No, this is Balos/Duos.
Lastnight my time the online ticker was down to 2k.
Even more classy to construct a connection between this where none exists…
And where’s the difference between a ‘famous’ person dying in a helicopter crash and a ‘normal’ one?
Dead is dead…
Yes, you can. Submit a ticket to customer support and request to pause your sub.
If it’s fake, you need to inform CCP, save them time and resources.
But if you’re just here to troll, do return to the nearest convenient bridge as you’re not wanted here.
There is an issue. People ain’t gonna complain perpetually when CCP has acknowledge and is actively trying to resolve the issue.
Thanks for the replies, it gave me a few minutes of entertainment.
Just have to wait like everyone else & see what kind of ball cap/shirt we get. lol.
I’d like to see a live Twitch feed of the CCP staff in their offices as they work on this. Doesn’t have to have any close ups or audio.
It probably looks similar to this but with more computers involved:
Chuck Norris Action Pants.
Nice try troll.
It is very clear there is a major issue with the server. At least a couple offical CCP threads have been made on the issues. Along with probably thousands of posts now from people with disconnect issues and logging in issues from all over the world. It’s no joke, and that’s just on this forum. I’m sure other social media’s have many stressing these problems as well.
OP I made the suggestion on one of the CCP threads on the issue that they just add game time to the omega accounts. They’re already many customer support tickets open for reimbursement on lost ships from disconnect and lost time. I believe CCP already stated that some will be reimbursed.
If you feel you have lost any significant time due to the current issues open a ticket when it is all fix. Then be patient for customer service to get to you.
Dude, the entire game was down for at least 30 minutes last night, and the server at one point had less than 2k players on it.
On one of these threads there is a screenshot of only 24 people online or something…
I agree on this one.
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