Capsuleer Corruption: Calling Out the Enemies of Humanity

Of course there’s more traitors. There’s way more. I’ll be continuing to add names, but I’m also trying to ensure I’m certain before listing people. This isn’t just pulling local. I need verification of aid being given to Triglavians before I list somebody.

Don’t worry, more names will come.

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I’m ashamed to not be on the list with my brothers and sisters, bathing in the glory that is Triglav. One day, maybe it shall pass that my name be engraved into this monument of recognition. @Arsia_Elkin

Well i dont know, why this is has to be done ? When we talk about disintegrators, what is inversive function of it ? Could it be, that that the triglivian desintegrators, are possible something like the salvager from or, or scanner ? With that power cradle, which looks like something like a sun, could it be, that their minimal energy output is that from a disentegrator ?

What kind of technology are behind this ? What are the reasons ? Maybe some miscommunications ? Whats with the lifeforms on the planet in ratatoss ? What, if triglivians are going to destroy the Sun, currently extracting / or injecting somethign into/from the sun. Nobody knows ?

But who cares about the Livingforms on the Planets, on the small mining outposts at the moons, etc ?

We dont know anything from that triglivians, but we do not do any PLAN B for the peoples living in Raravoss. What do you think ?

Or, perhaps, as Uriel says, better to learn the monster we don’t know to make a choice later and be weary of letting the monster we know gorge itself on yet more power. I doubt additional defensive installations will become museum pieces when it’s all over.

In spirit of Arek’Jaalan, I stand with him here. If the inquisitive mind is one of a traitor, you might as well put me on the list, Arsia.


Quite honestly, this “we’re justified in helping sacrifice an entire solar system because we just wanna learn” ■■■■■■■■ pisses me off more than the “glory to Triglav” idiots.


History will be the judge. Ours and yours.

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We don’t call you idiots, though. We believe everyone can choose their side, and respect that. No need to call anyone “idiot” or “full of ■■■■”. Facts will speak. One thing is for sure, however: everyone in that list (but not limited to, as we are many, many more) will be remembered: how, remains to be seen.

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This isn’t a disagreement over one’s favorite soft drink. You people think you’re justified in hleping sacrifice entire solar systems. Capsuleers more or less all have blood on our hands, myself included, but this is easily some of the most egregious abuse of our power I’ve ever seen.

The fact that you think I’m out of line for being uncivil to you when you’re doing as you are is absurd. Do you think this is some sort of game!?


You really are starting to sound like a tribeswoman.


I’m really proud of her, yeah.


I am saddened, but not surprised, to see many of my friends and allies on that list.


I’m not really surprised by CONCORD’s lack of intel. Over the years they have always concealed vital info from us and even accused ARC of meddling without really giving reasons. Given the level of Triglavian activity I can imagine they, and Edencom are finding it a little overwhelming. Which would mean they probably have little time to devote to the gathering of information. ARC are currently trying to discover all we can about the Triglavian forces and motives but its difficult. Our position is clear, that we stand by the citizens of the Empires.


“Mad science” is never stopping and asking yourself “What could go wrong?”. There is a lot of that going on here.


You call dibs on her, or can I invite her to my clan?

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I’ve done a lot more than that. :wink:


Please remain serious in this thread…


Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci’s post… Pretty embarrassing. Of course I only lead with that for -ARC- to care.

What it really is, is a pathetic attempt at excuse making. Isn’t this person supposed to be smart? Is this person so evil they value data over things that are material? Data describes reality, it doesn’t exist in the same way a solar system does.

Evil ideations are not to be coddled.

People are talking about this system like they know or care about it or Holy Amarr. As if this system is somehow lesser. Well, it’s not. I travel through it constantly.

Oh well, some stone-geniuses will trade it in for some ■■■■■■■ data, right?

Here’s a tip, you piece of ■■■■, for your first piece of data, try giving respect to the lives there the decency of naming their gravestone correctly.


Chisel it into your stone crown and then set a new placement and don’t stop hammering.
May CONCORD delete your infomorph and Amarr catch your soul.

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The incident has been dealt with. Let that be the end of it.


I am both hurt and confused by my absence on this list.

I thought you were more thorough than this.


Mission accomplished.

I’ve seen your words, but many capsuleers have hollow words. I verify activity as accurately as I can. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll make the list some day.