Captain's quarters in our stations

You know this was in the game right? They could afford it, they did design all the stations and all the stuff and animate the moving of toons.

Then they left it to die.

That’s on them for implementing something they can’t handle. They have a bit of a track record for failing to make their ideas into successful additions to the EVE universe.

Don’t be a blind apologist. I support EVE and CCP and pay a subscription almost entirely for that reason, but I’m not going to pretend they are good at implementing new features.

Stop worrying so much that Captains Quarters makes EVE into Barbies in Space. Pilots can already fly around in bright pink ships. Too late.

Not a statement of fact. It was never made to have any real benefit. If a bright pink ship SKIN can be made to have a benefit, then Captains Qaurters can too. This is the same old tired excuse.

The original Incarna presentation video spoke of many things that would have added real benefit.

They just didn’t deliver any of it.

This is why you shouldn’t present your opinions as facts.

You don’t care =| nobody cares.

yes i know and yes i saw it one time … it was bad … real animation is somethig different … thats a fact … i know that … it should look real and not the way it looked in the captains quater … that was just a cheap thing … that has nothing todo with real waking in stations with bars, shops, and such stuff
question: you really want to go in a bar in a station in eve??? you really want to go in a shop in a station in eve? really??? klick klick klick in a market … i bought or sold my stuff done … nice finished next …

i dont do

it is! you dont explain you just wining arround about gone stuff and it was not even really good stuff … it was a cheap crap … so now please give us some examples about the benefit … not an old video please

i dont have a pink skin for a ship … sorry … i have other skins and collection them is real fun … opens a lot of interaction with total strangers becaus of exchange skins n stuff or just sell skins … it has no other benefit … it is not needed but its not really hard to run the skin stuff … something else is the animation in big battles … first thing should be if tidi arrives to turn off all skins … with 1000 or 6000 guys arround it should be good for the server …

as long as you dont bring some real arguments my statments are the only fact here so they are real as long as it takes someone to refute it

you probably think too mich about pink stuff … really … but its ok … noone will be hard with you about that … its ok … its all ok … nothing to worry about :wink: J/K


Even if we accept that for a second (and again this is just your opinion not fact) then they made it like that and It stayed like that because they left it like that.

This is a pretty basic concept you can’t / won’t grasp.

If I open up a Car Showroom and try to sell cars to people for a living, but all of my cars are actually just shoeboxes with drawn on wheels, its not going to be successful is it?

Your logic is then that Car Showrooms can never work. That cars can never be sold. Cars are crap. Car Showrooms are crap. No one should open a Car Showroom and attempt to sell cars.


Doing a thing badly says nothing about the thing and everything about how badly the thing was done. That’s really simple. Really simple.

Clicking ‘Buy This’ on a market order ‘opens a lot of interaction with total strangers’ but there’s no way Captains Quarters and the direction they could have gone with that could have done?


Now I know there’s no thought behind anything you are saying.

You are just blindly regurgitating non-facts based on your own personal bias.

This is nothing more than a ‘blue is the best colour!’ argument and I don’t do those, they are always pointless and childish.

Your opinions are not facts.

This is going nowhere. Enjoy your blue.

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You obviously don’t know what Avatar Gameplay content was originally suppose to start with back in 2007 when it was first revealed as Ambulation.

The main idea was to start it as a social aspect mixed in with trading. Avatar clothes were suppose to be manufactured and sold by players who would rent little cubicles on stations which could be set up as a store, a bar, a gambling hall, etc. Then over time more content would be added.

After the Captains Quarters were added to the game in 2011, CCP Dev’s asked the community what type of content they wanted for Avatar Gameplay. Along with the original idea of stores, bars and gambling halls, they received a lot of other ideas ranging from PvP 1v1 / team FPS arena action to full station lockdown by Sansha NPC’s that needed to be cleared out deck by deck. Also ideas of doing implant extractions on corpses in hidden Labortory’s as well as new NPC Agents offering Contraband related missions and for an extra fee, intel on other players. There was also ideas to have the bottom level of stations be a maze of dark hallways and small rooms containing lockers and crates that could be ‘Hacked’ for special loot. Ideas for Avatars wearing terrorist ‘Suicide Bomb’ vest to kill multiple characters at the same time or have ability to break into other players Captains Quarters and steal their assets.

