Can't Play the game because of the DANG incursions!

Thanks for the quick tip, I might try that.

Why would they?

Obviously it was determined that the security blanket of Concord’s skirts offered far too little risk for far too much reward in high sec, to the point that mining AFK has become status quo. So, they adjusted for that issue in that space.

Adjusting a problem in one area doesn’t necessitate tweaking anywhere else to suit.

But Haulie


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…are quite tasty when gently heated with a disintegrator beam and dipped in clarified butter with a touch of garlic?

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If Blood Raiders drop me a line and I will remove it for you.

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There is a difference between the Trigs killing your Venture, and killing an Orca.

The Trig scouts could potentially kill your little ship in a volley or two, but since they don’t scram, there is no reason an Orca couldn’t get away from them, let alone kill them easily with a single flight of drones unless you are very afk.

Even a reasonably tanked Orca could withstand them for a very long time, and if you don’t even look at the screen for 15 minutes, let alone listen to the blaring warning sirens of your tank going down, then you need to change your play style. 400k ehp of tank on an Orca is easily achievable, even with average skills & gear.

It’s a shame the OP lost their Orca, but to be frank, it was completely avoidable. Sure, the EVE community does sometimes throw out harsh responses, but in this case, it was all the players mistake, and stating they can’t play the game because of a small feature is ridiculous.

A number of people have offered advice to OP on how to deal with the problem. I was mining for a few hours today and killed 12 Trig scouts with my Orca, and didn’t lose a single drone.

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Also if you don’t want to be part of a big group in null, there are plenty of smaller indy groups that can show you the ropes. If you need any help, feel free to message me in-game.

I think the gist of what people are saying is this: change is the only constant. It is the very nature of “game” that we have to keep doing different things if we want the same outcome. We are not just adapting to the game. The game is adapting to us.


You’re obviously wrong about that.

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Calm down miner. Just because you can’t be afk doesn’t mean CCP should remove this stuff. Pay attention to your screen or do moon mining

Orcas can easily kill scouts as long as you actually fit your ship. Just let drones loose.

Dscan exists. Warp away if you see trigsvon scan.

Ah the famous Red Baron Triggy, eh?


Orca mining was a mistake

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i guess you’ve not played in a while, moon mining is active mining these days.

You’ve been doing the same ■■■■ for 14 years yet don’t know what incursion rats and invasion rats are. Triglavs are not incursion rats. It’s a totally different faction. And you are in an orca. How about you shoot the bastards instead of dying. Null had their ■■■■■■■ local taken and here you are complaining about 5 little frigates that do nothing. It sounds like this is a troll or a complete idiot.

I moon mined in a venture about 7 months ago

There but for the grace of Bob go I…

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oh sorry, you are talking about moon mining in high sec. either way you pay attention to your screen.

bit confusing.

as for the OP, get on with it, play the game, master it, deal with it. no idea why you feel you’ve a right to mine without anything in the game interacting with you.

bit sad really OP, playing as long as you are and can’t deal with high sec rats. ya gotta be a troll. ya just gotta be :eyes: