled “tOxIc KrEw” or similar

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I thought of that, but that’s not how it’s worded. Of course, grammar isn’t really a thing any more. Especially on the internet.

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I mean sure look at “karen” videos those have exploded in popularity. People really like looking at other people acting stupid and so on. I enjoy it gives me a good laugh and realizing what dives a person to act like this? How is their attitude so bitter?

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Cool, now I can add blatant falseflagging to Badia’s nonsense.

Ill soon have a full bingo card.

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Actually … i do care that too…

And i have talk hundreds many of them … i officially interviwed them with structured set of questions …
I find them either after they said quit or catch them at the rage stage ,…

I did it both for game sense as well as i did it when i had been in rvb like 3-4 years ago to analyse reasons…

This … yes I care … and my NPE strategy build on these answers in turn i got like %80 -%87 retention .

Wish CCP gave any ■■■■ on the way…

Post it.

I did better… i build a strategy . I applied…it succeded. Was also sub subject of my last player speaker submit for fanfest in iceland ( cancelled )

And CCP knows it …

One single thing … for this case for example … could prevent him to come to this point …
Framing .

This guy has zero suitable frame … it is dripping from every each of his sentences. in cognitive behavioral approach frames helps us to acknowledge world and its the decision maker how we think , feel and react to happenings. Sometimes even one sentence can be enough … depends on case … eve is heavily interconnected and complicated yes…But retention become issue highest degree in early stage then mid stage … Mid stage retention is totally loss chance like this guy and proof of failiure … Dis you read my post
Letter to CCP? @Scoots_Choco ?

Post your data, I wanna see.
Hundreds of people interviewed with structured questions. Let’s see 'em.

I can share the questions … answers no … they are mostly on comms and from logs logs i got what i need and leave the rest …
. If i catch in the rage quit i do salute first and reflect with emphaty, understanding
Hey you seem angry / sad depends on what he reflect …
can i help you ?
What happened ?

These two questions are th most important ones …

Depends on answer i did actually try to help with situation … depends on if there is nothing i can do… and he is on the way out i ask if he has time to talk and answer some of my questions .
How long they have been playing ,
How did he start how much time effort he dedicated…
the way he choose to learn the game ? Learn game in game or learn outer sources… and time distribution betwen these two …
where did he struggled or stuck most…
how much and what kind of help he got …
This list is simply meaningless

How much he interact other players ? How was his experience ? have they been in any corp ? which activities he tried? Takes sometimes hours … to talk about lot of things it depends… i have kept also so many players in game as result of these talks… i did not stuck anything to their throats … i let them talk and ventilate …

And believe me most of these questions i didnt even need to ask … because it comes out self… as well as i was not exactly after the answer… i was after the behavioral and mental maps, something they are not conscious about it even .

Imagine CCP doing that lol …

Thats what i do… i talk to people

This is not some cold blooded pen paper questionaire . most of these happened even in comms …

This is more on the side of content analyses… All open ended questions
I never judged , i never blend my own biases … i have listen … and simply try to learn as much as possible details about their adventures in eve.

In turn i learn and get more data about how they feel and react then any pro data analyst gather in limited focus questionares…

If you want to learn then you need to talk first.
I do value this… other stuff they put into numbers and statistics by CCP wothless for me… if all these stuff workedd … they havent been in this condition and dealing with retention issues now…

What i did was far more heavier work time energy conusming than the way they do …

You cannot learn anything about players frames , perspectives, feelings with the questionaire types in your head … you cant get anything usefull… and even you get something you can easily misinterpret it.
I know how to ask questions… and morover i know how to get answers even without asking too much questions and keep my interference limited… read letter to CCP post … that one is one percent of whole molevit

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hmmm… as requirement to make ‘soylent green’ a new, powerful booster

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