CCP Falcon! o7

It indicates nothing other than that people move on, times change. Battles are won and lost but the war rages on.

If you want hardcore, GTFO your computer. Older players don’t own a monopoly over “hardcore”.

[expletive deleted] you and the tired old horse you rode in on.

Wonder what the new replacements will be like.

o7 Falcon

–Gadget looks for a Korean Primer


CCP Falcon won’t be missed.


While I personally don’t like his online persona, I still respect his position of being CCP’s Community Manager, albeit I do think CCP should have had somebody else fill that role.

Be that as it may, he still deserves a little bit of respect for all the years of having to bear the brunt of all the toxic fallout generated by CCP’s failures.


I wonder if one of the CCP’s biggest failures, also known as CCP damage control doctrine, was one of his own doing.


Reading this thread, it’s kinda understandable that someone would get fed up with the job of managing this community.

I’m still surprised that he hung in there so long.


To be fair based on his posts and attitude as community manager he perfectly fits into the community. :stuck_out_tongue:


He was a famous EVE pirate after all.
He basically lived the dream most people have.


Probable that’s why every EVE info from him was not on this official forum.

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I agree.

To lose (arguably) the two most prominent names of CCP in a short period of time I think doesn’t bode well for the game, the players, or CCP as a company.


Great Effort, Good luck for the future Falcon o7


Pretty sure he won’t share it soon. Too professional. :wink:

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I think you may want to read his post again - He did not mention players but was referring to how the game is being dumbed down to suit a younger generation who’s gaming is very much based on instant gratification, something Eve is not well known for.

It is a bit sad CCP has gone the way it has but seems to be the way to keep games alive today -

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I think that’s more a matter of different times and standards than favouritism. What Mittens did was wrong no doubt about it, but it was also fairly common back then; his “crime” was to do it during a public event organised by CCP and thus he had to be punished, if it had been strictly ingame it may well have been ignored.

The Erotica 1 scandal is another example of this, in years prior to it 99% of what transpired was fairly common and for the most part went unpunished; today most of what happened in the run up to it would be stamped upon by CCP from a very great height.

The unwritten rules of conduct in Eve are much more stringent than they were in 2009 when I first started playing, much of what is unacceptable now was commonplace a decade ago.



… I really need to learn to watch videos before I link them. :roll_eyes:

From May 2008, btw. One can even hear that… :smiley:


IIRC someone song ransomed a dev way back when.


Tank CEO with Daakkon with that guy who joined their voice after being killed. Not the same thing but hilarious to this day.

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I can’t find the video. :confused:

CCP was doing these classes on different parts of Eve. They were done publicly with anyone who wanted being able to join. One of these was about wormholes. The devs lead a fleet of players into wormhole-space, only to get caught by wormholers pretty fast. The ransom for letting the fleet go was for CCP Gargant to sing something. The song of choice… well…


Took some digging: