Sure and in this case it took them a long time to realise WiS wasn’t worth it and they finally removed it
"we didn’t really do any gameplay around it, it was just “here are some characters, you can walk around and that’s it. That’s all you can do, you can walk around inside a small room.”
“Sure it’s a good step to being able to be a person and being able to see your person, but it’s a more important step for that person to be able to do something rather than just walk around. And I think that’s where we ultimately failed.”
Don’t be a quitter, CCP!
Try again… just have something more than a nice couch and a rack ready to go, first.
–Gadget would buy corp marked sheets, though
Don’t be a quitter, CCP!
Try again…
Agreed… HTFU CCP.
I miss the CQ and hope project Nova will have some nice fallout.
You know, you are really on to something in this one
It all boils down to the intended target audience the game has, the amount of work needed and the return of investment.
Which actually seems a bit contradictionary. On one side CCP caters towards easy people with loose wallets, on the other hand they avoid Captain’s Quarters like the plague. It seems like they do not want to have the worst of the worst escapists around here, and settle for those who identify with their space ships instead.
Clothes and stuff are carrots for the donkeys who stick around despite not having a proper escapist environment.
Fine by me.
…those who identify with their space ships instead.
Doesn’t sound healthy too.
Doesn’t sound healthy too.
Check your privilege and stop assuming people’s genders! Nothing wrong with sexually identifying as heavy assault cruisers you know!!!111oneOneElevenZomg
I can not say I disagree. I think the vast majority though is just in it because it makes them “look unique and individualistic” and ■■■■. You know, the usual ■■■■■■■■ selling points. Space ships, after all, do not resemble actual human beings, so hopefully it helps a little.
Second Life … brrrrrrrrrrr …
Soo, some enlightened thoughts.
Some would say you have a streak of nihilism.
Think that EVE is a life too, and no one should keep you from your whisky and sofa, so.
I get your point, but forget you the easy-player, who drop in on free-account and never see EVE again.
EVE is for us who have been around, and need a sit-down!
I am not sure I fully understand your post.
Some would say you have a streak of nihilism.
I have a bit of pretty much everything, without actually caring about what people think into which mental box they should be putting me, or which kinds of these boxes actually exist.
Hopefully not a Schrödinger’s box though…
the only downside to getting rid of cq is the a lot of the clothes are pretty pointless now. Whats the point in buying footware for a toon that wont show in the portrait? Yes you can do a full body view but how often do people actually see more than just a headshot with a bit of torso?
but it’s actually just some coffee grains in the bottom of an otherwise empty mug with no water and no sugar and no milk
I would have been happy with just the quarters. It was a nice place to go that made me feel more anchored to the Universe and where I could go when I needed to think about what I was doing etc. I could sit and watch the news and feel like it was “Home”. I personally like feeling part of the world, and constantly being in space or a ship gets old. I did like the idea of WIS but would have still been happy with just the CQ. SMH I honestly don’t get why they ditched it, and It could have attracted a lot more ppl if all they did was make it so ppl could decorate it and invite their friends. Lots of games have done this and it works great. That’s ok… when Star Citizen comes out I will eventually have a “Home” in a Universe that is immersive and interactive. I get it. A lot of ppl here don’t care apparently. Though I suspect a lot more do than those who pipe up and say so.
It was pretty nice with this hangar view and big screen on which you could play your own vidios and watch the news. There was also market plugin, agent search plugin, PI plugin, ship fitting plugin. Pretty immersive stuff, with bed and mirror for customizing character. Screenshots were always nice to have wit ship in the background and yourself on the balcony. Now we effectively trapped inside ships in the game.
As a new player, I didn’t know this feature existed until this post, and after hearing the descriptions and watching videos of the feature I must say, I am really bummed out I never got to try it. As other people have said, the character editor, clothing, and worldbuilding of EVE are all far too good to be wasted in the game and an actually-supported replacement would be very cool.
Should’ve been walking on bridge not just walking in stations. Should’ve been first person. Should’ve had a feature (gambling, private market, bidding halls) that could not be done in any menu. Should have had less emphasis on graphics quality and more on performance and interaction with others.
As much as I liked to see my character step into the quarters, it got boring and felt useless really fast. The third person controls were annoying. There was nothing special to do. Switched to hangar mode exclusively probably a day after release.
This makes me sad. I was hoping they would be adding to this feature. Not taking it away.
There’s nothing more reluctant to die than a dream.
Burn in hell, CCP. You. Will. Burn. In. Hell.