CCP Hilmar, CCP Falcon, and CCP Goodfella reveal their plans for an Eve Era of CHAOS in this new interview!

You are totally wrong about this. CCP makes around 350m a year, It’s no where near the 800-900m you get out of games like league, overwatch, etc.

20k people with 10k spending 100k = at best 2 million.
7 million people spending 300 a year = at best 21 million
The competition between “catering to the masses” and “niche” Is SO stupid far away from each other its not funny, and catering to the rando’s is the best call to be made, not only for income, but also corporate identity and game health/longevity.

EVE SUCKS compared to many other games. Hell, I know companies that make browser games that are making twice the amount ccp makes in a year.

Stupidity. lets think about that. Hey im gona make a business, but i dont need a lot of money. So from the start, i’ll just be at best meh.

Who makes a judgement call like that?

Yes it does. By the way, the mainstream was not established at this point. IT was just birthing. It’s barely finding its place now. Ill let you know something interesting. Did you know after 9/11 the only industry to always have a increase in income from year to year was gaming? not even porn did this.

Actually this is not true and demonstrates your ignorance. Most gaming studio’s are very similar.