Can I put my paid account on hold?

I’ve quit this damn game so many times because of this crap… This time, I’ll be biomassing all my chars so I’m never tempted to waste my fkg time ever again! >:(

Are you naturally obtuse or does it take effort?

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what are you smoking?

I’ve read a few of his posts, he’s dense.


Pls contract all your st00fz ingame to “FairyTail Omaristos” and I will use it in the fight for justice n all that

Darlo is deliberately trolling. In addition, he is also dense.


Either that or he was home schooled by his cat.

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You dumb troll, if you pay in advance for a whole month of guaranteed access to a service and that service is down for a week or even worse, it is not down because they keep even thought it is not usable,causing you headaches and trouble whilst trying to acces it, that is a breach of contract and you are elligible for a full refund of that month, at least. You don’t buy Eve time in hours, you buy it in months when you’re using a subscription.

If I pay in advance 1000$ to a cab driver so I can have his service reserved to me an entire week , I might not need him 4 days in a row but in my fifth day I have an urgent meeting and he’s out drunk somewhere making excuses. I can sue him for the full 1000$ plus damages he has caused me and win in court .

The space lawyer has arrived!


If the glove don’t fit, we must acquit!

I agree. I pay for several account out of pocket, and would like to place them on hold until this stuff is figured out. While the skill training continues, I can’t do much else. I log in to check my skill queue, rework it yet again since i cant do anything else, and look at my pi. i dont even undock to grab my pi.

It’s Balos. No doubt.

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Oh Lordy! We got ourselves a Space Lawyer!!!

Also, you’re wrong you dunce. You are still getting the 2xtraining service continuously so their argument would be that you are indeed getting “as much service as the company is reasonably expected to furnish you with during this time” and they also have “space legal terms & conditions” which cover this sh1t. So take your 33 cents and just fk off.

You were implying that even if someone paid a full service and getting only the "least minimum the company is capable under said conditions ", he should only get reimbursed for the seconds he has actually spent using the service,as a form of mockery . I’m sure they have all the terms on their side, just as any Ecompany these days , because they always spend more on lawering up than on actual server security and stability.

You should fly to Fanfest and confront them!


I wasn’t ‘implying’ anything at all. I was ‘telling’ you that you get nothing and then I was ‘telling’ you to fk off.

I didn’t imply a thing.



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naari, is that you?

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Oh, that would make so much sense! @Naari_Naarian

Well, somebody didn’t read the EULA they agreed to when starting the game. Don’t worry, you are far from alone.

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