The list goes on. CCP tried to make exploration sites as Avatar PvP sites but couldn’t get more than a couple of Avatars to operate before the game crashed. Obviously the original code needed a lot more work. Unfortunately due to the ‘Summer of Rage’ and very vocal minority group of Anti-Avatar players such as yourself, CCP quickly became gun-shy and shelved the project, then later canned the project. Hopefully the reason CCP removed the old Captain’s Quartes is because they’ve been working on new code to implement a better Captains Quarters with some real Avatar gameplay content.


Then feel free to show numbers proving your claims, because proving that only a small percentage care about WiS is a lot easier :stuck_out_tongue:

Do a google search for Eve Online forum threads about Ambulation, Avatars, WiS, Captains Quarters, etc and you’ll see there was quite a few thread-noughts created about those topics.

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whats that now? why you change to something else? oh it should be an example? thats a fail i guess but ok … to work with it … you dont need a showroom to sell cars … even if they are crap cars … you go to sell it on the free field somewhere … its how use car shops work … so you example make no sens and in the context befor it makes even less sense … sorry … cant follow your thinkings on that stuff …

in the capatins quaters i was alone … so interactions ,… hmm … i think not …
for the skinn trade stuff we use chat … meet somewhere … trade direct … its a bit of a small community … its iskless trading … collecting … in that chat are like 50 or so people? i dont know … its funny … you talk a lot with this guys … its more a social thing but yea … got some really cool stuff … sometimes ist isk for skin but its not that often … and of corse to sell on the market you dont need that … but … you dont need a captains quater for selling stuff on the market … so …

you just bring words no arguments … why is a captains quater and walking in stations a benefit?

hi @DeMichael_Crimson i read about that stuff … it sounds cool but … its a hell of work and cost really a lot of money … its near a complete 2nd game in a allready existing game … in the end it was a money thing i guess … but again it sounds really cool … as long as you can choose to use one ot the other or both things … i dont want to take a drink in a station … or go shopping … i look in the market buy and go …
i hink there was a bit too much talking and plans in that but it was a allready working game and it was much miney to keep it running and then this walking in stations would make it more expensive …
next thing … as the stations on the same node as the system with the players? if not you need to rework a lot of backgound serverstuff too … thats a really hard thing to do

all in all … bring a 2nd game with new subscribers or such stuff but in eve i cant imagine a benefit …


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Cool, now actually look at how many different people were commenting then compare that to the number of people logged in at the time, willing to bet 1bil here and now that the number of people in that thread is a small percentage of the people who were actually playing, having a long thread with only a handful of people is pretty easy and it can be easily misleading

I know I got that part.

In fact your inability to do so is physically painful.

Problem identified.

sorry but what is that? you take this and dont bring an explaination … ok … good
sitting in a empty station for hours is not faun … even if you can walk in a station
so whats to imagine there … talk to NPCs? in jita it would be cool … maybe …
ahh its not worth to talk about that

ccp took it out so its gone and its good … why work on a captains quater if it is not usefull at all … nothing else ever was brought to the game … so take it out and forget it … in the end its allways a question of money … you spend a mot of money and you want to get it back … you have to get it back … or everything has to shutdown

and sorry … i really dont get what you want … is it getting the captains quater back or is it to get walking in stations you waitet for so long or is it the + to get gameplay in stations with all the cool stuf @DeMichael_Crimson wrote about?
if we get everything @DeMichael_Crimson wrote its cool i guess … i dont know … if it is really well made it can be cool … but its not realistic because its a lot of money … lot ,or servers and most time wyou an 5 others are at the same station and 3 are afk and just docked there …


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If you actually do a google search on each of those topics I listed, you will find a bunch of threads dating back to 2007.

What’s funny about all those threads is that each one has only a small amount of Anti-Avatar posters in them yet those posters are the most obstinate and extremely vocal crowd of all. Strangest thing still is that even after 10 years, Anti-Avatar supporters are still singing the same old song, all the while looking for someone who will sing along.

