Can't Enjoy the Game

This pure bad faith.
Again and again we see the same topic about complaing against Triglavian Scoot.
Again and again lot’s of peaple provides simple solutions and you are still comlaining.

You realy think CCP will remove those NPC because every two month a miner lose a ship by an npc that can be easyly avoided by using some tips provided in this post ( and all other post of the same kind )

If you do not want to apply some of those tips please dies in silence.

Because if we did that, then all those people would opt out of PvP, and the game’s economy would die a slow and painful death.

All philosophical arguments for/against nonconsensual PvP aside, the fact that it’s the main economic driver in the game’s market remains intact. This is as practical of a consideration as a consideration can get. No morality or ethics involved; just hard math.

Can a set of say 5 hobgoblins take out these new packs of NPC’s? I am a returned player as of last week. I’ve done some mining, but I have yet to encounter these.

Yup, the trigs suck and it is a stupid mechanic.

Now in addition to a hauler alt you also need a combat alt to mine.

Unfortunately as you can see, as a result of the ~40 stupid people who posted above me, it won’t be fixed.

That said, my god, 15 years mining, really, holy ■■■■! :smile:

lol, no, these rats hit hard, by the time they take out the rats you will be blown up.

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Mining used to be very relaxing. Sure you had to be at the controls, and run your d scanner and be aligned etc, but unless you got ganked, you were able to deal with the NPC rats with your drones, and continue to mine.

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Yup, low effort but low pay

Now if you are not in an Orca AFK mining there is really no point

The trigs just re-enforce the “biggest ship is best blight” that has come to EVE

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Can you dock up, get a combat boat out, go kill them, dock, go back in the barge? Does that work? Or, are there more mechanics to this feature?

More will come I think you have to kill the sites in the system and even then they respawn.

Bah, guess I going to be doing some reading then. Thanks a ton for the replies!

Here’s an interesting idea: you can pay someone to run defense for you. Mineral prices are going up as the weak and the stupid get bumped out of the industry, so why not use some of your revenue for security as a cost of doing business? You know, like real companies do in real life, when they hire security guards? You can even, I don’t know, organize a group of like-minded players together into some kind of formal structure…a corporation, if you will, in order to leverage economies of scale (since you realistically only need one defender per belt, but a belt can support multiple miners), which will increase your profits.

No? Well why not?

Oh, because you feel entitled to keep 100% of your profits? Wait, even if that 100% is actually a smaller figure than…say…80% of what you would have made after implementing my very unique and original ideas, after accounting for the lost time and ships you have to deal with right now by maintaining the status quo?

Still no? Wow. Well, I mean…okay. You do you, I guess.

(I swear, high-sec miner carebears are some of the stupidest human beings on the planet.)


Because in this case it is a dumb idea?

Oh, do go on. :smirk::ear::raised_back_of_hand:

Reading your other post just now made me realize you need more education than I have time to give.

Yeah, I could hire somebody. Are there combat pilots willing to sit in a belt for 3 hours watching a lone miner at the drop.of a hat? How much would that cost, ballpark?

Do what you can, even a quick summary will do. Make the world a better place by spreading knowledge, and fighting ignorance. It’s your duty as a human being.

Two factors to consider:

  • How much does a T1 barge pull these days?
  • What do you need to kill the Trigs?

A barge pulls at least 15, 20 million an hour, right? And I remember killing the Trigs in a properly-fit T1 cruiser (something like a BC would be overkill, but hardly more expensive). I mean, I can do tier 2 sites in a T2-fit Bellicose…

Do you need a 200-milion-SP hardcore PvPer to defend you from 4 Triglavian Starving Malarkey whatevertheshits? I am absolutely positive that you could hire a 5-million-SP noob to sit in a belt with you and pop these frigates (which also drop red tags, by the way), for something like 15 million ISK per hour, when the alternative for that person would be to grind out level 2 missions for less income, and the alternative for you is a lower income due to wasted time.

It is almost as if you have to actually play the game instead of watching porn.


Im with the OP a sandbox means you should be able to play how you want, and due to CCP constantly (So called Making the game better) they are making it a PVP only world, which is not only a very bad financial Idea, and a complete lie from what they promised in 2003. but CCP cant even keep a system of 200 real players without prior notice, otherwise time dilation goes to 10% or worse. CCP Are seeming more Like the CCP than I have ever seen.

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I think you mean Invasions… this is a terribly late post if you are actually referring to Incursions.