I just clipped this from a locked post because I think it forms a fundamental challenge that CCP is having with keeping their audience(s!!) engaged: They have allowed a pretty severe case of both cultural and political dichotomy to arise without redress (as have most MMO offerings):
- Most of the ‘hi sec crowd’ are purely PvE players who are perceived to be heavily biased against PvX players,
- Most of the ‘low sec’ and ‘null sec’ crowd, who are PvX players, and are perceived as being heavily biased against purely PvE players.
What research is available (academic as well as industry) clearly supports the assertion that the market is looking for well-integrated PvX content. I wish I could link you these, but I’d lose my own access… sorry. (CCP - you know the stuff I’m referring to, I’m sure.)
The problem is, the genre has never recovered from the segregation of PvE/PvP in the MMO, let alone designed a game that can grant both segments the content they most desire without necessarily depriving the other.
Repeatedly, games incorporate mechanics without any attention to the necessity of binding social contracts. They rely on the players to bring and maintain such things. Only one problem with it: The players never manage it as the advantage of predation swiftly corrupts and erodes interest.
Oh, and because PvX players are too lazy and disorganized to play both sides of the PvP fence (i.e., protect the prey, make them your supply chain, fight your PvX competitors for control of the materials).
(evil grin)
But why should they, when it’s cheaper, faster, and ‘fun-er’ to prey on them?
Solve for that and you ‘fix’ EvE for today’s market.
You don’t need to change the base game. You just need to give PvX players a viable and lucrative reason to protect as well to destroy.
Let them move between modes, hell, require it. And pay them nicely because you have to make up for the opportunity cost.
You’re not going to change a purely PvE player, and you’re not going to change the purely PvP player.
But if you design for PvX and make defending supply chain just as important as pirating it?
Everyone wins.
My $0.02 ISK worth.
Reference: The Trust Spectrum -