It is funny, all the years I played Eve, and all of the years that CQ had been around, I think I used it maybe a dozen times. At first because it was kind of cool, then I saw that it was just clunky and not quite as easy as sitting staring at my ship and doing all of my management stuff in the windows. Not like I play EVE for the graphics, most of the time I dont even see my ship because of all of the overlays and such up.

The only good reason I found to using CQ was to go AFK and not have your ship burned into your monitor. That or to see the station advertisements without having to pan your camera at some odd angle.

That still doens’t change what i said, compare the number of people who wanted the feature to the total number of players, if the feature was as widely demanded as you claim then you’ll make up a significant portion of the playerbase, i mean i’ll save you the math, you’re not

Don’t really know what you’re babbling about but there was definitely more players for WiS then there was against it. Don’t fool yourself man. The problem is that CCP released a looking glass cage which had no game play content available whatsoever, if they had added a little something to it, there would have been more players using it. Unfortunately it was a resource hog with long loading time that needed to be severely optimized.

The bottom line is that CCP couldn’t deliver what they promised due to being handicapped by old code. They did the best they could and since they’re now upgrading the game with new code, the Captains Quarters had to go. Wouldn’t surprise me if CCP comes back with a newer version of the Captains Quarters with some basic game play options available.

Personally I don’t see why you have such a hard on against it, definitely didn’t affect anybody’s game play since accessing it was optional.

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I think you’re missing the point, you’re only looking at the people on the forums, if people honestly cared enough about WiS they would have commented about it, seeing as the vocal part of the community who wanted it only represented a fraction of the playerbase its hardly surprising it was dumpstered, in all my years of playing after it was announced i ran in to very few players who actually wanted it, most players could see that it didn’t actually contribute to EVE and was going to be, at very best, some pointless minigame crap that nobody really asked for

And optional or not, leaving it in WOULD have contributed to taking up developer and QA time that could have been better spent on parts of the game that actually contributed

I can say the same thing too, you and others like you who don’t want Avatar game play content are just a small percentage of the forum community, which in itself is a small percentage of the actual player base.

Now I already said the Captains Quarters didn’t have any viable game play content associated with it. If it actually had some, a lot more players would have used it and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. To say otherwise is just plain foolish.

Also a lot of players have been asking for Ambulation ever since it was first revealed back in 2007. As for taking up Developer time, effort and resources, all the other failed projects like DUST, WoD, VR, etc have all wasted way more time, effort and resources than what was put into developing Captains Quarters.

We all get it, you don’t like WiS. No need for you to keep harping on it, that project has already burned down to the ground. I just don’t understand why you feel threatened at the thought of this game having FPS Avatar game content added to it.

Obviously you’re missing the point that if it did have that content available, it would draw in more customers which means more money for CCP to invest back into Eve. Plus the fact that some of those players who join for WiS would also end up doing Spaceship content which in turn creates more targets to interact with in the game.


I just returned to EVE a few months ago, and today I realize I can’t get off my ship to go into CQ, so I came here and found this thread. I was hoping they would expand on that feature, but I guess not.


Here’s a thread where players posted screenshots of Captains Quarters.

Sure, but there is a problem with that, players were more than aware of the feature yet they didn’t bother to post support for it, could it be that most players saw that it was actually a complete waste of development time, i know i did, i wasn’t demanding they drop the feature, i was just sitting here pointing out how worthless it was

Unlikely, most players just want things to happen fast so they can move on with their lives, people don’t want to have to dock, run to 4 different sections of the modelled station which will have different interiors based on the race that owned it just to do some simple things like check the market and contracts and buy stuff from the market and then fit it to their ship, yes you could sit there and say they could have a quick menu for this, but in that case, what purpose does the 3D modelled section even offer

We told them Dust was a waste, we told them WoD was a waste, everyone knows VR was a waste, yes they were bigger wastes but that doesn’t justify having a smaller waste, they trimmed the fat, they got rid of a feature they kind of already knew would have limited appeal and not really be worth the extra QA overhead involved, its the reason they removed what little was there, despite there not even being that much it was already needing to be tested alongside all the space parts

Its not like anybody bringed them to their senses. The main advantage and curse of CCP is that they do stuff their own way. I see that they always have potential, but its wasted because it was to little time or money poured in into projects, too many of them simultanously.